Inclusion Series- Structuring Online Coursework to Support Independent Skills for Students with Mild Disabilities


This issue of NASET’s Inclusion Series was written by Melissa Beck Wells, Ed.D., BCASE, BCISE. The article examines strategies for structuring online coursework to foster independence and self-advocacy in students with mild disabilities. Through the application of Universal Design for Learning (UDL) principles, higher education practitioners can create adaptable, accessible learning environments that encourage students to manage their educational needs independently. Additionally, high school educators play a crucial role in transition planning by introducing digital tools and activities that support students’ self-advocacy and understanding of available resources in post-secondary settings. Finally, this article addresses how self-reflective activities within online courses can empower students to develop advocacy skills essential for navigating academic and professional environments. The collective insights from higher education practitioners, high school educators, and students themselves highlight the importance of inclusive design in supporting the long-term success of students with mild disabilities.

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