Issue # 17 - RTI Roundtable
RTI Roundtable - Issue #17
Using Collaborative Strategic Reading as Response to Intervention in Early Childhood Education
By Sarah Al-Sharif
This issue of NASET’s RTI Roundtable series was written by Sarah Al-Sharif from Ball State University. Response to intervention (RTI) is a set of strategies and tools used by a teacher to help students who are facing difficulties grasping a lesson or skill. Collaborative strategic reading (CSR) is also an important tool in early childhood education. By using CSR, the child can learn how to work collaboratively with his or her fellow classmates. Since CSR involves collaborative learning, children in early childhood education will be able to understand the concept of learning together and come to appreciate the role of others in collaborative learning. After collaborative reading, children prepare questions to ask when they do not understand a concept. This paper illustrates the effectiveness of using CSR as RTI in early childhood education.
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