Week in Review - February 26, 2016

National Association of Special Education Teachers
February 26, 2016                                                 Vol 12 Issue # 9

Dear NASET News,

Welcome toNASET'sWEEK in REVIEW.  Here, we provide you with the latest publications fromNASETto read and or download, as well as some of the most interesting articles that have happened this week in the field of special education. We hope you enjoy this publication.  Feel free to send us articles for this publication or let us know your thoughts about theWEEK in REVIEWatnews@naset.org. Have a great weekend.


NASETNews Team
Parent Teacher Conference Handout Issue #124

What are School Health Services and School Nurse Services

School health services have long been a part of IDEA's related services definition. In IDEA 2004, the term has been changed to school health services and school nurse services, with the following definition at §300.34(c)(13):
(13) School health services and school nurse services means health services that are designed to enable a child with a disability to receive FAPE as described in the child's IEP. School nurse services are services provided by a qualified school nurse. School health services are services that may be provided by either a qualified school nurse or other qualified person. Read More
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Kids With Autism More Likely to Wander, Less Likely to Recognize Danger
Children with autism and other development disorders are more likely than other youngsters to wander and put themselves in potential danger, a new study finds. Researchers analyzed data from a 2011 U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention survey of parents and guardians of more than 4,000 children with special needs who were between the ages of 6 and 17. More than 26 percent of the children had wandered away from a safe environment within the previous 12 months. Wandering was most likely to occur in public places, and children between the ages of 6 and 11 were more likely to wander than those 12 and older.Read More

Risk of Preemie Birth May Rise for Depressed Parents-to-Be
It's known that an expectant mother's mental and emotional health can affect her baby. New research, however, finds that depression in either the father or the mother may be linked to an increased likelihood of preterm birth. Screening for and treating mental health problems in both parents may help reduce the odds of a preterm delivery, according to study author Dr. Anders Hjern and his colleagues. "Depressive fathers influence the stress hormone balance in the mother, and depression may also -- but this is more speculative -- have an effect on sperm quality," said Hjern, professor of pediatric epidemiology with the Centre for Health Equity Studies in Stockholm, Sweden.
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Board Certification in Special Education Available to NASET Members
Through an agreement with The American Academy of Special Education Professionals(AASEP), NASET members now have the opportunity to achieve AASEP Board Certification in Special Education - (B.C.S.E.) at a reduced fee. AASEP Board Certification in Special Education - (B.C.S.E.) is a voluntary choice on the part of the candidate. The candidate for Board Certification wishes to demonstrate a commitment to excellence to employers, peers, administrators, other professionals, and parents. From the standpoint of the Academy, board certification will demonstrate the highest professional competency in the area of special education. Board Certification in Special Educationestablishes a much needed standard for professionals, across disciplines, who work with exceptional children.Read More
Early Rehab May Help Spinal Cord Injury Patients
Beginning rehabilitation soon after a spinal cord injury seems to lead to improvements in functioning for patients, according to a new study. Researchers analyzed data from nearly 4,000 people in the United States who suffered a spinal cord injury between 2000 and 2014. The patients' average age was about 41 and the average time to start rehabilitation was 19 days. Early rehabilitation was associated with better physical functioning when patients left the hospital and during the following year.Read More
Schizophrenia Tied to Much Higher Risk of Suicide Attempts
Individuals with schizophrenia are at significantly increased risk of attempting suicide, a new study finds. Researchers analyzed data from more than 21,700 Canadians, including 101 who had been diagnosed with schizophrenia. About 39 percent of people (two in five) with schizophrenia had attempted suicide, compared with about 3 percent of people without the mental health disorder. "Even after taking into account most of the known risk factors for suicide attempts, those with schizophrenia had six times the odds of having attempted suicide in comparison to those without schizophrenia," study author Esme Fuller-Thomson said in a University of Toronto news release. Fuller-Thomson is a professor of social work at the university. Read More


Guess the answer to this week's trivia question and we'll recognize you in next week's Week in Review.

Congratulations to: Carren Carroll, Pamela Downing-Hosten, Hadia Suliman, Patsy Ray, Olumide Akerele and Sharon Johnson Hiltz who all knew the answer to last week's trivia question
QUESTION: Fill in the Blank:  According to a report to Congress issued late last year by the U.S. Department of Education outlining the progress of the nation's special education students, a growing number of students with disabilities are spending most of the day in regular education classrooms alongside their typically-developing peers. As of 2013, more than _______ in 10 school-age students served under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act spent at least 80 percent of their day in regular classrooms. By contrast, roughly half of students with disabilities met that threshold in 2004.


NASET is pleased to provide our members with exclusive access to discounts on products and services. These savings are available to all currentNASETmembers. To find out more about savings from Life Lock, Avis, Budget, Cruises Only, Orlando Vacations and more. Read More
Finding Suggests Zika Virus Can Move From Mother to Child During Pregnancy
In a finding that suggests the Zika virus can move from a pregnant woman to her unborn child, Brazilian researchers report the virus was present in the amniotic fluid of two women whose infants were diagnosed with the birth defect microcephaly. The discovery adds to growing evidence that the Zika virus might be behind a recent surge in the number of babies born in Brazil with microcephaly, which leads to abnormally small heads and possible brain damage."Previous studies have identified Zika virus in the saliva, breast milk and urine of mothers and their newborn babies, after having given birth," said study author Dr. Ana de Filippis, from the Oswaldo Cruz Institute in Rio de Janeiro. "This study reports details of the Zika virus being identified directly in the amniotic fluid of a woman during her pregnancy, suggesting that the virus could cross the placental barrier and potentially infect the fetus."Read More
Extremely Small Preemies May Face Bullying, Mental Health Risks
Extremely low birth weight infants face higher odds of being bullied in childhood. And, this raises the risk for depression and other mental health problems when they are adults, a new study suggests. Researchers followed Canadians who were 2.2 pounds or less at birth until they were 36 years old. The investigators compared these study participants to people who had normal birth weights of 5.5 pounds or more. The tiniest babies were more likely to be bullied in childhood, perhaps due to poorer physical abilities, higher levels of anxiety and learning difficulties, according to the researchers at McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario. Read More
Prenatal Diet Rich in Vitamin D May Cut Allergy Risk in Kids: Study
Children born to women who eat vitamin D-rich foods during pregnancy have a lower risk of hay fever, but vitamin D supplements do not have the same effect, a new study suggests. The new study included more than 1,200 mothers and their children. The children were followed until they were about 7 years old. A diet with higher levels of vitamin D -- equivalent to the amount in an 8-ounce serving of milk each day -- during pregnancy was associated with a 20 percent lower risk of hay fever in school-age children. Taking vitamin D supplements did not reduce the risk, according to the study published Feb. 11 in the Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology.Read More
Panel Undecided on Screening All Kids for Autism
There's just not enough good data to determine whether there's value in routinely screening all young children for autism, an influential panel of U.S. health experts said Tuesday. After considering current information, as well as getting input from health care professionals and the public, the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) concluded there is not enough evidence to determine the long-term effects of autism screening for children who don't have obvious symptoms of the disorder or whose parents or health care providers are not concerned about the child's development. According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, about 1 in every 68 children is now affected by an autism spectrum disorder.Read More
More College Students Misusing ADHD Med as Study Aid
College students aiming for an academic edge may explain a surge in the misuse of a stimulant commonly prescribed for attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), new research suggests. Among U.S. adults, the number of Adderall prescriptions stayed stable from 2006 to 2011, but misuse of the drug jumped 67 percent and related visits to emergency rooms went up by 156 percent, researchers found. "The majority of adults who are using Adderall nonmedically are in the age range of 18 to 25," said lead researcher Dr. Ramin Mojtabai, a professor of mental health at Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health in Baltimore. Most get the pills from friends or relatives who have prescriptions, the study found.Read More
More Evidence That Poor Sleep Could Lower Teens' Grades
Parents who struggle to get their teens to bed at a decent hour may get some help from a new study that found sleep was closely linked to school achievement. High school students who went to sleep by 11 p.m. Monday through Friday got better grades, the research showed. On the flip side, the less sleep teens got, the lower their grades were on average, the researchers said. "Our findings suggest that going to bed earlier, and encouraging similar bed and sleeping times during the week, are important for academic performance," study first author Mari Hysing, a psychology specialist at Uni Research in Bergen, Norway, said in a news release from the organization.Read More
Schools Doing Little To Ease Special Ed Paperwork Burden
Efforts to limit the administrative burden schools face in serving students in special education have been met with little enthusiasm, a federal investigation finds. Despite long-running concerns that educators are overwhelmed by the obligations of serving students with disabilities, schools have largely failed to take advantage of several provisions within federal law to minimize their paperwork requirements, according to a new report from the U.S. Government Accountability Office. The 2004 reauthorization of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act included several measures designed to mitigate the administrative responsibilities educators face. But more than a decade later, the GAO found that states and school districts have been reluctant to change their ways.Read More
Fight For Promotion Spurs Disability Rights Debate
After years of searching, Bradford Teslow thought he had finally found a job that would pay him a livable wage and offer him a shot at advancement. In 2013, a large disability services organization, Opportunity Partners, offered Teslow, 58, a position at a new state-of-the-art packaging plant in Bloomington, Minn. Teslow, who has cognitive disabilities brought on by two head injuries, leapt at the opportunity to prove himself on an assembly line among people without disabilities. But when he applied for a vacant position as a site supervisor last June, he was flatly denied. Instead of getting an interview, Teslow says he was told in passing one day that his application would not be considered because of his status as a "client," or "person served," at Opportunity Partners.Read More

Plea Deal Reached In Meltdown Case
Felony assault charges against Paul Gordo, a California 18-year-old with autism, were reduced to a misdemeanor this week in a case watched by disability advocates. The plea deal in Monterey Superior Court places Gordo on probation while he receives behavioral therapy at an out-of-state facility and promises restitution to pay for the victim's medical expenses. Steve and Susan Gordo are relieved their son won't be tried on the felony charge, which included a "strike" enhancement for causing great bodily harm to a woman outside a library near Monterey, Calif. last July.Read More
Workplace Disability Discrimination Claims At Record High
Complaints of disability-based job discrimination are on the rise, hitting an all-time high, federal officials say. The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission said charges of job bias related to disability rose 6 percent to total 26,968 for the 2015 fiscal year. That's the highest number on record and comes after two straight years of declines.Read More
Honor Society for Special Education Teachers

Sleep Loss May Be Tied to Raised Diabetes Risk in Teen Boys
Teen boys who get too little of a particular type of sleep may be at risk of developing type 2 diabetes, a new study suggests. The research focused on "slow-wave sleep" -- an important stage of sleep that helps people store memories and recover after sleep deprivation. This type of sleep is also associated with lower levels of the stress hormone cortisol and reduced inflammation, the study authors explained. For the study, 700 children were assessed between the ages of 5 and 12. Just over half of the participants were boys. The investigators followed up with about 420 of the kids eight years later.Read More
Accessibility Concerns Highlighted At Grammys
While presenting at the Grammys, Stevie Wonder took the opportunity to call attention to the needs of people with disabilities. Wonder, who was on stage with the a cappella group Pentatonix to present the award for song of the year, teased that only he could read the card with the winner's name because it was written in Braille. "You can't read it. You can't read Braille. Na, na, na, na, na, na," Wonder joked during the Grammy Awards Monday night.Read More
Disability Fears At Center Of Lawsuit Against School District
A Palo Alto student who was temporarily moved to another school because he carries a genetic marker for cystic fibrosis will be backed by two federal agencies in his lawsuit against the school district for alleged discrimination and privacy violations. A court decision in the school district's favor should be reversed, the U.S. Department of Justice Civil Rights Division and the Department of Education argued in an amicus brief filed on the student's behalf late last month in the U.S. Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals.Read More

* Special Education Teacher (Arizona) -EBS is seeking passionate, motivated Special Education Teachers who want to make a difference in the lives of exceptional children!  EBS Special Education Teachers develop and implement all aspects of student IEPs and classroom instruction in order to maximize academic, communicative, behavioral, self-help, social and emotional success.  To learn more - Click here

* Special Educator Teacher (Hawaii) - EBS is seeking passionate, motivated Special Education Teachers who want to make a difference in the lives of exceptional children!  EBS Special Education Teachers develop and implement all aspects of student IEPs and classroom instruction in order to maximize academic, communicative, behavioral, self-help, social and emotional success. To learn more - Click here

* Special Education Teacher (California) - EBS is seeking passionate, motivated Special Education Teachers who want to make a difference in the lives of exceptional children! EBS Special Education Teachers develop and implement all aspects of student IEPs and classroom instruction in order to maximize academic, communicative, behavioral, self-help, social and emotional success. To learn more - Click here

* Teacher - Our students need your expertise, passion and leadership. We are looking for highly motivated and skilled talent to join our team at the District of Columbia Public Schools (DCPS). We seek individuals who are passionate about transforming and improving educational outcomes for our students. To learn more - Click here

* Early Childhood Special Educator- Magnum Medical has openings for Early Childhood Special Educators to work with children of American military families stationed at Bahrain. Position works in a home-based early intervention program, providing services to infants and toddlers of American military families stationed overseas. To learn more - Click here

* Upper School Math Teacher - Is sought by the Lighthouse Point Academy with the ability to articulate the Mission, Vision, and Values of the school both verbally and in writing and have a comprehensive knowledge of curriculum and instruction within the appropriate content area and/or grade level. To learn more- Click here

* Alternative Assessment Developers - Work at home! Ceres Publishing Services LLC (www.ceres-llc.com) is assembling a team of special education teachers or former teachers to lend their expertise to the development of state alternative assessments. To learn more- Click here

* Director of Student Services - Oversees the delivery of educational services that augment and supplement regular classroom education. These services include special education, school nursing, home tutoring and oversight of the education of homeless children. To learn more - Click here

* Special Education Teacher -The Research Foundation, founded in 1951, exists to serve SUNY and to capitalize on the scope, scale and diversity of SUNY as an engine of New York state's innovation economy. To learn more - Click here

* Assistant Professor of Special Education - Texas Woman's University College of Professional Education is seeking qualified candidates for a tenure- track position as Assistant Professor of Special Education in Denton, Texas. To learn more -
Click here

* Special Education Teachers - needed in Arizona (Phoenix and surrounding cities). Needs are in the self-contained and resource settings serving students with emotional disabilities (ED), Autism (A), Severe/Profound (S/P), and Intellectual Disabilities (ID). To learn more - Click here
Food For Thought..........

People presume my disability has to do with being an amputee, but that's not the case; our insecurities are our disabilities, and I struggle with those as does everyone.Aimee Mullins

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