Board Certification in Special Education (BCSE)

Board Certification in Special Education

Prove Your Excellence in the Special Education Field!

NASET members now have an exclusive opportunity to achieve NASET/AASEP Board Certification in Special Education, B.C.S.E at a substantially reduced price! Currently there are very few programs that lead to Board Certification in the field of Special Education. Those that do exist, cost thousands!

Now you can get this in-demand certification honor for so much less, and with no application fee!

The NASET/AASEP Board Certification in Special Education represents a professional’s qualifications in a specific field of practice in special education.
The certification demonstrates excellence as well as increasing the visibility, credibility and validates expertise with those outside the profession.

While state licensing systems set standards for professionals in the field*, the Board Certification from NASET & the Academy provides advanced standards in the professional field and many benefits, including…

The Ultimate Commitment to Special Education

The Board Certification in Special Education, B.C.S.E. signifies your
highly skilled expertise, experience and commitment to Special Education!

Elite Group of Special Education Pros

You’ll be in good company, among an elite and exclusive group who meet the rigorous
professional development standards required by NASET/AASEP.

Complete Credibility

The B.C.S.E. certification lends credibility and prominence to the Special Education profession.

Go Above and Beyond Dedication

The Board Certification in Special Education exemplifies your dedication to the field of special education, going above and beyond what is required.

Competitive Edge

Want a leg up in your career?
You’ll have it as the B.C.S.E. provides the impression of excellence and a real competitive edge.

Enhance Your Resume

Add to your marketability in your professional career.

The Highest Mark of Professionalism

B.C.S.E. illuminates your polished skills and offers respectability.

Are You Eligible?

Eligibility Criteria for NASET/AASEP Board Certification in Special Education

1.  Possession of a minimum of a master’s degree from any of the following…

  • United States or Canadian institution of higher education fully or provisionally accredited by a regional, state, provincial or national accrediting body
  • An institution of higher education located outside the United States or Canada that, at the time the applicant was enrolled and at the time the applicant graduated, maintained a standard of training equivalent to the standards of training of those institutions accredited in the United States.

2.  Graduate Level Degree Masters or higher attained by the candidate must be in a field involved with students with special needs and related fields (i.e. Law, Medical,etc.). These include, but are not limited to the following…

  • Adapted Physical Education Teachers
  • Administrators of Special Education
  • Art Therapists
  • Audiologists
  • Counselors
  • Dance Therapists
  • General Education Teachers/Guidance Counselors
  • Inclusion Teachers
  • Music Therapists
  • Nurses
  • Occupational Therapists
  • Para-educators
  • Physical Therapists
  • Psychologists/ School Psychologists
  • Recreation Therapists
  • Social Workers
  • Special Education Teachers
  • Speech and Language Therapists

B.C.S.E Course Modules

7 In-Depth Modules for highly advanced excellence

  • MODULE #1: Overview of Legal Issues in Special Education
  • MODULE #2: Assessment in Special Education
  • MODULE #3: Response to Intervention
  • MODULE #4:  Understanding Students with Exceptionalities
  • MODULE #5: Special Education Eligibility
  • MODULE #6: Critical Concepts in Special Education (Part 1)
  • MODULE #7: Critical Concepts in Special Education (Part 2)

Prove Your Excellence

Begin the application process!

Be on your way to the highest level of professionalism in Special Education below.

To Learn More: 

*It is important to understand that Board Certification in Special Education does not replace state licensing or recertify any professional unless the governing body from which one is seeking to attain recertification recognizes NASET/AASEP Board Certification. This is something you need to check with your State and professional governing bodies, as they dictate and determine what is acceptable in terms of the professional development credit.


BCSE Links

BCSE Application - Click here  

BCSE Requirements and Cost - Click here

BCSE FAQ - Click here

BCSE Module/Unit Summaries - Click here

BCSE Handbook - Click Here

BCSE Renewal - Click Here

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