Inclusion Series- Partnering for Greatness
This issue of NASET’s Inclusion series was written by Sarieta Pollard, Ph.D. Maximizing a co-teaching partnership sounds great right! That’s easier said than done. As teachers, we are often faced with changing trends. Keeping up with those trends sometimes makes it difficult to prioritize collaborative relationships. The drive for general educators and special educators to draw on each other's knowledge and skills to improve teaching and learning for ALL students while maximizing co-teaching partnerships is overdue. Developing and honing SPED partnerships in schools is imperative to a school's strategic plan for student achievement. This is imperative because it allows for collaborative relationships that enable educators to align curriculum, instruction, and assessment. The partnership also is important for strategic plans in the school for achievement because it promotes a supportive learning environment that improves school culture and professional development. This partnership sounds great in theory; however, there may be roadblocks in developing partnerships and consistently implementing a partnership.
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