JAASEP Editorial Board of Reviewers


How Expert Special Educators Effectively Negotiate Their Job Demands

Shawna P. Ortogero, Ph.D., Rhonda S. Black, Ed.D.  and Bryan G. Cook, Ph.D.

Inclusive Concurrent Enrollment: A Promising Postsecondary Transition Practice for Building Self-Determination among Students with Intellectual Disability

Amy L. Cook, Ph.D., Felicia L. Wilczenski, Ed.D. and Laura Vanderberg, Ph.D.

Improving Outcomes for Students with Disabilities: Identifying Characteristics of Successful Districts

Melissa DeVries, M.Ed. and Oran Tkatchov, M.Ed.

A Comparative Study of Teachers’ Pedagogical Competencies in Supporting Children with Learning Difficulties in Primary Schools in Ghana and Brunei Darussalam

Okechukwu Abosi, Ph.D, and Abdul Razak Kuyini Alhassan, Ph.D.

A Case Study of Factors that Influenced the Attrition or Retention of Two First-Year Special Education Teachers

Marquis C. Grant, Ed.D.

Significant Outcomes in Case Law in the United States: Autism and IDEA in 2013, Transition Issues and Changes in Diagnostic Evaluation Criteria

Doris Adams Hill, Ph.D. and Jonte Taylor, Ph.D.

Effectiveness of Pearson’s SuccessMaker Mathematics for Students with Disabilities

Steven K. McKissick

Teachers’ Methodologies and Sources of Information on HIV/AIDS for Students with Visual Impairments in Selected Residential and Integrated Schools in Ghana

Samuel K. Hayford and Frederick Ocansey

Managing Asthma in Elementary and Middle Schools: Adherence to Federal Laws and National Guidelines

Ethan J. Schilling, Ph.D., Stacey Neuharth-Pritchett, Ph.D., Yvette Q. Getch, Ph.D. and A Michele Lease, Ph.D.

Use of Social Narratives as an Evidence-Based Practice to Support Employment of Young Adults with ASD: Practitioner’s Guide

Jamie Thomas, M.S. and Susan Nix, M.Ed.

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JAASEP Editorial Board of Reviewers

JAASEP Executive Editors

Roger Pierangelo, Ph.D.
George Giuliani, J.D., Psy.D.

JAASEP Editorial Board

Dr. Mohammed Alzyoudi
Naomi Arseneau M.S. Ed
Vance L. Austin, Ph.D.
Faith Andreasen, Ph.D.
Rhonda S. Black, Ed.D.
Brooke Blanks, Ph.D.
Elfreda Blue, Ph.D.
Kara Boyer, M.S.Ed.
Casey M. Breslin, Ph.D.
Monica R. Brown, Ph.D.
Renee Brown, Ed.S.
Alice M. Buchanan, Ph.D.
Maricel T. Bustos, NBC
Debra Camp-McCoy, Ed.S.
Lynn Carlson, M.S.
Lisa Dille, Ed.D.
Joseph F Drolette, Ed.D, B.C.S.E.
Russell G. Dubberly, N.B.C.T., Ed. D.
Anne Durham, MM., MS. ME.
Tracey Falardeau, M.A.
Heidi Flavin, Ph.D.
Neil Friesland, Ed.D.
Leigh K. Gates, Ed.D.
Lydia Gerzel-Short, Ed.D.
Anita Giuliani, M.S., S.A.S., S.D.A
Lola Gordon, Ed.S.
Matthew Glavach, Ph.D.
Sean Green, Ph.D.
Stephen Hernandez, Ed.D.
Brittany L. Hott, Ph.D.
Victoria W. Hulsey, Ed. D.
Nicole Irish, Ed.D.
Julie Ivey-Hatz, Ph.D.
Bradley Johnson, Ph.D.
Randa G. Keeley, M.A. (Doctoral Candidate)
Louisa Kramer-Vida, Ed.D.
Debra Leach, Ed.D.
Gloria Lodato Wilson, Ph.D.
Leslie L. Loughmiller, Ed.D.
Pamela E. Lowry, Ed.D. LDTC, NCED
Matthew Lucas, Ed.D., C.A.P.E.
Richard Lucido, Ph.D.
Jay R. Lucker, Ed.D., CCC-A/SLP, FAAA
Elisabetta Monari Martinez, Ph.D. Candidate
Alyson M. Martin, Ed.D.
Cara E. McDermott Fasy NBCT, Ph.D.
Mary McDonald, Ph.D.
Cory McMillen, M.S.Ed.
Richard L. Mehrenberg, Ph.D.
Shirley Mullings, Ed.D/CI
Lawrence Nhemachena, MSc
Myrna R. Olson, Ed.D.
Darra Pace, Ed.D.
Philip P. Patterson, Ph.D.
Anji Reddy Nalamalapu, M.A., M.Ed.
Denise Rich-Gross, Ph.D.
Clarissa E. Rosas, Ph.D.
Audrey C. Rule, Ph.D.
Edward Schultz, Ph.D.
Diane Schwartz, Ed.D.
Carrie Semmelroth, M.A.
Emily R. Shamash, Ed.D.
Dr. Mustafa Serdar KOKSAL
Cynthia T. Shamberger, Ph.D.
Trisha Spencer, M.S.Ed.
Michelle Stephan, Ed.D.
Kristine Lynn Still, Ph.D.
Roben W. Taylor, Ed.D.
Amanda D. Tedder, M.ED.
Jessie S. Thacker-King, MED.
Raschelle Theoharis, Ph.D.
Vicki A. Urquhart, M.Ed.
Kathleen G. Winterman, Ed.D
Perry A. Zirkel, Ph.D., J.D., LL.

JAASEP ManagingEditor

Richard Scott

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