Effectiveness of Pearson’s SuccessMaker Mathematics for Students with Disabilities
Steven K. McKissick
Texas A&M University
SuccessMaker mathematics is an instructional learning system rooted in behaviorist instructional theory. Previous research efforts have left much to be desired and have produced inconsistent results. Recent research for this program appears to be tapering off, despite advances in technology signaling integration of concepts from other theoretical positions. A quasi-experimental review of data from a sample of students (N = 1186) from a central Texas school district over a five-year period was reviewed. Multivariate analysis of variance identified that changes in state testing performance were not linked to program use. Changes in the rate of academic achievement were found to exist between usage groups. Students who met or exceeded usage recommendations (>20 hours of use) were found to have significantly greater rates of achievement (ES: d = 1.02). Recommendations for further studies and limitations of the current study are provided.
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