Table of Contents
JAASEP Editorial Board of Reviewers
Diane Schwartz, Elfreda Blue, Mary McDonald and Darra Pace
Bullying Experiences, Anxiety About Bullying, and Special Education Placement
Danielle M. Saia, Conway F. Saylor, Ryan A. Allen and Penny L. Arnau
What Do Children Learn About Prosocial Behavior from the Media?
Narissra Maria Punyanunt-Carter and Stacy L. Carter
Elfreda V. Blue and Tammy Alexander
Illustrating and Designing Quranic Imagery
Lubna Almenoar
Students with Juvenile Arthritis Participating in Recess
Matthew D. Lucas
Behavioral Strategies for Students with Autism in the General Education Classroom
Hope Bice
A Poem by Sheila McKamy
Author Guidelines for Submission to JAASEP
Copyright and Reprint Rights of JAASEP
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JAASEP Editorial Board of Reviewers
JAASEP Executive Editors
Roger Pierangelo, Ph.D.
George Giuliani, J.D., Psy.D.
JAASEP Editorial Board
Nicholas Agro, ESQ.
Diana Basilice, Ed.M.
Heather Bausano, Psy.D.
Keri Chernichun, Psy.D.
Robert Colucci, D.O.
Jeffrey Froh, Psy.D.
Anita Giuliani, M.S., S.A.S., S.D.A
Christopher Kearney, M.S.
Scott Markowitz, Esq.
Lisa Morris, M.S.
Tanya Spadaro, Ed.M.
Danielle Warnke, M.S.
JAASEP ManagingEditor
Richard Scott