Q & A Corner - Issue #2

This weeks' issue of NASET Q & A Corner presents the following questions. 

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  • If a district has determined that a student will take a Locally Developed Alternate Assessment (LDAA) for science, why does a new Individualized Education Program (IEP) have to be written? Why can't the current IEP be used since it contains the entire ARD information about that individual student, including all modifications currently being used by the regular ed. teacher?
  • I was recently hired to teach at a special education preschool and one of my students has been diagnosed with Childhood Disintegrative Disorder.  Can you provide me with some information about this disorder?
  • Is DIR (Floor-time) an effective approach to teaching children with autism spectrum disorder?
  • In our school, administrators want us to evaluate our students using norm referenced tests and criterion referenced tests.  What's the difference?
  • What has the research told us about food additives and sugar for students with ADHD?
  • Can anyone represent parents at an IEP meeting?
  • If a student with a disability is in a substantially separate program or does not have a general education teacher, must a general education teacher attend the student’s IEP team meeting?
  • What has been the fastest growing category of special education in the past 30 years?
  • Does a School District’s Child Find Obligations Change within RTI Systems?

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