JAASEP Fall 2011

JAASEP Editorial Board of Reviewers

JAASEP Executive Editors

Roger Pierangelo, Ph.D.

George Giuliani, J.D., Psy.D.

JAASEP Editorial Board

Nicholas Agro, ESQ.

Diana Basilice, Ed.M.

Heather Bausano, Psy.D.

Keri Chernichun, Psy.D.

Robert Colucci, D.O.

Jeffrey Froh, Psy.D.

Anita Giuliani, M.S., S.A.S., S.D.A

Christopher Kearney, M.S.

Matthew Lucas, Ed.D., C.A.P.E.

Scott Markowitz, Esq.

Lisa Morris, M.S.

Tanya Spadaro, Ed.M.

Danielle Warnke, M.S.

JAASEP ManagingEditor

Richard Scott

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