We understand the concern and uncertainty you may be experiencing surrounding the coronavirus (COVID-19) and the impact on your role working with children with special needs. We want to share information and resources that we hope you will find useful during this difficult time.  We know that there are many challenges that are manifesting due to this crisis and are, or soon will, cause changes that are new for our members and their colleagues. Some of these challenges will impact how you interact with your students and their families. NASET is planning to provide several NEWS ALERTS to provide much needed information and resources. Along with the vast resources available to you every day on NASET, we hope that NASET can provide much needed support during this critical period. If we can help with resources or information at this time, please do not hesitate to reach out to us.


In this News Alert we are providing online articles, blogs and news stories related to teaching online during Covid 19 for special education teachers.

We encourage you to share this with whomever you feel would benefit from the information provided here. NASET is providing this and future NEWS ALERTS during these difficult times

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How Can NASET Help You In The Comming New School Year?

NASET wants to try and help you this summer. What are your concerns and how can we, as a national association, enhance your professional development, knowledge, skills and abilities right now? Your feedback is the only way we can answer this question.

What can we do for you? How can we help you get ready for the upcoming school year? What resources can we provide you to maneuver through July and prepare for the new school year? The bottom line is we want to be a source of help at this time but we need to know what you need.

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Recommendations for Collaboration Between Special Education Teachers and Parents During COVID-19 Pandemic

The overall state of the American educational and family environment has changed dramatically as a result of the Coronavirus pandemic. Prior to the onset of the virus, a child was exposed to a “two-level” experience. When the child went to school, it was the teacher and the child; and the teacher was the “educational parent” for 6-7 hours.  The second level occurred when the child came home, and the parent was the environmental parent, and the majority of the connection to the school was homework. In this environment, the parents were more of a resource, and knowing what their children were learning was based on the curriculum and then taught by the teacher at school.

Now, the school environment is in the home and it's like the parents being at “Parent Day” every day. Except, they are now present in their child’s classroom every day and the intrusion and change of routine have created an overall state of confusion, insecurity and increased unfamiliar responsibilities. Read More

Supplemental Fact Sheet - Addressing the Risk of COVID-19 in Preschool, Elementary and Secondary Schools While Serving Children with Disabilities

The Office for Special Education and Rehabilitative Services of the US Department of Education has released a Supplemental Fact Sheet addressing questions surrounding distance learning for children with disabilities in these difficult times. The following is an excerpt from this supplemental fact sheet. We encourage any interested party to download and or read the entire fact sheet. Read More

Home-Schooling During Covid-19 School Closings

Now that most of the nation’s schools have closed because of the coronavirus, the stress on teachers and parents to help their children learn while home has increased dramatically. This NASET News Alerts is one that you can provide to the parents of your students to provide them with guidelines to home schooling and working with you for the best interest of the students in your class. Read More

Information & Resources for Schools and School Personnel - U.S. Dept of Education

Health officials are currently taking steps to prevent the introduction and spread of COVID-19 ("Coronavirus") into communities across the United States. Schools can play an important role in this effort.

Through collaboration and coordination with State and local health departments, State and local educational agencies, other education officials, and elected officials, schools can disseminate critical information about the disease and its potential transmission to students, families, staff, and community. Schools can prepare to take additional steps to prevent the spread of COVID-19, should State and local health officials identify such a need.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) offers the most up-to-date information on COVID-19 along with their Guidance for School Settings. For Additional Resources for Elementary & Secondary Schools - Click Here

Questions and Answers on Providing Services to Children with Disabilities During the COVID-19 Outbreak - MARCH 16, 2020

The U.S. Department of Education has provided a Questions and Answers document that outlines states’ responsibilities to infants, toddlers, and children with disabilities and their families, and to the staff serving these children. During an outbreak of COVID-19, local educational agencies (LEAs) and early intervention service (EIS) programs will need to collaborate with their state educational agency (SEA), Bureau of Indian Education (BIE), or local public health department, as appropriate, to address questions about how, what, and when services should be provided to children with disabilities. This NASET NEWS ALERT provides this U.S. Department of Education Q&A on NASET and in a downloadable file. 

To Read More - Click here  (Download link at the bottom of page)

What You Need to Know about Teaching Students with Special Needs Online During School Closings - March 14, 2020

Since moving to online teaching is a new experience for many educators, we have provided you with sites that can help you understand and explain various options for teaching online. Thank you for being a member of the NASET community. If we can help with resources or information at this time, please do not hesitate to reach out to us.

To Read More - Click here  (Download link at the bottom of page)

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