Addressing the Impacts of Parent and Caregiver Loss on Children
Addressing the Impacts of Parent and Caregiver Loss on Children
This issue of NASET’s Parent-Teacher Conference Handouts series was written by the Administration for Children and Families (ACF) focuses on addressing the impacts of parent and caregiver loss on children. Losing a parent or caregiver is a tragic and life-changing event for a child. Supporting children and families who have experienced loss is deeply embedded in the strategic goals and mission of the Administration for Children and Families (ACF). It is a necessary and urgent part of addressing the ongoing impact of COVID-19, which has taken so many lives in our communities, as well as the toll that overdose, suicide, violence, and other causes have taken on children and youth. ACF is committed to partnering with our grant recipients and state and local stakeholders to ensure that children, youth, and families who have lost a parent or caregiver are supported and connected with the services and resources they need to find stability again. In recent years, losing a parent or caregiver has become an ongoing tragedy for children and youth caused by the co-occurring COVID-19 and drug overdose crises as well as increases in suicides and homicides.
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