Dear NASET News, Welcome to NASET'sWEEK in REVIEW. Here, we provide you with the latest publications from NASET to read and or download, as well as some of the most interesting articles that have happened this week in the field of special education. We hope you enjoy this publication. Feel free to send us articles for this publication or let us know your thoughts about the WEEK in REVIEW at Have a great weekend.
NASET News Team |
Equal Opportunity and Accountability: The Free Appropriate Education Act (FAPE) FAPE and Individualized Education Program (IEP). By Dr. Heidi D'Ambrosio and Ms. Lora Reese
This issue of NASET's IEP Component series was written by Dr. Heidi D'Ambrosio and Ms. Lora Reese. The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) coupled with the Free Appropriate Education Act (FAPE) mandates the honoring of student rights to have complete access to curriculum and communication with zero rejection. Despite the legal demands of these two great Acts, some children are still being left behind. The purpose of this article is to bring attention to just one of many cases where the rights of a student with autism, a prevalent diagnosis, was denied his due entitlement to reach full academic and social potential. The United States Supreme Court has adjudicated cases as recently as Spring 2017. A case law review was conducted to offer insight into the world of school litigation and legislation as it relates to achievement, accountability, parental involvement, and special and remedial education reform policies and practices. Read More
NASET's Parent Teacher Conference HandoutWhat is a Developmental Delay If you as a parent are reading this, perhaps you're concerned about your child's development. We're glad you're here, because there are many immediate things you can do to help your son or daughter. First, know that there's help available to find out just what the difficulties are, if any, and address those difficulties.
The good news is that this help is usually free, and it's available in every state. Keep reading if you'd like to know more. Read More |
NASET's Special Educator eJournal
October 2017
Table of Contents: - Action Research Report: The Use of Occupational Therapy Toys to Increase On-Task Behaviors. By Louris Otero
- Book Review: A Force for Change (Author: John Paul Kotter). By Maria Ibarra
- Montessori for Children with Learning Differences. By Joyce Pickering, MA, SLP/CCC, HumD
- Book Review: What Great Principals Do Differently: 18 Things that Matter the Most (Author: Todd Whitaker). By Norma Samburgo
- An Investigation of Whether Teachers Find Technology or Manipulatives More Effective For Teaching Students With Special Needs. By Shari Caranante
- Book Review: Strengths Based Leadership - Great Leaders, Teams, and Why People Follow (Author: Tom Rath). By Rebecca A. Timmer
- A Survey of Special Educational Services Delivered to the Individuals with Disabilities at Special Education Institutes and Centers in Kingdom of Jordan. By Mezyed A. S. Adwan, Ph.D.
- Special Education Legal Alert. By Perry A. Zirkel
- Latest Employment Opportunities Posted on NASET
Kansas Education Board Struggles with Special Education Teacher ShortageA Kansas State Board of Education panel has recommended a new licensing system to reduce the shortage of teachers in the state. State education department officials said that there are 90 elementary school teacher openings in Kansas and more than 80 vacancies for special education teachers, the Topeka Capital-Journal reported "The challenge is now, these students are there (in school)," said Janet Waugh, a longtime board member. "What are we doing because we still have to serve them? They don't stay home because we don't have a teacher." Read More |
New Hope for 'Bubble Baby Disease'Babies born with Severe Combined Immune Deficiency (SCID) syndrome are defenceless against bacterial and viral infections that would be virtually harmless to most healthy people. If untreated, SCID is often fatal within a baby's first year of life. Research led by the University of Hong Kong has resulted in a new testing regime that could speed up the diagnosis of SCID, allowing more infants to receive life-saving treatment within a critical timeframe. For the best chance of survival, infants with SCID should be treated as soon after birth as possible, and preferably within three-and-a-half months. However, poor recognition of SCID by front-line doctors is leading to delays in diagnosis, later treatments and poorer outcomes. Read More |

Brain White Matter May Hold Clues to Autism, ADHDThere may be a link between white matter in the brain and autism. Researchers at the New York University (NYU) School of Medicine have found a consistent connection between structural abnormalities in the brain's white matter with the severity of symptoms in people with autism. The study was published earlier this month in JAMA Psychiatry. Researchers say these findings hold true in children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) as well as, to some degree, in children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) who have autistic traits. Read More |
How Much Homework is Too Much Homework?Kids from grades one to twelve get increasing amounts of homework. But do they know why? Parents and teachers need to explain the purpose and goals of these assignments so they feel productive, not just additions that are to some kids only punitive after a long school day. The general purpose is to reinforce the learning during the day and for older kids to deepen their learning as well by covering more than class time permits. When kids see the reasons for these assignments, they take to them a bit more easily. Read More |
Premature Infants May Get Metabolic Boost from Mom's Breast MilkThe breast milk of mothers with premature babies has different amounts of microRNA than that of mothers with babies born at term, which may help premature babies catch up in growth and development, according to researchers. In a study, researchers compared the breast milk of mothers with babies born prematurely -- between 28 and 37 weeks gestation -- and at term -- after 38 weeks. They examined whether there were differences in the composition of the breast milks' microRNAs, snippets of RNA that affect gene expression and can be passed to the infant. "We found that there are differences in these microRNA profiles, and that the majority of the altered microRNAs influence metabolism," said Molly Carney, medical student in the Penn State College of Medicine. "If those microRNAs are being transferred to the infant, that could potentially impact how the newborn processes energy and nutrients. Read More |
New Theory: Chronic Sleep Disturbances May Trigger ADHD Symptoms, Not Vice VersaA new theory hypothesizes that ADHD symptoms may be caused by a lack of regular circadian sleep, positing that attention and sleep troubles may be "two sides of the same physiological and mental coin" - not just two sometimes-overlapping conditions. The theory was presented by Professor Sandra Kooij at the 30th European College of Neuropsychopharmacology Congress, held in early September in Paris, France. There, Kooji outlined extensive research linking ADHD to sleep problems, and offered new evidence that distorted circadian rhythms and ADHD symptoms may be interrelated for many people with the disorder. "There is extensive research showing that people with ADHD also tend to exhibit sleep problems," Kooij said. "What we are doing here is taking this association to the next logical step: pulling all the work together that leads us to say that, based on existing evidence, it looks very much like ADHD and circadian problems are intertwined in the majority of patients." Read More |
Board Certification in Special Education Available to NASET Members Through an agreement with The American Academy of Special Education Professionals(AASEP), NASET members now have the opportunity to achieve AASEP Board Certification in Special Education - (B.C.S.E.) at a reduced fee. AASEP Board Certification in Special Education - (B.C.S.E.) is a voluntary choice on the part of the candidate. The candidate for Board Certification wishes to demonstrate a commitment to excellence to employers, peers, administrators, other professionals, and parents. From the standpoint of the Academy, board certification will demonstrate the highest professional competency in the area of special education. Board Certification in Special Educationestablishes a much needed standard for professionals, across disciplines, who work with exceptional children.Read More |
New Study on the Placebo Effect and Antidepressants in Children and AdolescentsAlthough the clinical efficacy of antidepressants in children and adolescents is proven, it is frequently accompanied by side effects. In addition, the influence of the placebo effect on the efficacy of antidepressants is unclear. A meta-analysis of data from over 6,500 patients has now shown that, although antidepressants are more effective than placebos, the difference is minor and varies according to the type of mental disorder. The results were obtained by the University of Basel and Harvard Medical School and were published in the journal JAMA Psychiatry. The most common mental disorders in children and adolescents include anxiety disorders, depressive disorders, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and posttraumatic stress disorder. Children and adolescents are often treated with psychotherapy together with newer antidepressants such as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) and serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (SNRIs). Read More |
Girl Soccer Players Five Times More Likely than Boys to Return to Play Same Day After ConcussionA new study found girls were significantly more likely than boys to return to play the same day following a soccer-related concussion, placing them at risk for more significant injury. The study abstract, "Gender Differences in Same-Day Return to Play Following Concussion Among Pediatric Soccer Players," will be presented on Saturday, Sept. 16, during the American Academy of Pediatrics 2017 National Conference & Exhibition in Chicago. The study examined young athletes, average age 14, who sustained a concussion while playing soccer and who were treated at a pediatric sports medicine clinic in Texas. Of the 87 athletes diagnosed with a soccer-related concussion, two-thirds (66.7 percent) were girls. Among them, more than half (51.7 percent) resumed playing in a game or practice the same day as their injury, compared to just 17.2 percent of boys. Read More |
TRIVIA QUESTION OF THE WEEKThis week's question: In 2017, the U.S. Supreme Court's decision raised the standard for school systems that had set only the most limited goals for the children with disabilities. The Court reasoned that "a student offered an educational program providing merely more than de minimis progress from year to year can hardly be said to have been offered an education at all." What is the name of this most recent U.S. Supreme Court case? If you know the answer, email us at by October 2, 2017. We will acknowledge your correct answer in the next edition of the Week in Review
Allergies: The Need for Epinephrine in Schools -- and Staff Trained to Administer ItWith school nurses often covering multiple buildings, nearly one in five students who experience severe allergic reactions are given potentially life-saving epinephrine injections from unlicensed staff or students. The study abstract, "National School Nurse Survey of Epinephrine Use in Schools," will be presented on Sunday, Sept. 17, at the American Academy of Pediatrics 2017 National Conference & Exhibition in Chicago. For the study, more than 1,200 school nurses completed an electronic survey about the use of epinephrine in schools as emergency treatment for anaphylaxis, a severe allergic reaction, during the 2014-15. Nearly one-quarter (23.9 percent) of participants reported epinephrine being administered in their school during the past year. Read More |
Green Schoolyards Offer Physical and Mental Health Benefits for ChildrenA growing body of evidence supports the claim that access to safe, natural areas improves health across a wide variety of areas, including heart health, mental health, weight management, ADHD, and stress among children. A concept gaining momentum in this realm is green schoolyards. But what is a green schoolyard? A research abstract, "Green Schoolyards Support Healthy Bodies, Minds and Communities," that explores the concept of a green schoolyard will be presented Saturday, Sept. 16 at the American Academy of Pediatrics National Conference & Exhibition in Chicago. "Green schoolyards can include outdoor classrooms, native gardens, storm water capture, traditional play equipment, vegetable gardens, trails, trees and more," says Stephen Pont, MD, MPH, FAAP, medical director, Dell Children's Texas Center for the Prevention & Treatment of Childhood Obesity and Assistant Professor of Pediatrics, UT-Austin Dell Medical School. "And outside of school time, these schoolyards can be open for the surrounding community to use, benefitting everyone." Read More |
Third and Fourth Graders who Own Cell Phones are More Likely to be CyberbulliedMost research on cyberbullying has focused on adolescents. But a new study that examined cell phone ownership among children in third to fifth grades finds they may be particularly vulnerable to cyberbullying. The study abstract, "Cell Phone Ownership and Cyberbullying in 8-11 Year Olds: New Research," will be presented Monday, Sept. 18 at the American Academy of Pediatrics National Conference & Exhibition in Chicago. Researchers collected survey data on 4,584 students in grades 3, 4 and 5 between 2014 and 2016. Overall, 9.5 percent of children reported being a victim of cyberbullying. Children who owned cell phones were significantly more likely to report being a victim of cyberbullying, especially in grades 3 and 4. Read More |
For those Adapting to Disabilities, Sports Put Focus on What's Possible Rather than What Isn'tComing off the basketball court at the University of Maryland Rehabilitation & Orthopaedic Institute in West Baltimore on Saturday afternoon, Derrick Waters wiped a few beads of sweat from his forehead and smiled. "I still gotta get a lot better at it," the 38-year-old Owings Mills resident said of wheelchair basketball, "but it's my favorite." Across the parking lot, a group of women and girls, all with some form of physical disability, danced to hip-hop music thumping out of a set of speakers, while a few men with amputated limbs played soccer in the nearby grass. In an adjacent building, others with limited mobility were slipping into a pool in full scuba gear. All were participating in the institute's ninth annual Adaptive Sports Festival, an event aimed at showcasing all that is possible for individuals with physical disabilities who want to remain active in sports. Read More |
Fever Eases Behavioral Problems in Some Children with AutismAbout 17 percent of children with autism are calmer and more communicative than usual when they have a fever, according to a new analysis. Children with severe autism features are most likely to show these gains. Understanding how fever affects autism features could help researchers uncover causes of the condition or treatments for the children who tend to improve. The study is the first to characterize the children who show behavioral improvements during fever - an effect that has long been reported anecdotally but remains unexplained. The new work builds on a much smaller 2007 study, which reported that 83 percent of children with autism are less hyperactive and irritable, or otherwise behave better, when they have a fever. Read More |
Brain Controlled App Helps Children with ADHD
NeuroPlus is a simple racing game which uses incoming signals from a wireless EEG headset to control how fast the user's character moves. The more the child concentrates, the faster the character moves and the more difficult the game gets. The idea of the game is to encourage children to strengthen their focus and concentration whilst engaging them in a game they enjoy. In a recent study, 60 children with ADHD were randomly assigned to two groups: one using the NeuroPlus game for half an hour, three times a week, and the other receiving standard care. The effect of the NeuroPlus was measured using a questionnaire filled out by the children's parents (called the Conners test), and the Quotient ADHD System - an objective test used to measure ADHD symptoms. For both tests, NeuroPlus delivered significant improvements in child behavior. Read More |
Concerns Raised for Students with Special Needs in Texas After Hurricane HarveyPaperwork and technology concerns have been raised for special education students in Texas displaced by Hurricane Harvey. The Austin American-Statesman reports disability rights advocates are urging families of special education students to inquire about replacing assistive technology in storm-damaged schools. Advocates also want to make sure parents get proper information about paperwork needed to enroll a special education child in a new school. Cheryl Fries, with a parent group called Texans for Special Education Reform , says additional stresses are created when such children are displaced. The group will hold a 20-minute Facebook Live session on Thursday. Read More |

* Early Childhood Special Educator- Sterling/Magnum Medical seeks an Early Childhood Special Educator to work at Naples, Italy and Lakenheath, UK - 2 positions available. The program provides services to children of American military families stationed overseas who are at risk for, or diagnosed with, developmental delays. To learn more - Click here
* Special Education Teacher - Supplemental Health Care is seeking a qualified and dedicated Special Education Teacher for high school age or middle school students for a school in Chicago. The position requires a dedicated educator with a passion for education and students. To learn more - Click here
* Director of Special Education - National Heritage Academies (NHA), one of the nation's leading charter school management organizations, currently operates 84 schools across nine states serving over 58,000 students in Kindergarten through 8th grade. Founded in 1995 and based in Grand Rapids, Michigan, NHA is a for-profit organization with nearly 5,000 employees. National Heritage Academies is seeking an experienced and knowledgeable Director of Special Education to lead a department in meeting the needs of NHA's student population nationwide. To learn more - Click here
* ESE Preschool Teacher - We have an opening in our Preschool for an ESE Preschool Teacher to provide high quality, comprehensive and developmentally-appropriate instruction and child care to meet the individual needs of children and their families. Ideal candidates will have some experience teaching preschool students with disabilities, possess exceptional interpersonal and communication skills and have a passion for teaching young children. To learn more - Click here
* Special Education Teacher - We are seeking inspired and dynamic educators to join our team and provide a top quality education for all of our students. Whether you are starting your teaching career or are looking to launch a new chapter, your passion and experience will be deeply valued and your opportunities for growth and impact will be limitless. To learn more - Click here
* Lead ED Special Education Teacher - The Lead Special Education Teacher for Cornerstone is an integral member of the academics team whose focus is to guide students in their social-emotional and academic development. To learn more - Click here
* Assistant Professor of Education- The Moravian College Education Department invites applications for a tenure-track position in educational psychology with a focus on special education, inclusive education, and/or disability studies in education, beginning the Fall Term 2018. Members of the Moravian College Education Department view and carry out their work in the context of the College's liberal arts ethos. To learn more - Click here
* Special Education Teacher - JCFS is currently seeking a Special Education Teacher to work with individuals and small groups of children (K - 12) with emotional and behavior disorders, which may include aggressive behaviors, in a therapeutic special education classroom. The students attending the Therapeutic Day School have been referred from their home districts to our School to receive an individualized and intensive educational program in our supportive and therapeutic environment. To learn more - Click here
* Chief Program Officer - Serve as a key member of the Executive Team and partner closely with the Executive Director and CEO to further mission-specific and core competency goals. Interface with the Board of Directors in matters related to program operations. Participate in strategic planning and provide guidance necessary to assist the organization in setting vision, determining direction and implementing strategy. To learn more - Click here
* Private Teacher - This position includes the opportunity to travel and an interest in sports is a plus! The family is willing to hire the right person immediately for a full-time role to perform tutoring until the 2018-19 school year. This is a full-time position with compensation of $90,000 to $110,000 offered, depending on experience, with benefits. Local candidates are preferred. To learn more - Click here
* Special Education Specialist - The primary responsibility of the Special Education Specialist is to provide instruction and other related services to Special Education students. The Special Education Specialist will also facilitate diagnostic assessment including administration, scoring and interpretation. To learn more - Click here
If you are an Employer looking for excellent special education staff - Click here for more information |