Bullying and Special Education
Bullying of Children topic presented in this issue:
- Student Reports of Bullying: Results from the School Crime Supplement (SCS) to the National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS)
In high school, there are many difficulties that children must face. Grades, assignments, and extracurricular activities are just to name a few. There is one topic, however, that can be detrimental to a child with disabilities’ health and mental state. This has to do with bullying. Bullying can be found as early as elementary schools, although this can have serious effects as the children grow into young adults. Although it is common to see in multiple school settings, there is not enough research to show how students in self-contained settings are affected by bullying. Bullying is disproportionately represented by special education students. There is not enough research to show how students in self-contained settings are affected by bullying. The articles being used in this literature review are as follows: Comparative Study of Bullying Victimization Among Students in General and Special Education, Exposure to bullying among students with autism spectrum conditions: A multi-informant analysis of risk and protective factors, Bullying and Students With Disabilities: Examination of Disability Status and Educational Placement, and Bullying Experiences, Anxiety About Bullying, and Special Education Placement. Using the Florida International University (FIU) website, the articles were obtained with the ProQuest database. With these articles, bullying will be delved into from this review to see the effects it has on students with disabilities based on the data collected.
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