JAASEP Editorial Board of Reviewers

A Systematic Review of Video Modeling Interventions to Improve the Independent Living Skills of Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder and Intellectual Disability

Kaylee S. Wynkoop, Daniel R. Wissinger, and Matthew Van Horn

What Challenges do Special Education Teacher Educators Encounter While Preparing Novice Special Education Teachers?

Laurie A. Sharp & Frank Goode

Services and Supports for Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorders in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Siddiq Ahmed, Morgan Chitiyo, and Mohamad Al-Jaffal

How Parents of Students with PANDAS or PANS Perceive the Educational Process

Patricia Rice Doran and Elizabeth O’Hanlon

The Changing Role of the Itinerant Teacher of the Deaf: A Snapshot of Current Teacher Perceptions

Holly F. Pedersen and Karen L. Anderson

Augmentative and Alternative Communication in Classrooms: Special Education Teacher Competences

Rashed A. Aldabas

Overcoming Adapted Physical Education Barriers through Collaboration among Special Educators and Administrators

Scott W.T. McNamara, Lisa Silliman-French, Valda Morgan, and Tammy L. Stephens-Pisecco

Perceived Effectiveness of Classroom Management Interventions with Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder

Darlene Desbrow

Theory to Practice: Implementation Achievements and Challenges of Response to Intervention in a Rural District

Brenda L. Barrio, Kira J. Carbonneau, Marcus Poppen, Darcy Miller, Michael Dunn, and Yun-Ju Hsiao

General Educator Perceptions of School Support in Teaching Students with an IEP

Faith Kenny

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JAASEP Editorial Board of Reviewers

JAASEP Executive Editors

Roger Pierangelo, Ph.D.
George Giuliani, J.D., Psy.D.

JAASEP Editorial Board

Wasim Ahmad, Ph.D. 
Dr. Mohammed Alzyoudi 
Naomi Arseneau M.S. Ed 
Vance L. Austin, Ph.D. 
Faith Andreasen, Ph.D.
Amy Balin, Ph.D.,
Heather Bish, Ed.D. 
Rhonda S. Black, Ed.D. 
Brooke Blanks, Ph.D. 
Elfreda Blue, Ph.D.
Kathleen Boothe, Ph.D. 
Kara Boyer, M.S.Ed. 
Casey M. Breslin, Ph.D. 
Monica R. Brown, Ph.D. 
Renee Brown, Ed.S. 
Alice M. Buchanan, Ph.D. 
Maricel T. Bustos, NBC 
Debra Camp-McCoy, Ed.S. 
Lynn Carlson, M.S.
Nicholas Catania, Ph.D. Candidate
Lindsey A. Chapman, Ph.D.
Morgan Chitiyo, Ph.D.
Jonathan Chitiyo, Ph.D.
Heidi Cornell, Ph.D.
Josh Del Viscovo, MS, BCSE 
Lisa Dille, Ed.D. 
Joseph F Drolette, Ed.D, B.C.S.E.
William Dorfman, B.A. (MA in progress) 
Russell G. Dubberly, N.B.C.T., Ed. D. 
Anne Durham, MM., MS. ME. 
Tracey Falardeau, M.A.
Danielle Feeney, Ph.D. Candidate 
Heidi Flavian, Ph.D. 
Neil Friesland, Ed.D.
Theresa Garfield, Ed.D. 
Leigh K. Gates, Ed.D. 
Lydia Gerzel-Short, Ed.D. 
Anita Giuliani, M.S., S.A.S., S.D.A 
Lola Gordon, Ed.S. 
Matthew Glavach, Ph.D. 
Sean Green, Ph.D.
Deborah W. Hartman, M.S., B.C.S.E. 
Stephen Hernandez, Ed.D. 
Brittany L. Hott, Ph.D. 
Victoria W. Hulsey, Ed. D. 
Nicole Irish, Ed.D. 
Julie Ivey-Hatz, Ph.D. 
Bradley Johnson, Ph.D. 
Randa G. Keeley, Ph.D.
Hyun Uk Kim, Ph.D. 
Louisa Kramer-Vida, Ed.D.
Nai-Cheng Kuo, PhD., BCBA
Renée E. Lastrapes, Ph.D. 
Debra Leach, Ed.D. Gloria 
Lodato Wilson, Ph.D.
Marla J. Lohmann, Ph.D.
Mary Lombardo-Graves, Ed.D. 
Leslie Loughmiller, Ed.D 
Pamela E. Lowry, Ed.D. LDTC, NCED 
Matthew Lucas, Ed.D., C.A.P.E. 
Richard Lucido, Ph.D. 
Jay R. Lucker, Ed.D., CCC-A/SLP, FAAA
Jennifer N. Mahdavi, Ph.D., BCBA-D 
Alyson M. Martin, Ed.D. 
Cara E. McDermott Fasy NBCT, Ph.D. 
Mary McDonald, Ph.D. 
Cory McMillen, M.S.Ed. 
Richard L. Mehrenberg, Ph.D.
Elisabetta Monari Martinez, Ph.D. Candidate
Marcia Montague, Ph.D.
Chelsea T. Morris, Ph.D. 
Shirley Mullings, Ed.D/CI 
Lawrence Nhemachena, MSc 
Myrna R. Olson, Ed.D. 
Darra Pace, Ed.D. 
Philip P. Patterson, Ph.D.
Christine Powell. Ed.D. 
Anji Reddy Nalamalapu, M.A., M.Ed.
Deborah K. Reed, Ph.D.
Ken Reimer, Ph.D.
Dana Reinecke, Ph.D. 
Denise Rich-Gross, Ph.D.
Benjamin Riden, ABD - Ph.D. 
Clarissa E. Rosas, Ph.D. 
Audrey C. Rule, Ph.D.
Pamela Mary Schmidt, M.S. 
Edward Schultz, Ph.D. 
Diane Schwartz, Ed.D. 
Emily R. Shamash, Ed.D. 
Dr. Mustafa Serdar KOKSAL 
Cynthia T. Shamberger, Ph.D.
Gregory W. Smith, Ph.D.
Emily Sobeck, Ph.D.
Ernest Solar, Ph.D. 
Trisha Spencer, M.S.Ed. 
Michelle Stephan, Ed.D.
Gretchen L. Stewart , Ph.D. Candidate 
Kristine Lynn Still, Ph.D. 
Roben W. Taylor, Ed.D. 
Amanda D. Tedder, M.ED. 
Jessie S. Thacker-King, Ed.D 
Raschelle Theoharis, Ph.D. 
Vicki A. Urquhart, M.Ed. 
Joseph Valentin, M.S. Ed., B.C.S.E
Julia VanderMolen, Ph.D.
Cindy Widner, Ed.D. Candidate 
Kathleen G. Winterman, Ed.D
Perry A. Zirkel, PhD., J.D., LL.

JAASEP Managing Editor

Richard Scott

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