JAASEP Winter 2012

JAASEP Editorial Board of Reviewers


Consulting to Support Emotional Behavioral Disordered Students: Implementing a Behavioral School-Based Approach

Faith Andreasen


Finding Opportunity in Co-Teacher Personality Conflicts

Kara Boyer & Cory McMillen


Meeting the Needs of Special Education Students in Inclusion Classrooms

Cathy LeDoux, Shanna L. Graves & Winona Burt


Community-Based Instruction (CBI) as a Component of a Successful Transition Plan for Students with Intellectual Disabilities

Dr. Russell Dubberly


Postsecondary Education Experience for Students with Developmental Disabilities: A Look into Perceptions of Parents of Senior High Transition Students on a Small University Campus

Neil Friesland & Brad King


Autistic Spectrum Disorder and Assistive Technology: Action Research Case Study of Reading Supports

James E. Gentry & Pam Lindsey


A Qualitative Study of Special Education Certification Methods and How They Affect Teacher Efficacy

Sean Green


The Classroom Infrastructure and the Early Learner: Reducing Aggression During Transition Times

Caroline Guardino & Elizabeth Kirby Fullerton


Development of Web Quest Lesson Enhancing Thai Reading Skills for Students with Down Syndrome at Lower Elementary

Nantawan Kaewchote & Maturos Chongchaikit

Should Children with Auditory Processing Disorders Receive Services in Schools?

Jay R. Lucker


The Use of a Rubric as a Tool to Guide Pre-Service Teachers in the Development of IEPs

Clarissa E. Rosas & Kathleen G. Winterman

Quality Care for Down Syndrome and Dementia

Amanda Tedder

Does Repeated Reading Improve Reading Fluency and Comprehension for Struggling Adolescent Readers?

Kristine Lynn Still & Christine A. Flynt


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JAASEP Editorial Board of Reviewers

JAASEP Executive Editors

Roger Pierangelo, Ph.D.

George Giuliani, J.D., Psy.D.

JAASEP Editorial Board

Nicholas Agro, ESQ.

Diana Basilice, Ed.M.

Heather Bausano, Psy.D.

Keri Chernichun, Psy.D.

Robert Colucci, D.O.

Jeffrey Froh, Psy.D.

Anita Giuliani, M.S., S.A.S., S.D.A

Christopher Kearney, M.S.

Matthew Lucas, Ed.D., C.A.P.E. 

Scott Markowitz, Esq.

Lisa Morris, M.S.

Tanya Spadaro, Ed.M.

Danielle Warnke, M.S.

JAASEP ManagingEditor

Richard Scott

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