Week in Review - April 1, 2016



National Association of Special Education Teachers

April 1, 2016                                                 Vol 12 Issue # 14

Dear NASET News,

Welcome to NASET'sWEEK in REVIEW.  Here, we provide you with the latest publications from NASET to read and or download, as well as some of the most interesting articles that have happened this week in the field of special education. We hope you enjoy this publication.  Feel free to send us articles for this publication or let us know your thoughts about the WEEK in REVIEW atnews@naset.org. Have a great weekend.


NASET News Team


Parent Teacher Conference Handout Issue #125

Respite Care - - Part I

Overview of Respite Care

Over the years, there has been a growing awareness that adjustment to the special needs of a child influences all family members. This awareness has generated interest and has led to the development of support services for families to assist them throughout the lifelong adjustment process. Within the diversity of family support services, respite care consistently has been identified by families as a priority need (Cohen & Warren, 1985).  Read More

NASET's HOW TO Series March 2016

Evaluating Residential Programs

There is no substitute for firsthand observation. When you and the parents have organized your list of potential residential programs, the parents (and you, if possible) should make appointments to visit each one. Do not hesitate to ask the following questions:...  Read More


NASET's HOW TO Series March 2016

How to Tell if a Family Could Benefit from Respite Care

If parents are considering respite care they need to ask themselves the following questions:
1. Is finding temporary care for the child a problem?
2. Is it important that the parents enjoy an evening alone together, or with friends, without the children?
3. If they had appropriate care for their child with special needs, would they use the time for a special activity with their other children?
4. Do they think that they would be a better parent if they had a break now and then?
5. Are they concerned that in the event of a family emergency there is no one with whom they would feel secure about leaving their child?
6. Would they feel comfortable going to a trained and reputable respite provider to arrange for care for their child?
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Troubled Kids' Psychiatric Care Often Delayed by Insurance Rules

Children with severe psychiatric problems often have lengthy waits before they're transferred from a hospital emergency department to a psychiatric hospital due to insurance companies' "prior authorization" requirements, a small study suggests. Mental health workers at one Rhode Island hospital spent an average of an hour on the telephone seeking insurance companies' approval, the study authors reported. In one case, the researchers said approval took up to 4.5 hours. "The majority of these kids are suicidal; a minority of them are homicidal. That's as dangerous as having a burst appendix," said study senior author Dr. J. Wesley Boyd, a psychiatrist at Cambridge Health Alliance in Cambridge, Mass. Read More

Most Families Cherish a Child With Down Syndrome, Survey Finds

Families of children with Down syndrome face challenges, but by and large their experiences are positive ones, a new study suggests. Researchers found that in 87 percent of families they surveyed, everyone -- parents and siblings -- said they loved their family member who had Down syndrome, and almost as many families said they felt pride for the child. Few families expressed any regret about having a child with Down syndrome, the researchers reported in the April issue of the American Journal of Medical Genetics Part A. The findings are more than "good news" for families, said lead researcher Dr. Brian Skotko. He is co-director of the Down syndrome program at Massachusetts General Hospital, in Boston. Read More

Board Certification in Special Education Available to NASET Members

Through an agreement with The American Academy of Special Education Professionals(AASEP), NASET members now have the opportunity to achieve AASEP Board Certification in Special Education - (B.C.S.E.) at a reduced fee. AASEP Board Certification in Special Education - (B.C.S.E.) is a voluntary choice on the part of the candidate. The candidate for Board Certification wishes to demonstrate a commitment to excellence to employers, peers, administrators, other professionals, and parents. From the standpoint of the Academy, board certification will demonstrate the highest professional competency in the area of special education. Board Certification in Special Educationestablishes a much needed standard for professionals, across disciplines, who work with exceptional children.Read More

Brain Stimulation May Help People With Anorexia

Brain stimulation may ease major symptoms of the eating disorder anorexia nervosa, a typically hard-to-treat condition, a new study suggests. British researchers evaluated anorexia patients before and after they underwent repetitive transcranial stimulation (rTMS), a treatment approved for depression. "With rTMS we targeted ... an area of the brain thought to be involved in some of the self-regulation difficulties associated with anorexia," study first author Jessica McClelland, a postdoctoral researcher at King's College London, said in a school news release. Read More

Best, Worst States Named For Disability Employment

For people with disabilities, new figures suggest that the odds of having a job varies dramatically depending on where an individual lives. While 50 percent of people with disabilities are employed in South Dakota, just half as many are working in West Virginia. The two states represent the best and worst across the nation when it comes to disability employment, according to the Disability Statistics Annual Report, a by-the-numbers look at how Americans with disabilities are faring produced by the University of New Hampshire's Institute on Disability. Read More

NASET is pleased to provide our members with exclusive access to discounts on products and services. These savings are available to all current NASET members. To find out more about savings from Life Lock, Avis, Budget, Cruises Only, Orlando Vacations and more. Read More



Could Lots of Time Spent on Social Media Be Tied to Depression?

The more time young adults spend using popular social media, the greater the link to depression, new research suggests. The finding stems from research -- which involved nearly 1,800 men and women between the ages of 19 and 32 -- that tried to get a handle on how depression and social media habits may interact. But does greater involvement with social media actually promote depression? Or, are people who are already depressed simply more likely to gravitate to social media? The jury, according to the study authors, is still out.Read More

Schools Warned On Shortened Schedules For Those With Disabilities

Like many 16-year-olds, Franklin High sophomore Jerry Grimmer loves to pal around with his friends and favorite adults at school. When his teacher, Stephanie Haynes, headed to a faculty meeting, leaving Jerry's special education class in the hands of teacher's aides, Grimmer piped in: "You want me to handle the class, Mrs. H?" She suggested he read aloud to the class, and he did. A full school day is a welcome change for the Southeast Portland teen. For an entire school year, over the objections of Grimmer, his mother and his teacher, Portland Public Schools allowed Grimmer, who has autism, to attend only a half-day of school. Read More

Hormone Exposure in Womb May Boost Later Type 2 Diabetes Risk

Exposure to the hormone leptin in the womb may increase a child's risk of developing type 2 diabetes, a new mouse study suggests. Leptin is secreted by fat cells. It helps maintain energy balance in the body, the study authors explained. The findings from experiments in mice could improve understanding of how type 2 diabetes develops in children, particularly for those with obese mothers, the researchers said. It's important to note, however, that animal research often doesn't produce similar results in humans. The study was published online March 24 in the journal Cell Reports. "We showed that exposure of the embryonic mouse brain to leptin during a key developmental period resulted in permanent alternations in the growth of neurons from the brain stem to the pancreas, resulting in long-term disturbances to the balance of insulin levels in the adult mouse," Sebastien Bouret said in a journal news release. He's a researcher in the developmental neuroscience program at Children's Hospital of Los Angeles. Read More

Scientists Pinpoint Molecular Signal That Drives and Enables Spinal Cord Repair

Researchers from King's College London and the University of Oxford have identified a molecular signal, known as 'neuregulin-1', which drives and enables the spinal cord's natural capacity for repair after injury. The findings, published Brain, could one day lead to new treatments which enhance this spontaneous repair mechanism by manipulating the neuregulin-1 signal. Every year more than 130,000 people suffer traumatic spinal cord injury (usually from a road traffic accident, fall or sporting injury) and related healthcare costs are among the highest of any medical condition -- yet there is still no cure or adequate treatment. Read More

Could Germ From Cat Poop Trigger Rage Disorder in People?

Your cat's litter box could be a source of explosive anger -- and not for the obvious reasons. A new study suggests that people prone to explosive bouts of rage might be under the influence of toxoplasmosis, an illness caused by a parasite found in cat feces and undercooked meat. Folks diagnosed with intermittent explosive disorder (IED) are more than twice as likely to carry Toxoplasma gondii, the parasite that causes toxoplasmosis, said lead researcher Dr. Emil Coccaro. "If you've got someone with aggression problems, you might check them for toxoplasmosis," said Coccaro, chair of psychiatry and behavioral neuroscience at the University of Chicago. "People who blow up have a real problem. It's not just a character problem or bad behavior. There's something underneath that's driving it." Read More

Feds Aim To Improve Academics Among Students With Behavior Issues

Federal education officials are taking new steps to address the academic needs of students with disabilities who have significant behavior challenges. The U.S. Department of Education says that many kids with behavior or learning issues are intellectually capable, but are underperforming academically simply because they are not being provided appropriate interventions and supports. Now the agency is looking to do something about it, with plans to fund a new National Center for Students with Disabilities Who Require Intensive Intervention. Read More

Pre-Pregnancy Stress May Affect Baby's Size

Stress hormone levels before pregnancy may affect a woman's risk of having a low birth weight baby, a new study suggests. Typically, levels of the stress hormone cortisol are high when you wake up in the morning and decline through the day. But some people have a low cortisol level in the morning, and a smaller-than-normal decline during the day, the study authors said. That abnormal pattern -- associated with chronic stress and a history of trauma -- has been linked to progression of a number of diseases, including cancer and hardening of the arteries, the researchers said. Read More

New Role of Environment in Multiple Sclerosis Revealed

Environmental factors may be playing a greater role in the onset of multiple sclerosis than previously realized, according to early research. The theory is based on findings showing that Black people and South Asians in east London have a higher prevalence of MS compared to those groups in ancestral countries, indicating a strong environmental influence that could be driving higher MS rates in London. Read More

A Wearable Patch Might Help Manage Diabetes Painlessly

An experimental device might one day literally take the pain out of managing diabetes, Korean researchers say. The new invention uses a patch to monitor blood sugar levels via sweat, and delivers the diabetes drug metformin through the skin with microneedles. "Diabetics are reluctant to monitor their blood glucose levels because of the painful blood-gathering process," said study author Hyunjae Lee, from Seoul National University in the Republic of Korea. "We highly focused on a noninvasive monitoring and therapy system for diabetics." Read More

Congress May Consider Tweaks To ABLE Accounts

Federal lawmakers are already looking to expand the eligibility and capabilities of a new type of savings account for people with disabilities. A package of three bills introduced this month in Congress would offer extra flexibility to individuals with disabilities using accounts created under the Achieving a Better Life Experience, or ABLE, Act. The savings vehicle established under federal law in 2014 will for the first time allow those with disabilities to save up to $100,000 without jeopardizing Social Security and other government benefits. Medicaid eligibility will not be affected by any level of funds accrued in the accounts.Read More
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60,000 U.S. Kids Treated for Accidental Medicine Poisoning a Year

Nearly 60,000 children in the United States are accidentally poisoned by medicines each year, a new report says. That's the equivalent of four busloads of children -- or one every nine minutes -- arriving at emergency departments every day because of medicine-related poisoning, according to Safe Kids Worldwide. And nearly every minute each day a poison control center receives a call about a child who got into medicines, the report notes. "We want parents and caregivers to remember that the first line of defense in preventing medicine poisoning is the family," Kate Carr, president and CEO of Safe Kids Worldwide, said in a news release from the group. Read More

Blooming Trees Can Bring Misery to Allergy Sufferers

Tree pollen season has arrived, but there are a number of ways allergy sufferers can prevent or control their symptoms, an expert says. Mid-February is when blooming trees begin to flower. By the time the blossoms have fallen in April, grass pollen season is well underway. This is followed by mid-summer and fall allergens, such as ragweed, according to Dr. Jeffrey Culp. He is an assistant professor of medicine and an allergist in the asthma, sinus and allergy program at Vanderbilt University Medical Center, in Nashville, Tenn. Some allergens stick around all year long, such as pet dander, dust mites and mold, he added. Most people aren't allergic to everything, Culp said, and there are a number of ways people can deal with both indoor and outdoor allergens. Read More
Students With Disabilities Suspended More Often At Charters
Charter schools are suspending students with disabilities at higher rates than typically-developing children and in numbers that outpace traditional public schools, a first-of-its-kind report indicates. In an analysis of discipline records for nearly 5,000 charter schools, researchers identified deep disparities no matter which grades charters served even though fewer children with disabilities attend such schools, according to the report from the Center for Civil Rights Remedies at the Civil Rights Project at the University of California, Los Angeles. Read More


* Special Education Teacher - Develop programs that meet with unique cultural, educational and developmental needs of the students enrolled at the school site and ensure the achievement of excellent educational standards. To learn more - Click here

* Early Childhood Special Educator - Magnum Medical has openings for  Early Childhood Special Educators to work with children of American military families stationed at Bahrain.  Position works in a home-based early intervention program, providing services to infants and toddlers of American military families stationed overseas. To learn more -
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* Multiple Teaching & Staff Support Opportunities - Are you interested in learning more about a career path at one of NYC's College & Career Ready High Schools? At this event you'll have the opportunity to meet with current teachers and principals from our schools and learn about current openings. To learn more - Click here

* Senior Test Developer, Alternate Assessment - The Assessment Program at AIR is a well regarded organization that is growing rapidly. The growth in AIR's Education Assessment Program has fueled the need for a Senior Test Developer, Alternate Assessment. To learn more - Click here

* Learning Specialist Grades 7-12 (Part-time) - To provide support and intervention in the area of executive functioning and self-advocacy skills and provide support to teachers on differentiated instruction and classroom accommodations. To learn more -
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* Elementary School Instructional Specialist - Falk Laboratory School, a coeducational K-8 school in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, seeks one full-time educator to work with children with a range of learning profiles and challenges, emphasizing support for their educational needs beginning August, 2016. To learn more - Click here

* Instructional Specialist (Special Education) - Is sought to design the scaling of intervention services for math and literacy across the network, to support lead special education teachers and intervention teachers across the network and to ensure that the state and federal compliance requirements for students with disabilities are met. To learn more - Click here

* Special Education Teacher - Our real masterpiece is the unleashing of human potential.  While our main focus is on creating the conditions of success for children to achieve their dreams, we also focus on developing one another through meaningful relationships, challenging work, constructive feedback, sound professional training, and a true commitment to nurturing the career path of each team member. To learn more - Click here

* Special Education Specialist - Squaw Valley Academy is looking for an experienced boarding school Special Education certified teacher to join our team and assist in the daily instruction of our students. To learn more - Click here

* National Leadership Program Director - RespectAbility's National Leadership Training Director will work directly with RespectAbility Fellows to provide the professional work experiences the Fellows need to advance in their careers while also advancing the mission of RespectAbility. To learn more - Click here

* Special Education Teacher - Is sought to provide an educational program for students who are developmentally disabled or have special needs and will ensure progress on all IEP goals & district and state requirements. To learn more- Click here

* Special Education Teacher - Will Teach students receiving Special Education services, assess students and utilize assessments to create specialized instruction that fosters continuous improvement for students with disabilities. To learn more -
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* Special Education Teacher Level I and II - You have experience developing and implementing IEP's you have experience preparing materials, individualized lesson plans, and activities according to assessment goals. To learn more - Click here

* Director, Special Education (Assessment) -  Support all aspects of the special education program with a focus on assessment to include: overseeing behavior implementation specialists, LSSP/Evaluation staff, budget, related services, autism, and speech.  To learn more -
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* Director, Special Education (Secondary) - Support all aspects of the special education program with a focus on secondary to include curriculum alignment, development and implementation, and compliance.  This position will work in close collaboration with the Executive Director and Assistant Superintendent. To learn more - Click here

* Director, Special Education (Elementary) - Support all aspects of the special education program with a focus on elementary to include curriculum alignment, development and implementation, and compliance.  To learn more -
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* Executive Director - Special Education - is responsible for directing all aspects of the special education program to include curriculum alignment, development and implementation, as well as, budgeting and staffing. To learn more - Click here

* Behavior Implementation Specialist - Build learning capacity of teachers across the district to develop and implement behavior management strategies in classrooms and to provide specific behavior intervention supports to students in a co-teach setting.  To learn more -
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* Special Education Teacher (Arizona) - EBS is seeking passionate, motivated Special Education Teachers who want to make a difference in the lives of exceptional children!  EBS Special Education Teachers develop and implement all aspects of student IEPs and classroom instruction in order to maximize academic, communicative, behavioral, self-help, social and emotional success.  To learn more - Click here

* Special Educator Teacher (Hawaii) - EBS is seeking passionate, motivated Special Education Teachers who want to make a difference in the lives of exceptional children!  EBS Special Education Teachers develop and implement all aspects of student IEPs and classroom instruction in order to maximize academic, communicative, behavioral, self-help, social and emotional success. To learn more - Click here

* Special Education Teacher (California) - EBS is seeking passionate, motivated Special Education Teachers who want to make a difference in the lives of exceptional children! EBS Special Education Teachers develop and implement all aspects of student IEPs and classroom instruction in order to maximize academic, communicative, behavioral, self-help, social and emotional success. To learn more -
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* Teacher - Our students need your expertise, passion and leadership. We are looking for highly motivated and skilled talent to join our team at the District of Columbia Public Schools (DCPS). We seek individuals who are passionate about transforming and improving educational outcomes for our students. To learn more - Click here

* Upper School Math Teacher - Is sought by the Lighthouse Point Academy with the ability to articulate the Mission, Vision, and Values of the school both verbally and in writing and have a comprehensive knowledge of curriculum and instruction within the appropriate content area and/or grade level. To learn more - Click here

* Special Education Teacher - The Research Foundation, founded in 1951, exists to serve SUNY and to capitalize on the scope, scale and diversity of SUNY as an engine of New York state's innovation economy. To learn more - Click here

* Special Education Teachers - needed in Arizona (Phoenix and surrounding cities). Needs are in the self-contained and resource settings serving students with emotional disabilities (ED), Autism (A), Severe/Profound (S/P), and Intellectual Disabilities (ID). To learn more - Click here

Food For Thought..........

When you show deep empathy toward others, their defensive energy goes down, and positive energy replaces it. That's when you can get more creative in solving problems. Steven Covey
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