Issue # 21 - RTI Roundtable
RTI Roundtable - Issue #21
RTI and MTSS Explained for Private School Educators: What are Our Colleagues in Public Schools up to?
This issue of NASET’s RTI Roundtable series was written by Caryn London. Given that private schools are generally not governed by national, educational mandates outside of those impacting Title IV and the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), educators at these settings are generally less aware of new educational buzzwords or acronyms. From personal perspectives as a private school educator, by attending a myriad of professional development opportunities, one can create rewarding learning outcomes that can help to lessen the gap on the awareness and implementation of beneficial educational initiatives from the public school system in private schools. The national propagation of Multi-Tiered Systems of Supports (MTTS) and Response to Intervention (RTI) have created new learning challenges and opportunities for private education given that these educational frameworks have been empirically validated as effectively impacting student learning.
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