The Practical Teacher

Welcome to THE PRACTICAL TEACHER, NASET's e-publication for teachers working in the field of special education.

THE PRACTICAL TEACHER is an educational resource that provides NASET members with practical tools, strategies, and relevant information that they can use both in and outside of the classroom.  It is announced and made available for download via email in the Week in Review. PDF file version of each issue can be found at the end of the every issue.

Latest Issue: Supporting Students with Disabilities in Transitional Services: Advocating for Post-Secondary Success

    The Practical Teacher Archives:

    See a Sample Practical Teacher (Visitor Access)

    Each issue of THE PRACTICAL TEACHER focuses on a specific topic.  These topics are selected based on:

    The idea of THE PRACTICAL TEACHER was first discussed after surveying NASET's members as to what they wanted from us.  Although the responses were incredibly positive as to what we provide our members, the one theme that did stand out was that more practical sources sent via email would be helpful.  Upon analyzing the responses, we were determined and committed to give our members what they requested.

    THE PRACTICAL TEACHER was developed due to the increased demands on teachers working with exceptional children.  Because the roles and responsibilities for special educators have become so varied, NASET created THE PRACTICAL TEACHER to assist special educators with a diverse set of topic categories that we feel can assist these teachers in every day life.

    THE PRACTICAL TEACHER covers areas that special educators are commonly facing in their every day teaching.  In order to continue to be exceptional teachers teaching exceptional children, NASET wants to be sure that its members are kept current with the latest classroom management strategies and teaching techniques in the field.

    If you have any suggestions for topics you would like covered in an issue of THE PRACTICAL TEACHER, please contact us at

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