Inclusion Series
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NASET is proud to offer a new series devoted exclusively to the concept of inclusion as a special education setting and working in an inclusive setting.. This series will cover all aspects of inclusion focusing especially on understanding this population and what skills and information are necessary if you are asked to teach this population of students. However, to understand who is included in this population we must first clarify several concepts, definitions, and foundational issues.
At the end of this series you should:
- Understand concepts and terminology associated with inclusion.
- Understand the different categories of exceptional students. To understand historical and legal development of special education and its relevance in today’s schools.
- To understand contemporary issues of educating students with mild disabilities, including foundations, theories, and conceptual models.
- To understand the purpose and procedures for screening, pre-referral, referral, identification, and placement of students with mild disabilities.
- To understand concepts and definitions, prevalence, and causes of mild disabilities.
- To understand the legal rights of persons with mild disabilities.
- To understand the related service options for children with mild disabilities
- To gain knowledge of the physical, cognitive, and learning characteristics of persons with severe/profound disabilities
- To be able to identify components of Individual Educational Plans for students with mild disabilities.
- To develop instructional strategies and tactics for teaching the acquisition of new behaviors and skills to students with mild disabilities.
- To develop skills for independently seeking information about educational and related services for students with mild disabilities.
- To understand the procedures for developing, implementing and amending Individualized Education Programs (IEPs) for students with disabilities.
- To understand methods of planning and managing teaching/learning environments for students with disabilities.
- To become familiar with the use of instructional technology to differentiate instruction.
- To become familiar with the use of assistive technology to facilitate instruction.
- To become familiar with the development and implementation of positive behavioral interventions.
As you progress through this series, you will be presented with principles, foundations, classroom management techniques and other practical factors for working with students in an inclusive setting.