Q & A Corner - Issue #64

NASET Q & A Corner

Questions and Answers on

Assistive Technology


Assistive technology enables children with disabilities to participate more fully in all aspects of life (home, school, and community) and helps them access their right to a ?free appropriate, public education? in the ?least restrictive environment?. The IEP team must determine whether an individual child needs an assistive technology device or service, and if so, the nature and extent to be provided. It is possible that an assistive technology evaluation will be required to determine if the child would need an assistive technology service and/or assistive technology device. Any needs identified should be reflected in the content of the IEP, including, as appropriate, the instructional program and services provided to the child. This issue of NASET’s Q & A Corner comes from NICHCY and will address the importance of assistive technology and how assistive technology is determined by IEP Teams.







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