IEP Components -Checklist of Questions to Ask for IEP Teams as They Plan a Student’s Transition

NSTTAC is the National Secondary Transition Technical Assistance Center, an OSEP-funded project whose expertise is secondary transition.  As part of its work, NSTTAC has developed extensive training materials to help states collect data about the transition services they provide to youth with disabilities. Those materials are also useful for our purpose here, which is to look closely at the type of transition information to include in a student’s IEP.  NSTTAC’s materials include a checklist of questions to ask, which are adapted here for use by IEP teams as they plan a student’s transition services and craft statements to include in the student’s IEP.  This issue of NASET’s IEP Components series will present a checklist of questions to ask for IEP Teams as they plan a student’s transition.  NASET would like to thank the National Secondary Transition Technical Assistance Center for their permission to use its materials for this publication.

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