Issue # 16 - RTI Roundtable
RTI Roundtable - Issue #16
Response to Intervention with Emphasis on Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Learners By Adhwaa Alahmari
This issue of NASET’s RTI Roundtable series was written by Adhwaa Alahmari. This paper reviewed the literature on the response to intervention framework with respect to culturally and linguistically diverse students. This discussion begins with a rationale for implementing response to intervention (RTI) as an identification model. Then, it discusses the most important characteristics for teachers to consider when working with diverse learners in order to improve the learning environment for all students. It reviewed literacy research on RTI tiers, including the limitations and outcomes of each model. There is a paucity of research on the implementation of RTI with diverse students, which means fewer outcomes are available regarding producing RTI.
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