Q & A Corner - Issue #1
This weeks' issue of NASET Q & A Corner presents the following questions.
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Issue # 1 Questions:
- I was talking to a parent about her son’s recent referral for an evaluation for a suspected learning disability. She said she gave consent to do it. Is consent just a parental signature or is there more to it? What does it really take to give “consent”?
- I was recently speaking to a parent of an 18 month old boy. She is knowledgeable about signs of autism when children are 2 or 3 years of age but wanted to know what the most common early indicators of autism were. Are there any “early indicators” of autism?
- Recently at an IEP meeting for a child, the child’s foster parent attended. Is this person consider the “parent” under IDEA 2004?
- I’m looking at an educational report of a child and it reports stanines. What is that?
- There is a child in our school that we feel needs to be evaluated for a possible disability. The parents refuse to give consent. Do we need their consent?
- I keep hearing about all the kids with ADHD. Bottom line, how many kids are actually diagnosed with ADHD? Is it really so many more boys than girls?
- What classification of disability has the largest disparity between boys and girls in special education?
- Is it true that African American males are overrepresented in the special education classification of Emotional Disturbance?
- Administrators in our school have been talking about “high risk” students. Yet, there is no such term as a special education category? What does it mean to be a “high risk” student?
- We use the word “hyper” all the time to describe an active child. Yet, I know that a child with ADHD will often have “hyperactivity.” How is “hyperactivity” different from just boys being boys or kids with just more energy than others?