Supporting Students with Autism in the Classroom: A Review of the Literature
By Stephanie Martinez-Dawkins
This issue of NASET’s Autism Spectrum Disorder Series was written by Stephanie Martinez-Dawkins. Supporting students with autism in the classroom has many kinds of support systems. Students with autism faces challenges in classrooms. Addressing challenges can improve students' academic outcomes, increase peer interaction, and provide a positive education experience. This literature review will provide research on four topics that contribute to the support of students with autism in a classroom setting are supporting staff, academic outcomes, peer interaction and social skills, and providing assistive technology for students with autism.
Based on research, “students with autism faces a range of challenges in the inclusive setting, involving social, academic, and behavioral issues.” Students with autism face challenges in social and communication skills, as well as to play and learn. Certain behaviors may affect their ability to participate in classroom activities and interact with peers (Jaffal, 2022).
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