Issue #31 - "How To" Series

NASET'sHow To Series consists of short special education guides that provide quick answers to many of the questions special educators need to know. These step by step guides, informational guides, factual guides, all provide immediate direction in solving everyday issues faced in the field. The NASET “HOW TO” Series is provided to answer difficult issues in a clear, concise and easily available manner.

    In This Issue:

    How to Adapt the Classroom Environment

    General Positive Environment Adaptations

    When positioning the student in the classroom consider the following:

    _____seat at front/back of room. 
    _____seat away from noises (e.g., lights, street, hall, computers). 
    _____use carrel/screens. 
    _____seat with back to window. 
    _____locate student near teacher. 
    _____change lighting (light on desk, back to window).

    tely, in the spirit of Response to Intervention (RtI), I’ve been working with teachers in providing strategies first.

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    How to Supervise Paraprofessionals in your Classroom

    Supervision is one of those words that by definition and common use is assumed to be consistent and constant. Yet when actually put into practice, supervision strategies differ greatly from one program to another. Most classroom teachers have experienced supervision in the form of an administrator sitting through a pre-arranged observation, providing written and verbal feedback, and then returning at a later date to repeat the process. Many other educational professionals have experienced supervisory practices that have included coaching, instructional dialogues, and even instructional modeling. The educators who mentor or supervise paraprofessionals share invaluable knowledge and skills and build an effective partnership with shared power, clear mutual expectations, and open communication.

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