Q & A Corner - Issue #87
NASET Q & A Corner
Questions and Answers on
K-12 Public Schools in the Current COVID-19 Environment
The U.S. Department of Education’s (Department) Office for Civil Rights (OCR) issues the following technical assistance document to assist elementary and secondary (K-12) schools with meeting their obligations under the Federal civil rights laws enforced by OCR. In recent guidance, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has urged communities to “make every effort to support the reopening of schools safely for in- person learning in the fall” and advised local officials to consider a number of factors, including the importance of in-person education to the social, emotional, and academic growth and well-being of students, before making a decision to close schools for in-person learning. Along with the CDC, the Department strongly believes that “the unique and critical role that schools play” in supporting the health, safety, and well-being of their communities “makes them a priority for opening and remaining open.” This issue of NASET’s Q & A Corner will focus on questions and answers for K-12 public schools in the current COVID-19 environment.
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