Q & A Corner - Issue #80

NASET Q & A Corner

Questions and Answers on

Academic Assessments and Students with Disabilities:

ESSA Fact Sheet


The Stakeholder Guide to the Every Student Succeeds Act(ESSA) requires states to give the following academic assessments to all public school students each year: (1) Mathematics: In each of grades 3 through 8; and at least once in grades 9 through 12; (2) Reading or language arts: In each of grades 3 through 8; and at least once in grades 9 through 12; and (3) Science : One time during grades 3 through 5; grades 6 through 9; and grades 10 through 12. These assessments must be aligned with the state’s academic content and achievement standards. In addition, states must give an annual assessment of English language proficiency to all English learners. This issue of NASET’s Q & A Corner comes from the Center for Parent Information and Resources and is designed to accompany the Stakeholder Guide to the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) and gives you a brief overview of ESSA’s requirements for academic assessment of students with disabilities.

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