Part #4 - Evaluation Procedures Used in the Assessment of Students with ADHD



A diagnosis of ADHD is multifaceted and includes behavioral, medical, and educational data gathering. One component of the diagnosis includes an examination of the child’s history through comprehensive interviews with parents, teachers, and health care professionals. Interviewing these individuals determines the child s specific behavior characteristics, when the behavior began, duration of symptoms, whether the child displays the behavior in various settings, and coexisting conditions. The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) stresses that since a variety of psychological and developmental disorders frequently coexist in children who are being evaluated for ADHD, a thorough examination for any such coexisting condition should be an integral part of any evaluation (AAP, 2000). The focus of this ADHD Series will be to presents the three most common evaluations used in the assessment of students with suspected ADHD: (1) Behavioral Evaluations; (2) Educational Evaluations; and (3) Medical Evaluations

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