Reading Comprehension Instruction for Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Review of the Literature from 2008 to 2020
Neal Nghia Nguyen, Ph.D.
Stephen F. Austin State University
Noelle Balsamo, Ed. D., BCBA-D
William Garnett, Ph.D.
California State University at Fresno
Due to constructs as theoretical explanations (Theory of Mind, Weak Central Coherence, Executive Functioning), reading comprehension has been identified as a notable deficit for students with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). The purpose of this literature review is: (1) to examine, summarize, and analyze the existing published literature on reading comprehension instruction for students with ASD between 2008-2020 with an emphasis on evidence-based practices, (2) to examine the potential influences of the above three constructs, and (3) to provide teachers evidence-based practices that might enhance the reading comprehension skills of students with ASD participating in the general education curriculum. Of the selected twenty nine articles (Research-to-Practice and Empirical), twenty-eight articles examined at least one or more evidence-based strategies as described by Wong et al., (2015) and Steinbrenner et al., (2020). Implications for future research and practice are briefly discussed.
Keywords: autism literature review, autism spectrum disorders (ASD), cognitive factors, reading comprehension literature review
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