Q & A Corner - Issue #62

NASET Q & A Corner

Questions and Answers on

Special Education Transition Planning


The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) is a federal law that guarantees all children with disabilities access to a Free and Appropriate Public Education (FAPE). IDEA tells what schools must do to enable students with disabilities to be successful in academics and make plans for smooth transition from academic life to real life. This is the reason the law mandates schools to write an Individualized Education Programs (IEP) for all students with special needs who attend K-12 schools.  This issue of NASET’s Q & A Corner was written by Anji Reddy Nlamalapu.  It focuses on questions and answers related to special education transition planning.  At the end of this issue, there are various forms related to the topic at hand.






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Transition Assignment

Transition Assignment

Parent Interview Form

Transition Planning


Student _______________________________________     Date of Birth ____________

Parent/Guardian ________________________________     School__________________

Grade __________Graduation Date _______________Current Placement ____________




After high school, what is your expectation for your child?

____College               ______Technical school        ______ Vocational Rehabilitation


After high School, will your child seek?

____ Full time employment  _____Part time employment  _____ Shelter employment


Please indicate the level that best describes your child.

Independent/Daily living skills





Cannot Do


Can your son or daughter do laundry?




Can your son or daughter shop for food?




Can your son or daughter manage money?




Does your son or daughter have a checking account?




Does your son or daughter have a savings account?




Does your son or daughter have an identification card?




Does your son or daughter have a driver’s permit?




Can your son or daughter read a paycheck stub?




Does  your son or daughter relate to others well?




Can your son or daughter locate places on a map?




Does your son or daughter know how  to locate legal advice?




Preferred Working Conditions

Think carefully about the following working conditions described in the list below

Check the following categories that you THINK your child would prefer. You may check more than one.

_____ With others                  _____Skilled              _____Travel in town

_____Alone                            _____ Unskilled         _____Travel out of town

_____ Wearing a uniform      _____Supervised        _____ Stay at one location

_____Outdoors                       _____Same task         _____Moving around

_____Indoors                          _____Different task   _____Busy place

_____More calm place



Student Interview Form

Transition Planning


Student _______________________________________     Date of Birth ____________

Parent/Guardian ________________________________     School__________________

Grade ____________ Graduation Date _________Current Placement ____




After high school, what would you like to do?

____College               ______Technical school        ______ Vocational Rehabilitation


After high School, will your seek?

____ Full time employment  _____Part time employment  _____ shelter employment



Please indicate the level that best describes your child.

Independent/Daily living skills





Cannot do


Can you do laundry?




Can your shop for food?




Can you manage money?




Do you have a checking account?




Do you have a savings account?




Do you have an identification card?




Do have a driver’s permit?




Can you read a paycheck stub?




Can you relate well to others?




Can you locate places on a map?




Do you know  how  to locate legal advice?




Preferred Working Conditions

Think carefully the following working conditions described from the list below

Check the following categories that you THINK you would prefer. You may check more than one.

_____ With others                  _____Skilled              _____Travel in town

_____Alone                            _____ Unskilled         _____Travel out of town

_____ Wearing a uniform      _____Supervised        _____ Stay at one location

_____Outdoors                       _____Same task         _____Moving around

_____Indoors                          _____Different task   _____Busy place

_____More calm place


Employee Evaluation Form


Work Experience Students


Student ________________________________________   School __________________


Training Site _____________________________________________________________



Please rate the student on his/her work performance.



Does consistently

Needs Improvement

Attendance: Does the student come to work on a regular basis unless there is a reasonable excuse?



Punctuality: Does the student get to work on time?



Completed Assigned Tasks: Does the student stay/finish assigned tasks?



Understanding Instructions: Does the student understand instructions?



Following Instructions: Does the student carry out instructions satisfactory?  (Consider quality of work and level of effort)



Accepts Constructive Criticism: When corrected does the student respond appropriately and attempt to correct behavior?



Gets Along with Co-workers: Does the student get along with co workers?



General Appearance: Does the student have proper grooming habits and appropriate attire for the job site?



Rules of the Job: Does the student know the rules and regulations of the job?



Basic Skills:  Does the student have the basic skills necessary to perform the job?






Student’s Signature ____________________________________ Date ______________


Supervisor’s Signature __________________________________ Date______________


Supervising Teacher’s Signature __________________________ Date _____________


Self Evaluation Form


Work Experience Students


Student _________________________________________School __________________


Training Site _____________________________________________________________



Please rate yourself on your work performance.



Does Consistently

Needs Improvement

Attendance Do you go to work on a regular basis unless there is a reasonable excuse?



Punctuality: Do you get to work on time?



Completed Assigned Tasks: Do you stay/finish assigned tasks?



Understanding Instructions: Do you understand instructions?



Following Instructions: Do you carry out instructions satisfactory?  (Consider quality of work and level of effort)



Accepts Constructive Criticism: When corrected do you respond appropriately and attempt to correct behavior?



Gets Along with Coworkers: Do you get along with co workers?



General Appearance: Do you have proper grooming habits and appropriate attire for the job site?



Rules of the Job:  Do you know the rules and regulations of the job?



Basic Skills: Do you have the basic skills necessary to perform the job?







Student’s Signature ____________________________________ Date ______________


Supervisor’s Signature __________________________________ Date______________


Supervising Teacher’s Signature __________________________ Date ______________


Employee Evaluation Form


Job Coach

Student _______________________________________   School ___________________


Training Site _____________________________________________________________



Please rate the student on his/her work performance.



Does consistently

Needs Improvement

Attendance: Does the student come to work on a regular basis unless there is a reasonable excuse?



Punctuality: Does the student get to work on time?



Completed Assigned Tasks: Does the student stay/finish assigned tasks?



Understanding Instructions: Does the student understand instructions?



Following Instructions: Does the student carry out instructions satisfactory?  (Consider quality of work and level of effort)



Accepts Constructive Criticism: When corrected does the student respond appropriately and attempt to correct behavior?



Gets Along with Coworkers: Does the student get along with co workers?



General Appearance: Does the student have proper grooming habits and appropriate attire for the job site?



Rules of the Job:  Does the student understand rules and regulations of the job?



Basic Skills:  Does the student have the basic skills necessary to perform the job?







Student’s Signature ____________________________________ Date ______________


Supervisor’s Signature __________________________________ Date______________


Supervising Teacher’s Signature __________________________ Date _____________

Employability Skills


Student _______________________________________     Date of Birth ____________


Parent/Guardian ________________________________     School__________________


Grade ____________ Graduation Date _________Current Placement _______________






Not Sure

Can you complete an application without assistance?




Do you have a resume?




Do you know how to locate/look for jobs?




Can you explain the statement, “Dress for success?”




Can you discuss the interview process?




Do you have the math skills needed to perform your job?




Do you have the reading skills needed to perform your job?




Can you name one entry level position?




Can you describe an entry level job position?




Do you know how to compare jobs?




When comparing jobs, can you name three areas in which you would like to work?




Can you name three things you would have to do for job advancement?





Study Skills Inventory checklist

Student Interview


Completed by: ___________________ Student: ____________________ Date: _____________


Please mark the appropriate response.





Needs Improvement













Attends to listening activities




Comprehends verbal messages




Understands the  importance of listening skills




Note Taking/ Outlining




Uses headings and subheading




Takes clear notes




Records essential information




Develops organized outlines




Understands the importance of note taking




Report Writing




Organizes thoughts in writing




Completes written reports from outline




Includes only necessary information




Uses proper punctuations




Proofreads written assignments




Oral Presentation




Likes to participate in oral presentations




Speaks clearly




Uses proper language when reporting orally




Understands the  importance of oral reporting




Test Taking




Studies for   test in an organized manner




Covers all topics of the test




Reads and understands directions prior to asking  questions




Recognizes the clue words in questions




Properly records answers




Time management skills




Completes assignments on time




Plan and organizes daily activities








Monitors own behaviors




Thinks before acting




Takes responsibility for  own behavior




Identifies  behaviors that   interfere with their own learning




Changes own behavior as necessary





Summary of Study Skills


Please mark your response.




Needs Assistance

Study Skills












Note Taking/ Outlining




Reporting  writing




Oral Presentation




Test Taking




Time Management












Student: ________________________________Date: ___________________________


School _________________________________ Current placement _________________


Please mark the appropriate response.


Socialization/ Friends



Not at all

Do you have friends your age?




Do you have close friends?




Do you have acquaintances?




Do you have friends that are older?






Leisure/ Recreation Activities



Not at all

Do you have hobby? (using computer for fun, playing musical instrument, painting, collect books and collect coins etc,)




Do you participate in school activities?




Do you participate in community activities?




Do you participate in after school activities?





Please check the activities that you would like to explore


____ Reading

_____Listening to music

_____Watching television



____ Basketball

___Collecting stamps

___Collecting coins

___ Talking on the telephone

___ Skating

___ Wrestling







____ Other

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