Issue #44 - "How To" Series

NASET'sHow To Series consists of short special education guides that provide quick answers to many of the questions special educators need to know. These step by step guides, informational guides, factual guides, all provide immediate direction in solving everyday issues faced in the field. The NASET “HOW TO” Series is provided to answer difficult issues in a clear, concise and easily available manner.

    In This Issue:

    How To Determine Authority of School Personnel in Disciplining a Child with Special Needs

    To what extent may schools take disciplinary action when a child with disabilities violates a local code of student conduct? This series will answer that question.

    At the beginning of the school year, students often receive guidelines of expected standards of behavior, dress, academic integrity, and attendance, as well as the consequences of violating those standards. These codes vary from place to place, so it may be important for you to get a copy of your local school district or State policies with respect to acceptable (and unacceptable) student conduct.


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        How To Determine if you need to Report a Crime Committed by a Student with Disabilities

        Do IDEA’s discipline procedures allow school systems to report crimes that are committed by children with disabilities?

        Yes, they do, and that’s the focus of this article, which looks at the section of IDEA’s disciplinary procedures called “referral to and action by law enforcement and judicial authorities,” found at §300.535 and reproduced at the bottom of the page, for your convenience.


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