JAASEP Spring/Summer 2013

JAASEP Editorial Board of Reviewers


Using a Four-point Scaled Writing Rubric: Improving the Quantity and the Quality of the Writing in a First Grade Specialized 8:1:1 Classroom

Lynn Carlson


Effective Inclusion Strategies for Professionals Working with Students with Disabilities

Kathleen A. Hogan, Marla Lohmann, and Rose Champion


Professional Development to Support Students with Disabilities in Multi-Tier Classrooms:  A Case Study

Brooke Blanks


Integrated Education in Contemporary Poland

Danuta Apanel


The Effects of Self-Graphing on Oral Reading Fluency for a Student with E/BD within an Alternative Education School

Sara C. McDaniel, Kristine Jolivette and Robin Parks Ennis


Applied Behavior Analysis: Current Myths in Public Education

Cheryl Fielding, John Lowdermilk, Lauren L. Lanier, Abigail G. Fannin, Jennifer L. Schkade, Chad A. Rose, and Cynthia G. Simpson


Application of the RtI Model in Learning Disability Diagnosis: Perceptions of Current Practices by New Jersey Special Education Administrators

Pamela E. Lowry


An Exploratory Study of Successful Paperwork Management Techniques for Novice Special Education Teachers

Richard L. Mehrenberg


Factors Influencing Teacher Behavior with Students with Diverse Learning and Behavioral Needs

Edward K. Schultz and Cynthia G. Simpson


Educational Outcomes for Students with Special Needs: The Impact of Support and Resources on Teachers’ Perceptions

Traci Y. Sharpe


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JAASEP Editorial Board of Reviewers

JAASEP Executive Editors

Roger Pierangelo, Ph.D.

George Giuliani, J.D., Psy.D.

JAASEP Editorial Board

Nichole L. Adams, Psy. D.,
Nicholas Agro, J.D.
Naomi Arseneau M.S. Ed
Vance L. Austin, Ph.D.
Faith Andreasen, Ph.D.
Diana Basilice, Ed.M.
Heather Bausano, Psy.D.
Rhonda S. Black, Ed.D.
Brooke Blanks, Ph.D.
Kara Boyer, M.S.Ed.
Monica R. Brown, Ph.D.
Renee Brown, Ed.S.
Maricel T. Bustos, NBC
Debra Camp-McCoy, Ed.S.
Lynn Carlson, M.S.
Keri Chernichun, Psy.D.
Robert Colucci, D.O.
Lisa Dille, Ed.D.
Russell G. Dubberly, N.B.C.T., Ed. D.
Anne Durham, MM., MS. ME.
Tracey Falardeau Lindroth, M.A.
Neil Friesland, Ed.D.
Jeffrey Froh, Psy.D.
Leigh K. Gates, Ed.D.,
Anita Giuliani, M.S., S.A.S., S.D.A
Lola Gordon, Ed.S.
Matthew Glavach, Ph.D.
Sean Green, Ph.D.
Victoria W. Hulsey, Ed. D.
Nicole Irish, Ed.D.
Bradley Johnson, Ph.D.
Christopher Kearney, M.S.
Noel Kok Hwee Chia, EdD, BCET, BCSE, FCP, FCoT, FCollP
Debra Leach, Ed.D.
Pamela E. Lowry, Ed.D. LDTC, NCED
Matthew Lucas, Ed.D., C.A.P.E.
Richard Lucido, Ph.D.
Jay R. Lucker, Ed.D., CCC-A/SLP, FAAA
Elisabetta Monari Martinez, Ph.D. Candidate
Scott Markowitz, J.D.
Cara E. McDermott Fasy NBCT, Ph.D.
Cory McMillen, M.S.Ed.
Richard L. Mehrenberg, Ph.D.
Lisa Morris, M.S.
Shirley Mullings, Ed.D/CI
Lawrence Nhemachena, MSc
Myrna R. Olson, Ed.D.
Philip P. Patterson, Ph.D.
Clarissa E. Rosas, Ph.D.
Audrey C. Rule, Ph.D.
Edward Schultz, Ph.D.
Carrie Semmelroth, M.A.
Dr. Mustafa Serdar KOKSAL
Cynthia T. Shamberger, Ph.D.
Tanya Spadaro, Ed.M.
Trisha Spencer, M.S.Ed.
Michelle Stephan, Ed.D.
Kristine Lynn Still, Ph.D.
Roben W. Taylor, Ed.D.
Amanda D. Tedder, M.ED.
Jessie S. Thacker-King, MED.
Raschelle Theoharis, Ph.D.
Vicki A. Urquhart, M.Ed.
Danielle Warnke, M.S. (Ph.D. Candidate)
Kathleen G. Winterman, Ed.D
Perry A. Zirkel, Ph.D., J.D., LL.M.

JAASEP ManagingEditor

Richard Scott

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