Teachers' Pedagogical Competence in Adapting Curricula for Children with Learning Difficulties (LD) in Primary Schools in Ghana
Abdul-Razak Kuyini Alhassan
University College of South East Norway
Chigorom Okechukwu Abosi
University of Botswana
Ghana education service (GES) has not achieved much in curriculum adaption to address the needs of children with disability. The aim of this study is to investigate teachers’ pedagogical competence (TPC) in curriculum adaptation to include children with LD in primary schools. Mixed-Method Design Strategy involving 387 sampled teachers was used. The results will add to the body of research that show that teachers are inadequately prepared for inclusion of learners with disabilities in primary schools. Specifically, this study showed that some Ghanaian primary school teachers (PST) have limited competences in curricula adaptation. There was a significant association between curriculum adaptation and teachers’ competences in teaching children with LD in Primary schools in Ghana. The PSTs are increasingly facing challenges in meeting the needs of children with LD due to: limited competence, poor class environment and inadequate teaching and learning resources. The study recommends that the Government of Ghana (GoG) provides intensive training in curriculum adaptation to PST to enable them address the needs of children with LD effectively.
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