Creating Quality Educational Programs for Children with ASD
The importance of individualizing education programs for children with ASD and the importance of family involvement in those educational programs cannot be overstated. Programs will differ from child to child because of the uniqueness of ASD and the range of potential symptoms involved. There is consensus among researchers, practitioners, and educators that appropriate intervention begins early, usually by 30 months or earlier. Further, researchers and professionals have identified a number of strategies that are essential to implementing an effective program.
In this issue of the AUTISM SPECTRUM DISORDER SERIES the following are the ten indicators in a quality educational program for children with ASD that are discussed:
1. Family involvement
2. Comprehensive assessment of skills and deficits
3. Plan development/clearly defined goals and objectives
4. Effective teaching strategies
5. Assessment of the intervention
6. Structuring the environment
7. Applying functional behavior assessment to problem behavior
8. Transition
9. Opportunities with peers
10. Comprehensive team approach
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