Dear NASET News, Welcome to NASET's WEEK in REVIEW. Here, we provide you with the latest publications fromNASET to read and or download, as well as some of the most interesting articles that have happened this week in the field of special education. We hope you enjoy this publication. Feel free to send us articles for this publication or let us know your thoughts about the WEEK in REVIEW at Have a great weekend.
Sincerely, NASET News Team | Week in Review - October 26, 2018NEW THIS WEEK ON NASET NASET's Parent Teacher Conference Handout Transition to Preschool from Early Intervention
Kids grow fast, don't they? And early intervention is designed for children from birth up to age three. At that point, services under EI end. If the child will need continued support once he or she moves on to preschool, it's very important for parents to plan ahead so that the transition is smooth. The resources below will help you assist parents who may be in this situation. Read More | Week in Review - October 26, 2018NASET's Professional Development Courses - Free for Members! Dyslexia (Reading Disability)-Specific Types
What you will learn from this one-hour course: - Overview of Dyslexia
- Definition
- Diagnostic Symptoms
- Causes
- Complications
- Further Key Points
- Auditory Linguistic Dyslexia
- Direct Dyslexia
- Dysnomia
- Dyseidetic Dyslexia (Visual Dyslexia, Dyseidesia or Surface Dyslexia)
- Dysnemkinesia Dyslexia
- Dysphoneidetic Dyslexia (Mixed Dyseidetic and Dysphonetic Dyslexia)
- Dysphonetic Dyslexia (Dysphonesia or Auditory Dyslexia)
- Neglect Dyslexia
- Phonological Dyslexia
To access this course click this link - Dyslexia (Reading Disability)-Specific Types | Week in Review - October 26, 2018Some 'Autism Genes' Show Stronger Ties to Related Conditions The largest autism sequencing study to date implicates 99 genes in the condition - but nearly half show tighter ties to intellectual disability or developmental delay than to autism. Researchers presented the unpublished results yesterday at the 2018 American Society of Human Genetics conference in San Diego, California. The findings may seem discouraging but in fact offer hope, because they suggest it is possible to pin down genes involved specifically in autism, says Stephan Sanders, assistant professor of psychiatry at the University of California, San Francisco, a researcher on the study. "The message that autism and developmental delay, despite their overlap, have distinction is getting stronger and stronger and stronger," Sanders says. "For autism, this is the best possible news." Read More | Week in Review - October 26, 2018Week in Review - October 26, 2018Father's Nicotine Use Can Cause Cognitive Problems in Children and Grandchildren A father's exposure to nicotine may cause cognitive deficits in his children and even grandchildren, according to a study in mice publishing on October 16 in the open-access journal PLOS Biology by Pradeep Bhide of Florida State University in Tallahassee and colleagues. The effect, which was not caused by direct secondhand exposure, may be due to epigenetic changes in key genes in the father's sperm. Exposure of mothers to nicotine and other components of cigarette smoke is recognized as a significant risk factor for behavioral disorders, including ADHD in multiple generations of descendants. Whether the same applies to fathers has been less clear, in part because in human studies it has been difficult to separate genetic factors (such as a genetic predisposition to ADHD) from environmental factors, such as direct exposure to cigarette smoke. Read More | Week in Review - October 26, 2018Kids Who Are the Youngest in their Class are More Likely to be Diagnosed with ADHD, New Study Finds Being the parent of a child with attention deficit hyperactive disorder (ADHD) isn't easy. Having trouble sitting still and paying attention can cause a lot of stress for school-age children (especially if they're always getting in trouble for it), and living with executive function issues also often translates into a *ton* of lost stuff, forgotten assignments, incomplete homework, and major frustration. ADHD diagnoses can provide valuable insight, but experts are also concerned that some kids are being misdiagnosed. And it's why a recent study showing that kids who are the youngest in their class are more likely to be diagnosed with ADHD is particularly eye-opening. The research team, led by University College London psychiatrist Dr. Joanna Moncrieff, reviewed 17 studies involving more than 14 million children in 12 countries, and looked at how a child's age relative to their classmates might affect whether or not they will be diagnosed or medicated for ADHD. And what they found was that the youngest children in the classroom (aka those born late in the year) were actually more likely to be diagnosed with the condition than their peers. Read More | Week in Review - October 26, 2018Medical Marijuana Approved For Autism Treatment in Rhode Island Autism spectrum disorder has been added to the Rhode Island Department of Health's (RIDOH) list of conditions treatable with medical marijuana. RIDOH Public Information Officer Joseph Wendelken announced that a petition the department received in April was signed Tuesday. He told NBC 10 that treatment is not for all types of autism. Approval for treatment only applies to autism spectrum disorder (ASD) where specific symptoms are present. Read More |
Week in Review - October 26, 2018Week in Review - October 26, 2018TRIVIA QUESTION OF THE WEEK Congratulations to: Teresa Stauffer, John Cordero, Wali F. Cunningham, Patsy Ray, Cindi Maurice, Kimberley Wilson, Olumide Akerele, and Melody Owens who all knew the answer to last week's trivia question. QUESTION: According to research published in the Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (JAACAP), suicide is a major public health problem affecting American youth and is the second most common cause of death for those between the ages of 10 and 24 years old. First suicide attempts are more lethal than previously realized. What percentage of youth dying by suicide do so on their first attempt (also known as the "index" attempt). ANSWER: 71% This week's question: This Hall of Fame Super Bowl winning quarterback and his wife are on their way to creating a legacy that's bigger than winning the Super Bowl. The two decided to build a house in Arizona that will help people managing with intellectual and developmental disabilities. The house, which they have called "Treasure House", was built after they discovered their adult son, who has a developmental disability, had no place to live on his own in Arizona. They decided to build Treasure House to not only help their son, but to assist others as well. Who are they? If you know the answer, email us at by October 30, 2018. We will acknowledge your correct answer in the next edition of the Week in Review | Week in Review - October 26, 2018Board Certification in Special Education Available to NASET Members  Through an agreement with The American Academy of Special Education Professionals(AASEP), NASET members now have the opportunity to achieve AASEP Board Certification in Special Education - (B.C.S.E.) at a reduced fee. AASEP Board Certification in Special Education - (B.C.S.E.) is a voluntary choice on the part of the candidate. The candidate for Board Certification wishes to demonstrate a commitment to excellence to employers, peers, administrators, other professionals, and parents. From the standpoint of the Academy, board certification will demonstrate the highest professional competency in the area of special education. Board Certification in Special Educationestablishes a much needed standard for professionals, across disciplines, who work with exceptional children. Read More | Week in Review - October 26, 2018How Does Brain Structure Influence Performance on Language Tasks? The architecture of each person's brain is unique, and differences may influence how quickly people can complete various cognitive tasks. But how neuroanatomy impacts performance is largely an open question. To learn more, scientists are developing a new tool -- computational models of the brain -- to simulate how the structure of the brain may impact brain activity and, ultimately, human behavior. The research focuses on interconnectivity within the brain, looking at how different regions are linked to and interact with one another (traits that vary between individuals). In an initial proof-of-concept study, a team led by University at Buffalo mathematician Sarah Muldoon finds that this approach shows promise for understanding the interplay between brain structure and performance on language-related tasks. The research was published in PLOS Computational Biology on Oct. 17. Read More | Week in Review - October 26, 2018Attending the 'Best' High School May Yield Benefits and Risks for Students Parents often go to great lengths to ensure that their children attend top schools, surrounded by high-achieving peers who often come from advantaged backgrounds. But data collected from individuals over a span of 50 years suggests that these aspects of selective schools aren't uniformly beneficial to students' educational and professional outcomes in the following decades. The findings are published in Psychological Science, a journal of the Association for Psychological Science. "Above and beyond students' individual capabilities and their family background, more selective schools provided both benefits and risks to students, which translated into real-world differences in their careers years later," says lead researcher Richard Göllner of the University of Tübingen. "Specifically, being in a high school with a higher average socioeconomic background benefited students later on, whereas being in a school with a higher average achievement level harmed students later on." Read More | Week in Review - October 26, 2018Participating in Sports During Childhood May Have Long-Term Benefits for Bone Health Participation in organized sport during childhood and adolescence is associated with bone mass at 20 years of age, according to a Journal of Bone and Mineral Research study. In the study that followed 984 children into young adulthood, males who were 'consistent sport participators' from ages 5-17 years had significantly greater whole body and leg bone mineral content at age 20 years than those who dropped out of sport, whereas males who 'joined sports' had significantly greater leg bone mineral content than those who dropped out of sport. Females who were 'consistent sport participators' had significantly greater leg bone mineral content at 20 years of age than those who dropped out. Because attainment of optimal peak bone mass in young adulthood is protective against osteoporosis later in life, participation in organized sport may have long-term skeletal benefits. Read More |
Week in Review - October 26, 2018Week in Review - October 26, 2018Report: School Absences More Frequent for Kids with Disabilities Children with developmental disabilities are far more likely to be missing a lot of school, according to a new federal report, with those who have certain conditions at especially high risk. Among kids ages 5 to 17, those with at least one developmental disability face twice the odds of being deemed chronically absent, a label given to students who miss 15 or more days of school within a single year. The likelihood of qualifying as chronically absent increased with the number of developmental disabilities a child had, the report found. Reported absenteeism was highest among those with intellectual disability at 14 percent, followed by autism at 9 percent, developmental delay at 7.2 percent and ADHD at 5.2 percent. Read More | Week in Review - October 26, 2018Lawsuit Alleges State of Michigan Failing Flint Children with Special Needs Attorneys for Flint schoolchildren allege the Michigan Department of Education is systemically failing to meet the needs of special education students in the wake of the city's lead crisis. Flint's special education population is growing at a time it lacks 25 percent of its special education teaching force, according to a motion filed Monday on behalf of Flint schoolchildren by the ACLU Fund of Michigan and the Education Law Center. Both legal teams allege that Flint Community Schools, in which nearly 20 percent of students qualify for special education, lacks a quarter of its special education teaching force "let alone the additional staff that may be needed to serve the growing numbers of students with disabilities," attorney Lindsay M. Heck said. The statewide special education rate is 13.6 percent. The percentage of special education students in Flint schools has increased by from 14.88 percent in 2014-15 to 19.77 percent in the 2017-18 school year. Read More | Week in Review - October 26, 2018Youth Violence Lower in Countries with Complete Ban on Corporal Punishment A study published today in the BMJ Open shows that in countries where there is a complete ban on all corporal punishment of children there is less fighting among young people. There was 31% less physical fighting in young men and 42% less physical fighting in young women in countries where corporal punishment was banned in all settings, compared with those where corporal punishment was permitted both at school and at home. In countries where there was a partial ban on corporal punishment (such as in Canada, the US and the UK where corporal punishment not banned in at home), the level of violence in young men was similar to that in countries with no bans, though the level of violence in women was lower (at 56%). Read More | Week in Review - October 26, 2018Traditional Clothes Don't Work for Some People with Disabilities....and that's a Major Problem When stylist Stephanie Thomas meets someone who tells her they didn't realize people with disabilities have different clothing needs, she asks them a simple question: "What do you do when you stand up?" The answer: "You adjust your clothing somehow," Thomas explains. "You pull your pants up; you adjust your skirt. Clothing is designed for standing, so adjustments need to be made for those who can't stand as much or at all." This conversation is familiar to me, as is a lot of what Thomas has to say. She's a congenital amputee who was born missing digits on her right hand and feet, and I was born with cerebral palsy. Our disabilities are different, but we grew up with a shared stubbornness to make trends work for us, even if that meant stumbling or feeling pain. For instance, we both wore open-toed shoes for the fashion, but also to prove a point. "Someone said I couldn't," Thomas says, and that only made her want to more. "I always do what people say I can't do." Read More | Week in Review - October 26, 20186 Surprising Ways to Ditch Disability Bias in the Workplace People with disabilities, now the largest minority group in this country, are largely misunderstood by business leaders, managers, and well, a lot of people. And at the same time, C-suite executives are actively looking for ways to remove disability bias and lessen the employment gap. But disability advocates say the research and statistics on people's understanding of the disability community are still dismal. How do we meet in the middle? How do we have the tough conversations that will inspire both sides? How can we all go the extra mile? I'll give you the bad news first. In a study by Scope, 67% of the British public (that I think mirrors the U.S.) said they felt uncomfortable talking to people with disabilities and 85% felt people living with disabilities were treated with prejudice. It gets even more awkward: 21% of younger people said they have actually gone out of their way not to talk to a person they think has a disability. Read More |
 | Week in Review - October 26, 2018The Rising Rate of Autism in Kids: Is there an autoimmune Connection and Can Diet Help? In 1970, only 1 child in 10,000 was diagnosed with autism. Today, according to the CDC, the number is 1 in 59. Expansion of the diagnosis to autism spectrum disorder (ASD) in the DSM-5 might explain some of the difference in the number of children diagnosed with the disorder. But the widened criteria does not explain such an immense increase. The cause or causes of autism spectrum disorder are still elusive. Currently, there are two camps in the autism world. One camp holds that the cause of autism is genetic. This group says that autism is a genetic condition, something like Down syndrome. However, despite decades of intensive research, no "autism gene" or combination of autism genes has yet been discovered. Nonetheless, this camp holds that autism is a condition that a child will have forever. It can be managed but it cannot be cured. The second camp argues that the causes of autism are mainly environmental, though some genetic factors may play a role. They believe that environmental triggers like pesticides, certain foods, allergens, vaccines, and even stress can trigger an immune reaction in the child's body which impacts the brain and can cause symptoms of autism. Read More | Week in Review - October 26, 2018Kids' Sleep May Suffer from Moms' Tight Work Schedules It may be tough for working moms to get a good night's sleep, but working tight hours may affect their children's sleep, too. After studying the sleep habits of children from ages five to nine, researchers found that when mothers reported less flexibility in their work schedules, their children got less sleep. When they gained flexibility in their work schedules, their children slept more. However, this link diminished when the researchers accounted for whether the children were given regular bedtime routines, suggesting consistent bedtimes may be the key to offsetting damage done by tight work schedules. Orfeu Buxton, professor of biobehavioral health at Penn State, said the results give clues into how and why a parent's work schedule may affect their children's sleep. Read More | Week in Review - October 26, 2018Increasing Vigorous Exercise Decreases Risk of Type Two Diabetes, Cardiovascular Disease in Childhood Physical exercise can reduce the risk factors of type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease even in children, a new study from the University of Eastern Finland shows. In a two-year follow-up of primary school children, sedentary behavior increased the accumulation of risk factors, whereas increasing the amount of vigorous exercise reduced it. This is one of the first follow-up studies to reliably demonstrate these associations in children. The results are based on follow-up data from the Physical Activity and Nutrition in Children (PANIC) Study, ongoing at the University of Eastern Finland. Conducted in collaboration with scientists from the University of Cambridge, the Norwegian School of Sport Sciences and the University of Copenhagen, the findings of the study were published in the Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports. Read More | Week in Review - October 26, 2018Honor Society for Special Education Teachers Learn More | Week in Review - October 26, 2018Coffee Shop Brews Up Opportunity for Students with Special Needs For some people in Washington, Missouri, the day begins with the perfect blend. Welcome to the Cocoa Cafe, where they put the 'good' in good morning. "We sell pastries, coffee and iced coffee to anyone who shows up," explained Noah Thompson, one of the workers. But this Cafe's secret ingredient isn't what they're serving but who's serving it. "They're hard workers, they're eager to please. They are happy, like all the time," said supervisor Judy Obermark. Don't look for reviews on Yelp because the Cocoa Cafe is actually inside Washington High School. The customers are students and teachers and the workers are all in the Special Education Department. "Somebody on the Autism spectrum, to Down Syndrome, Cerebral Palsy," explained Obermark who is a Special Education teacher. The Cafe opened more than 10 years ago as a way of turning disabilities into possibilities. Read More | Week in Review - October 26, 2018 LATEST JOB LISTINGS POSTED ON NASET *Special Education Teacher - Chicago, IL - The Invo-Progressus Team has incredible opportunities for Special Education Teachers...or, as we like to call them, Superheroes. We are currently seeking full-time Special Education Teachers in Chicago, IL to provide services in a K-12 school program. For more information - Click here * Special Education Teacher - Philadelphia, PA - The Invo-Progressus Team has incredible opportunities for Special Education Teachers...or, as we like to call them, Superheroes. If you use your super powers to help ensure that children have access to the best education possible in the least restrictive environment, we would love for you to join the Invo-Progressus team! To learn more - Click here * SPECIAL EDUCATION TEACHER - Mountainside, NJ - The Arc Kohler School, Mountainside NJ is a leading collaborative private special education school serving student's preschool age through high school. The Arc Kohler School is seeking a Special Education Teacher to work full-time with their unique population. Full-time, 8:30 A to 3:00 P. To learn more - Click here * Special Education Teacher - Chicago, IL - Pathways in Education (PIE) is a year round Public Non-Profit Charter School who works alongside their students to design individualized learning plans. We work to effectively meet their unique academic, social-emotional, and scheduling needs through a blended teaching model. The primary responsibility for this position is to provide specialized academic instruction to individual and small groups of students, reinforcing language and reading concepts. To learn more - Click here * Special Education Teacher - Shreveport, LA - The primary responsibility of the SPED teacher is to provide instruction and other related services to Special Education students. The SPED Teacher will also facilitate diagnostic assessment including administration, scoring and interpretation. SPED teachers will review and revise IEP's as needed. To learn more - Click here * Special Education Teacher - Chicago, IL - Jewish Child & Family Services (JCFS) provides vital, individualized, results-driven, therapeutic and supportive services for thousands of children, adults and families of all backgrounds each year. JCFS is currently seeking a Special Education Teacher to work with individuals and small groups of children (K - 12) with emotional and behavior disorders in a therapeutic special education classroom. The Therapeutic Day School is located in West Rogers Park, Chicago, IL. To learn more - Click here * Behavior Trainer- New York - New York State Certification in Special Education required. Ability to work effectively with children with autism. Knowledge of signs of abuse and mandated reporting requirements as required by law. Proven ability to provide expert supervision to staff on individual or group level, based on ongoing and current knowledge of theory, research and best practices in field of developmental disabilities and autism spectrum disorders. To learn more - Click here * Middle/High School Principal - New York - Under the direction of the Education Department's Vice President and/or Director, the Principal ensures that the school provides a safe, productive learning environment of the highest quality and is aligned with NYS Learning Standards and Individual Educational Program mandates.To learn more - Click here * Special Education Teacher - West Chester, PA - The Devereux Pennsylvania Children's Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Services (CIDDS) center serves children, adolescents and young adults - from birth to age 21 - with autism spectrum disorders, intellectual and developmental disabilities, and behavioral and emotional disorders.To learn more - Click here * Special Education Teacher - Rivermont Schools are now hiring special education teachers at multiple locations throughout Virginia. Sign on bonus of $2,000 and relocation assistance of $5,000 are available for those who qualify. To learn more - Click here If you are an Employer looking for excellent special education staff - Click here for more information |
Food For Thought.......... You cannot be all things to all students. But sometimes, just sometimes, you will be the right teacher at the right time. You will be the exact teacher that one child needed more than anything. Paul F.C. Mundy |