Week in Review - September 30, 2022
National Association of Special Education Teachers
September 30, 2022 Vol 18 Issue #39
Dear NASET Members and Guests,
Welcome to NASET's WEEK in REVIEW. Here, we provide you with the latest publications fromNASET to read and or download, as well as some of the most interesting articles that have happened this week in the field of special education. We hope you enjoy this publication. Feel free to send us articles for this publication or let us know your thoughts about the WEEK in REVIEW at news@naset.org. Have a great weekend.
Special Educator e-Journal - October 2022
Table of Contents
- Special Education Legal Alert. By Perry A. Zirkel
- Buzz from the Hub
- U.S. Department of Education Disperses Funds to Support Parents of Children with Disabilities
- U.S. Department of Education Announces 2022 National Blue Ribbon Schools
- U.S. Department of Education Awards Over $7 Million to Eight Organizations to Highlight Parent Voices and Support Families Informing Student Development and Academic Recovery
- U.S. Department of Education Releases Back-to-School Checklist for Parents
- Increasing Pre-service Special Education Teacher Skills on Performance Feedback Tosha L. Owens, Ph.D., Melissa E. Hudson, Ph.D., and Karen S. Voytecki, Ph.D.
- Safe Schools Checklist
- The Resolution Process in Part B of IDEA
- Book Reviews:
- Graceful Leadership in Early Childhood Education. By Shelbi Sworn
- Culturally Responsive School Leadership. By Alycia Brown
- The Impactful Instructional Leadership and Framework for Success. By Marceline St Louis
- Acknowledgements
Adderall Shortage in US Spreads to Two More Drug Suppliers, Impacting Consumer Demand
A growing U.S. shortage of Adderall, a prescription drug taken to treat attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, has spread to two more makers of the drug. Lannett Co. and Par Pharmaceuticals are the most recent companies experiencing with limited supplies of generic extended-release Adderall, according to the University of Utah Pharmacy Services website, which tracks drug shortages nationwide More than six in 10 small pharmacies reported having difficulty in August obtaining the medication, a survey from the National Community Pharmacists Association found. Lannett spokesperson Robert Jaffe confirmed to USA TODAY Wednesday the company is seeing spikes in demand for its 15-milligram extended-release pills. Quotas on how much Adderall can be made also affects supply, Jaffe said. Read More
Classroom Rules That Keep Students’ Attention on Learning
Each year my fourth-grade class includes children who have trouble staying focused, following directions, and observing rules. I could use individual interventions to help them improve behavior and school performance, but I prefer to blend these strategies into classroom rules for every student. That way, I don’t have to single out students with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD or ADD) or learning disabilities, who may already feel different. Establishing clear expectations, incentives, and consequences for all students creates a community that fosters real learning. As much as possible, I anticipate and accommodate the problems of individuals in my class. For example, if I know that attention or language processing deficits make it hard for some kids to copy down spoken instructions, I provide typed assignments for everyone to take home. Read More
Chicago Public Schools Lack Inclusion of Special Education Classroom Assistants, Investigation Finds
The Better Government Association is investigating complaints that the school system is lacking inclusion of classroom assistants in the decision-making process. Chicago Public Schools' policy states special education classroom assistants can be invited to individualized education program meetings - a legally required conference for students with disabilities. But local activists and parents tell the BGA this policy isn't widely known or enforced, and some think CPS discourages the assistants from participating. "Special Education Classroom assistants are paraprofessionals that work with students with disabilities," BGA education reporter Jewél Jackson. "hey're not only the ones that are there with academic learning, helping those students complete their lessons but they're the constant presence and force in these students lives throughout the day." Read More
Study: Students with Disabilities in Inclusive Classes Achieved at Higher Levels
Indiana high school students with disabilities who spent more time in general education classes scored higher on state reading and math assessments and were better prepared for college and career than their peers in less inclusive settings, a study from Indiana University found. The research builds on a 2020 study from IU that examined outcomes for Indiana students in grades 3-8 whose primary disabilities included cognitive, learning and emotional disabilities, autism spectrum disorder, blindness, and deafness. Findings from that study showed students in more inclusive settings — regardless of their disability category — achieved significantly higher on state assessments than students in more restrictive settings. The two studies’ findings seem to validate what federal special education law requires — that students with disabilities attend classes in the least restrictive environment to the extent possible — and what many special education professionals and advocates say is important for providing equitable educational opportunities. Read More
Ways to Activate Student Engagement
School Lunch Program Sees Higher Participant Levels than Pre-Pandemic
The National School Lunch Program has gone back to its pre-pandemic eligibility requirements. Negaunee and Ishpeming Public Schools’ director of dining services Calvin Atwell explained what this means for the two school districts and what families should keep in mind throughout the school year regarding meals. There are about 300 students at Negaunee High School and roughly 1/3 of those students receive school lunch. Here’s what goes into a meal. Read More
Advocates Seek More Resources for Newcomer Students from U.S. Department of Education
A group of educators, researchers and advocacy organizations is asking the U.S. Department of Education to develop resources and supports for students new to the U.S. who are English learners known as newcomer students, according to a letter sent to U.S. Education Secretary Miguel Cardona on Aug. 31. Among the requests are common data collection definitions, curriculum resources, professional development and a national conference that would build awareness and collaboration to provide supports for newcomer students. While the Education Department has issued various guidance and resource documents over the past several years regarding the education of newcomer students, the 80 letter signers said more practical and organizational information is needed to best meet these students’ needs. Read More
School Serves “Twice Exceptional” Students
The Heron School, founded Emily Niehaus, former Moab City mayor, founder of Community Rebuilds, and owner of the Sunflower Hill Inn, opened for students this fall. The school serves “twice exceptional,” or 2e, students: students who excel academically but struggle in a conventional classroom due to a learning difference. Parents of 2e students can be caught in the middle, facing a choice between a school that caters to the child’s academic aptitude, or a school that caters to the child’s learning challenges like autism, ADHD, anxiety, or dyslexia. 2e students are “among the most under-identified and underserved population in schools,” according to the Davidson Institute, because their twice-exceptionality often contradicts itself when looking through the lens of only the academic aptitude or only the learning challenge. Read More
Easily Distracted? How to Tune Out Distractions & Focus on School
The problem: “My child is easily distracted; he doesn’t focus and listen.” Not focused on learning? Easily distracted at school and during homework? A student with attention deficit disorder (ADHD or ADD) might not seem to be listening or paying attention to class material. He may be daydreaming, looking out the window, or focused on irrelevant noises or other stimuli. As a result, he misses lessons, instructions, and directions. The reason: ADHD is not just an inability to pay attention — it’s an inability to control attention. Children with ADHD have a lower level of brain arousal, which in turn decreases their ability to screen out distractions like noise in the hallway, movement outside, or even their own inner thoughts and feelings. Children with ADHD have an especially hard time tuning out distractions when an activity is not sufficiently stimulating. They lose focus easily. Read More
Congratulations to: Katrina Snider, Olga Stavro, Cynthia Turcotte, Karen Frantz-Fry, Tracey Christilles, Joanna Elder, Kylie Powell, Patsy Ray, Lauro Esquilona III, Wanda Routier, Suzanne Jennings, Jenifer Womble-Ericson, and Susan Spry who all knew the answer to last week's trivia question:
Under the federal special education law, IDEIA, the initial evaluation of a child for a suspected disability must be conducted within how many days of receiving parental consent?
Answer: 60 DAYS
This week's trivia question: According to recent research published in Disability and Health Journal examining 2020 death certificate data patterns for people with or without an intellectual and developmental disability (IDD), for those without an IDD, this was the third leading cause of death in 2020, following heart disease and cancer. But for those with IDD, this was the number one cause of death in 2020. IDD are conditions characterized by life-long impairments in mobility, language, learning, self-care, and independent living. The study confirms earlier predictions that this diagnosis would be deadlier among people with IDD, says Scott Landes, associate professor at Syracuse University and lead author of the paper. What was the number one cause of death for individuals with intellectual disabilities in 2020?
If you know the answer to this week's trivia questions, email it to us at contactus@naset.org by October 4, 2022. If you are correct, you will be acknowledged in next week's NASET's Week in Review
Mightier App Uses Video Games to Help Kids with ADHD and Autism Regulate Their Emotions
A decade ago, researchers at Harvard Medical School and Boston Children's Hospital started working to find a new therapy for children who have problems with emotional regulation. They wanted it to be a coping mechanism that was scientifically proven, and that kids would be excited to engage in. They developed an app called Mightier that uses video games and a heart rate monitor to allow children to practice the skills they need to identify their emotions, reduce anxiety and calm down."They were working with lots of kids and families in Boston Children's Hospital who needed more help with emotional regulation than they got just through therapy, and they did randomized trials with them to test it out," said Emily Stone, a licensed social worker and lead clinical strategist at Mightier. Read More
Lawsuit Claims Bias in Special Education Rulings
A class-action lawsuit filed Wednesday claims Virginia special education due process hearings favor school systems over parents of children with disabilities. The lawsuit filed against the Virginia Department of Education and Fairfax County Public Schools alleges that over the last 20 years, Virginia parents have won less than 2% of 1,400 due process cases. The suit was filed on behalf of students with disabilities by Trevor and Vivian Chaplick, representing their child D.C., and a nonprofit they started. The Civil Rights Clinic of Georgetown Law School and the law firms Susman Godfrey and Merritt Law are representing the plaintiffs. The complaint also alleges that in Northern Virginia — where Fairfax County is located — 83% of special education hearing officers have never sided with families in a case in the past 10 years. Read More
With a Joyful Song, these Detroit Students are Re-Engaging with School
The three students started out singing softly, tiptoeing through the first few bars of a challenging jazz tune. They stumbled over a syncopated rhythm, but didn’t lose focus. They listened carefully to their teacher’s coaching, and responded. Soon, they were pulling off some of the tougher harmonies of “Sweet Georgia Brown.” When they hit just the right notes, the sound seemed to expand and fill the choir room at Detroit School of Arts. It was the second week of classes at the high school, and learning was in full swing. And this was just lunch hour. Read More
The Biggest Blind Spot in Education: Parents’ Role in Their Children’s Learning
The Department of Education’s recently released national test results revealed the pandemic’s devastating toll on student learning. Reading scores fell by the largest margin in more than three decades, and the greatest losses impacted marginalized students. A member of the assessment’s governing board concluded, “I don’t see a silver bullet beyond finding a way to increase instructional time.” He pointed to a set of solutions around which there is broad consensus: tutoring, summer school and extended school days. This reveals perhaps the biggest and most persistent blind spot in the American education system, because engaging families in their children’s learning is the only wide-reaching, cost-effective and culturally responsive way to increase instructional time and accelerate learning recovery. Read More
Study Finds People with ADHD at Significantly Higher Risk for Cardiovascular Disease
A new study finds ADHD may be a risk factor for cardiovascular disease.Researchers followed over 37,000 people with ADHD for nearly 12 years to see if they developed any cardiovascular conditions.While people with ADHD all had an increased risk of cardiac diagnoses, the risk was especially high for cardiac arrest, stroke, and peripheral vascular disease. A new study finds attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a risk factor for cardiovascular diseases. While experts have long known that some psychiatric conditions can increase the risk of cardiovascular disease, there has been little study on the potential link between ADHD and the risk of cardiovascular disease. Now a group of researchers from Karolinska Institutet and Örebro University in Sweden have published a studyTrusted Source in World Psychiatry that assesses that risk. Read More
Report: More States Are Giving Students a Say in Education Policy
An increasing share of states are including student perspectives in education policymaking, a new report finds, but making sure those voices are diverse and have real power can remain a challenge. At least 33 now include formal positions for youth representatives on their state boards of education or as advisors to their state boards or their state superintendent’s office. That’s up from just 25 four years ago, according to an August brief by the National Association of State Boards of Education. The organization is the only group that carries out nationwide audits of youth representation at the state level of education policymaking, and its prior update came in 2018. Read More
Report Raises Concern about Low Expectations for Students with Disabilities
State special education offices should avoid setting low expectations for students with disabilities in the wake of disrupted learning and services during the pandemic, warns The Advocacy Institute in a report. The nonprofit organization examined State Performance Plans’ Indicator 3B, which measures proficiency levels for children with individualized education programs on state assessments in reading and math for grades 4, 8, and high school. State special education offices submitted their six-year performance plans to the U.S. Department of Education earlier this year with improvement targets for proficiency on state assessments. Some state plans only show targets with minimal improvements, while others have more ambitious goals, The Advocacy Institute report said. Read More
* [2022-2023] Middle School Learning Specialist - Reporting to the Academic Dean, the Learning Specialist will be responsible for providing tailored support to students with special education needs, through integrated co-teaching, in small group settings, or a combination of both. This is an exciting opportunity for a seasoned educator who is passionate about ensuring all students succeed and thrive in school. To learn more- Click here
* School Principal - We strive to give our clients support, resources, and the ability to heal through the work of animal-assisted therapy and nature-based learning all while developing the skills and confidence to grow into independent young adults. To learn more- Click here
* Special Education Teacher (Sign on Bonus) - The Special Education Teacher works closely with all members of the dedicated, inter-disciplinary therapeutic team supporting the students and classroom. Teachers also collaborate with parents and guardians to ensure the greatest wrap around services, school -to-home communications, and understanding of the student. Collaboration with our partnering school districts is also essential. To learn more- Click here
* Special Education Teacher - Hope Learning Academy in Springfield, IL is seeking a full-time Special Education Teacher to develop and implement assessment-based IEP goals, objectives, and education routines that provide a functional age-appropriate curriculum for the students. The teacher will prepare lesson plans based up on the students’ IEP goals and objectives and shall provide educational instruction to students as well as guidance and direction to educational specialist. To learn more- Click here
* Special Education Teacher - Hope Learning Academy in Chicago is seeking a full-time Special Education Teacher to educate students with low-incidence disabilities. The Special Education Teacher will work closely with the general education and special education school team to teach students according to their Individualized Education Plans (IEPs) and help students develop to their full academic potential while systematically increasing their social and independent functioning skills. To learn more- Click here
* Special Education Teacher, Learning Disabilities - Provides and is accountable for the planning, assessment, instruction, communication, human relations, safety, and management of a classroom or assigned instructional setting. Supports FCPS mission to "inspire, enable, and empower students to meet high academic standards, lead ethical lives, and demonstrate responsible citizenship." To learn more- Click here
* Special Education Teacher, Multiple Disabilities ES/MS/HS - Provides and is accountable for the planning, assessment, instruction, communication, human relations, safety, and management of a classroom or assigned instructional setting. Supports FCPS mission to "inspire, enable, and empower students to meet high academic standards, lead ethical lives, and demonstrate responsible citizenship." To learn more- Click here
* [2022-2023] Reading Intervention Specialist - Like all DREAM employees, the Intervention Specialist should demonstrate a strong commitment to the mission and values of DREAM and should have substantial expertise in all areas of responsibility. Candidates must also value DREAM's comprehensive approach to education and desire to make a lasting impact in underserved communities as part of a growing organization. To learn more- Click here
* [2022-2023] ELL Teacher - Reporting to the Academic Dean, the ELL Teacher will be responsible for designing and leading ELL instruction, and collaborating with school staff to provide English language support. This is an exciting opportunity for a dynamic educator who is passionate about improving student outcomes for all students, and eager to apply their vision for rigorous, whole-child education in a growing, collaborative school community. To learn more- Click here
* Special Education Teacher Preschool - Provides and is accountable for the planning, assessment, instruction, communication, human relations, safety, and management of a classroom or assigned instructional setting. Supports FCPS mission to "inspire, enable, and empower students to meet high academic standards, lead ethical lives, and demonstrate responsible citizenship." To learn more- Click here
* [2022-2023] Middle School ELA Learning Specialist - Reporting to the Academic Dean, the Middle School Social Studies Teacher will be responsible for building meaningful relationships with students, implementing a Common Core-aligned curriculum, and working with their grade team to analyze data to drive instruction. This is an exciting opportunity for an educator who is passionate about improving student outcomes by leading excellent instruction and building a positive school culture. To learn more- Click here
* [Immediate Hire] Middle School Math Learning Specialist - Reporting to the Academic Dean, the Middle School Math Learning Specialist will be responsible for building meaningful relationships with students, implementing a Common Core-aligned curriculum, and working with their grade team to analyze data to drive instruction. This is an exciting opportunity for an educator who is passionate about improving student outcomes by leading excellent instruction and building a positive school culture. To learn more- Click here
* Tenure Track Faculty - School of Education (Special Education) - We value the ability to serve students from a broad range of cultural heritages, socioeconomic backgrounds, genders, ability and orientations. Therefore, we prioritize applicants who demonstrate they understand the benefits diversity brings to a professional educational community. The successful candidate will be an equity-minded individual committed to collaborating with faculty, classified staff, administration, and students who are also committed to closing equity gaps. To learn more- Click here
* Special Education Teacher-(Elementary, Middle, or High School) - The EC Teacher plans and provides for appropriate learning experiences for students with disabilities in a variety of educational settings. To learn more- Click here
* Student Learning Support (SLS) Teacher (Immediate Opening) - Rochambeau is committed to a diverse workforce representative of our students, one that embraces cultural competency and an international community. Diversity is the hallmark of Rochambeau, with over 80 nationalities represented in the student body. We are dedicated to fostering a culture where diversity, equity, and inclusion remain at the core of who we are. To learn more- Click here
* Special Education Teacher $2,000 sign-on bonus! - BASIS is seeking an experienced Special Education Teacher who is eager to develop leadership skills by serving as a member of the school’s administrative team. This is a teacher/administrator hybrid role whose primary responsibilities include the provision of special education services and supporting special education program operations as part of the administrative team at a school site. To learn more- Click here
* Special Education Assistant $2,000 sign-on bonus! - BASIS.ed offers an incredible opportunity to be deeply involved in an academic community that is dynamic, exciting and unpredictable. You'll join others in a highly social, supportive and collaborative environment. To learn more- Click here
* Special Education - Elementary Teacher - Career opportunities where you can choose your path. From coaching to administration, there are many options to grow your career, while pursuing your interests and passions. We are hiring immediately for a full-time Special Education - Elementary Teacher. Come grow your career with the Clark County School District! To learn more- Click here
* Special Education Teacher and Paraprofessional Positions – District Wide - The purpose of these positions is to help each student learn subject matter and skills that will contribute to his/her development as a mature, capable, and responsible adult. Provide a positive, healthy, and safe environment in which the student can achieve his/her maximum potential. To learn more- Click here
If you are an Employer looking for excellent special education staff - Click here for more information
Because that’s what kindness is. It’s not doing something for someone else because they can’t, but because you can. Andrew Iskander
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