Breaking the Attention-Seeking Habit: The Power of Random Positive Teacher Attention

Breaking the Attention-Seeking Habit: The Power of Random Positive Teacher Attention


Some students misbehave because they are trying to attract teacher attention. Surprisingly, many students who value adult attention don't really care if it is positive (praise) or negative attention (reprimands)--they just want attention! Unfortunately, instructors with students who thrive on teacher attention can easily fall into a 'reprimand trap.' The scenario might unfold much like this: First, the student misbehaves. Then the teacher approaches the student and reprimands him or her for misbehaving. Because the student finds the negative teacher attention to be reinforcing, he or she continues to misbehave-and the teacher naturally responds by reprimanding the student more often! An escalating, predictable cycle is established, with the student repeatedly acting-out and teacher reprimanding him or her. Teachers can break out of this cycle, though, by using 'random positive attention' with students. The focus of this edition of the Practical Teacher will be to address the use of ‘random positive attention’ with students.

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