Collaborating with Parents
In this issue you will be provided with information on the development and implementation of effective educational programs that are meaningful for students with ASD involving collaboration with parents. Parents of children with ASD work closely with professionals to obtain diagnoses, early intervention programs and other resources, and are usually knowledgeable about both the disorder and their children. Bringing the experiences and knowledge of parents to the program planning process, serves not only to enhance students’ school success, but also creates a climate for ongoing learning, communication and collaboration.
A collaborative parent-school relationship is based on parents and teachers understanding each other’s perspectives and realities. It is important for parents to have a clear understanding of their child’s school program, the roles of staff members and how individual classrooms meet the diverse needs of all the students.
It is equally important for teachers and school staff to have an understanding of the experiences families go through in living with children with ASD, the interventions they access and the important role that schools play in families’ lives. With these understandings and a commitment to collaboration, parents and teachers can work together to create positive and effective educational programs for students. Each family is unique and has different experiences obtaining a diagnosis, and planning for and adapting to meet the needs of a child with ASD.
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