Dear NASET News, Welcome to NASET'sWEEK in REVIEW. Here, we provide you with the latest publications from NASET to read and or download, as well as some of the most interesting articles that have happened this week in the field of special education. We hope you enjoy this publication. Feel free to send us articles for this publication or let us know your thoughts about the WEEK in REVIEW at Have a great weekend.
NASET News Team |
NEW THIS WEEK ON NASETJournal of the American Academy of Special Education Professionals ( JAASEP)JAASEP Winter 2017 Table of Contents - How Expert Special Educators Effectively Negotiate Their Job Demands
- Inclusive Concurrent Enrollment: A Promising Postsecondary Transition Practice for Building Self-Determination among Students with Intellectual Disability
- Improving Outcomes for Students with Disabilities: Identifying Characteristics of Successful Districts
- A Comparative Study of Teachers' Pedagogical Competencies in Supporting Children with Learning Difficulties in Primary Schools in Ghana and Brunei Darussalam
- A Case Study of Factors that Influenced the Attrition or Retention of Two First-Year Special Education Teachers
- Significant Outcomes in Case Law in the United States: Autism and IDEA in 2013, Transition Issues and Changes in Diagnostic Evaluation Criteria
- Effectiveness of Pearson's SuccessMaker Mathematics for Students with Disabilities
- Teachers' Methodologies and Sources of Information on HIV/AIDS for Students with Visual Impairments in Selected Residential and Integrated Schools in Ghana
- Managing Asthma in Elementary and Middle Schools: Adherence to Federal Laws and National Guidelines
- Use of Social Narratives as an Evidence-Based Practice to Support Employment of Young Adults with ASD: Practitioner's Guide
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Children Exposed to Complications at Birth at Risk of Autism, Study Finds
Children who were exposed to complications shortly before or during birth, including birth asphyxia and preeclampsia, were more likely to develop autism spectrum disorder, according to a Kaiser Permanente study published in the American Journal of Perinatology. For this retrospective study, researchers examined the electronic health records of 594,638 children born in Kaiser Permanente hospitals in Southern California between 1991 and 2009. During this time, 6,255 of these children were diagnosed with ASD, 37 percent of whom experienced perinatal complications. Researchers found that children exposed to complications during birth were at a 10 percent increased risk of developing ASD, compared to children who did not experience perinatal complications. Read More |
Is Licorice Intake During Pregnancy Linked to ADHD in Offspring?
Study co-author Katri Räikkönen, from the University of Helsinki in Finland, and colleagues hypothesize that glycyrrhizin (the active ingredient in licorice) may interfere with fetal neurodevelopment by increasing levels of "the stress |
Physically Active Children are Less Depressed
Previous studies have shown that adults and young people who are physically active have a lower risk of developing depression. But the same effect has not been studied in children -- until now. Results from a new study are showing that children receive the same beneficial effect from being active. We're talking about moderate to vigorous physical activity that leaves kids sweaty or out of breath. Researchers at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) and NTNU Social Research have followed hundreds of children over four years to see if they could find a correlation between physical activity and symptoms of depression. Read More |

Gene Therapy Restores Hearing in Deaf Mice, Down to a Whisper
In the summer of 2015, a team at Boston Children's Hospital and Harvard Medical School reported restoring rudimentary hearing in genetically deaf mice using gene therapy. Now the Boston Children's research team reports restoring a much higher level of hearing -- down to 25 decibels, the equivalent of a whisper -- using an improved gene therapy vector developed at Massachusetts Eye and Ear. The new vector and the mouse studies are described in two back-to-back papers in Nature Biotechnology. While previous vectors have only been able to penetrate the cochlea's inner hair cells, the first Nature Biotechnology study showed that a new synthetic vector, Anc80, safely transferred genes to the hard-to-reach outer hair cells when introduced into the cochlea (see images). This study's three Harvard Medical School senior investigators were Jeffrey R. Holt PhD, of Boston Children's Hospital; Konstantina Stankovic, MD, PhD, of Mass. Eye and Ear and Luk H. Vandenberghe, PhD, who led Anc80's development in 2015 at Mass. Eye and Ear's Grousbeck Gene Therapy Center. Read More |
Sign Language Users Have Better Reaction Times and Peripheral Vision
People who use British Sign Language (BSL) have better reaction times in their peripheral vision, a new study from the University of Sheffield has found. The findings, revealed by scientists from the University's Academic Unit of Ophthalmology and Orthoptics, show that hearing adults learning a visual-spatial language such as BSL has a positive impact on visual field response -- something which is highly beneficial in many sports and when driving. Dr. Charlotte Codina, lead author of the study and Lecturer in Orthoptics at the University of Sheffield, said: "We were surprised by the quicker response times of BSL interpreters, who haven't necessarily known sign language since childhood, but have improved their peripheral visual sensitivity in learning this visual language and using it daily. Read More |
Research on Short-Term Effects of Air Pollution on the Health of Airways of Children with Asthma and Other Chronic Respiratory Complaints
Starting in 2017, researchers will commence their study in Eindhoven on the effects of days with high air pollution on respiratory complaints, medication use and lung function of children suffering from chronic respiratory complaints such as wheezing or asthma. Vera van Zoest, doctoral candidate at the Faculty of Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation (ITC) at the University of Twente is one of the researchers in the project. "We use the information of a high resolution network of air quality sensors in order to map air quality in space and time. By linking this information to the daily variation of asthma symptoms and lung function of children, we gain insight into the effect of air quality on the health of children suffering from asthma." Read More |
Board Certification in Special Education Available to NASET Members Through an agreement with The American Academy of Special Education Professionals(AASEP), NASET members now have the opportunity to achieve AASEP Board Certification in Special Education - (B.C.S.E.) at a reduced fee. AASEP Board Certification in Special Education - (B.C.S.E.) is a voluntary choice on the part of the candidate. The candidate for Board Certification wishes to demonstrate a commitment to excellence to employers, peers, administrators, other professionals, and parents. From the standpoint of the Academy, board certification will demonstrate the highest professional competency in the area of special education. Board Certification in Special Educationestablishes a much needed standard for professionals, across disciplines, who work with exceptional children.Read More |
Psychotherapy Normalizes the Brain in Social Phobia
Anxiety in social situations is not a rare problem: Around one in ten people are affected by social anxiety disorder during their lifetime. Social anxiety disorder is diagnosed if fears and anxiety in social situations significantly impair everyday life and cause intense suffering. Talking in front of a larger group can be one typical feared situation. A study now reveals that the successful treatment of an anxiety disorder alters key brain structures that are involved in processing and regulating emotions. Read More |
Five Innovations Harness New Technologies for People with Visual Impairment, Blindness
During Low Vision Awareness Month, the National Eye Institute (NEI), part of the National Institutes of Health, is highlighting new technologies and tools in the works to help the 4.1 million Americans living with low vision or blindness. The innovations aim to help people with vision loss more easily accomplish daily tasks, from navigating office buildings to crossing a street. Many of the innovations take advantage of computer vision, a technology that enables computers to recognize and interpret the complex assortment of images, objects and behaviors in the surrounding environment. Read More |
TRIVIA QUESTION OF THE WEEKQUESTION: According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, children with this disorder account for more than 6 million physician office visits a year in the United States. An average of 6.1 million trips to a doctor, pediatrician or psychiatrist by children aged 4 to 17 in 2013 involved treatment for this disorder. The number represents 6 percent of all kids' visits to the doctor in 2013. What is the disorder?
If you know the answer, email us at by February 20, 2017. We will acknowledge your correct answer in the next edition of the Week in Review |

Nonmedical Use of Prescription Drugs Among Young People: A Growing Global Concern
Balancing a country's need to make prescription drugs available to those in need while simultaneously curbing nonmedical use is one of our greatest challenges, according to a perspective article just published by Silvia Martins, MD, PhD, associate professor of Epidemiology at Columbia University's Mailman School of Public Health and a colleague at American University of Beirut. The article published in World Psychiatry, the journal of the World Psychiatric Association, cites research finding increased rates of deaths worldwide from prescription opioids as high as 550 percent depending on country and time-period. For example, from 2000 to 2014, there was a 200 percent increase in overdose deaths due to opioid use. Read More |
Lehigh University's intensive one-week institute provides a practical analysis of legislation, regulations, and court decisions relating to the education of students with disabilities. The symposium is designed for special education coordinators and teachers, principals, psychologists, parent advocates, charter school personnel, attorneys (on both sides), hearing officers, state education agency personnel, and other individuals interested in a thorough exploration of the special education legal landscape.
The program offers two parallel tracks, one for basic that offers in-depth foundation knowledge about the IDEA and Section 504: eligibility, FAPE, LRE, student discipline, and remedies. The other track is for advanced participants, offering brand new "hot topics," such as child find nuances, pending Supreme Court cases, the behavioral legal alphabet soup, current parental participation parameters, and settlement strategies.
Included in the symposium is a separable two-day (June 22-23) training for school district Section 504 coordinators, including the latest litigated Section 504 disputes, an in-depth comparison of the IDEA and Section 504, and a "nuts and bolts" how-to session about how to appropriately and effectively implement Section 504.
The Symposium is offered with the options of graduate or continuing education credit for week-long participants. Shorter, including daily, registrations are also available. For full information, go to For any questions, email or call Shannon Weber or Donna Johnson at or (610) 758-5557. |
One More Reason to Focus on Prenatal Care -- Stronger Muscles for Newborn Babies
Born too soon, she weighed just over 1 pound at birth and spent the first three months of her life in the neonatal intensive care unit, fighting to live. This tiny baby survived under the care of skilled medical professionals and was sent home with her teenage mother. Today, she's a high school student enrolled in a precollege program. But is it possible that she has health risks that relate to her early life experience? This baby is one example of a frequent and significant problem in the neonatal population -- poor growth following premature birth, "a condition for which causes, optimal management and long-term consequences are still not completely understood," said Dr. Marta Fiorotto, associate professor of pediatrics-nutrition and of molecular physiology and biophysics at the USDA/ Children's Nutrition Research Center at Baylor College of Medicine and Texas Children's Hospital, in whose laboratory the research was performed. Read More |
Emoticons Help Gauge School Happiness Level in Young Children
A simple new questionnaire based on emoticon-style facial expressions could help teachers and others who work with children as young as four to engage them on their happiness and wellbeing levels in the classroom. The How I Feel About My School questionnaire, designed by experts at the University of Exeter Medical School, is available to download for free. It uses emoticon-style faces with options of happy, ok or sad. It asks children to rate how they feel in seven situations including on the way to school, in the classroom and in the playground. It is designed to help teachers and others to communicate with very young children on complex emotions. Read More |
New Research Paints a Merciless Picture of Life as a Deaf-Blind Person
It is like being in a dirty glass jar, unable to reach out and with acquaintances passing by without saying hello. New research from the Sahlgrenska Academy paints a merciless picture of life with acquired deaf-blindness. "These are people like you and me. They have a family, they have children, they have lived a normal life and suddenly they are hit by this disease and everything is upended," says Ann-Britt Johansson, a researcher within the field of neuroscience and physiology. Her thesis "See and hear me" is based on interviews with eight people, three women and five men, over a period of four years. Read More |
Re-Assessing 'At Risk' Cutoffs for Birth Weight
A research article published in PLOS Medicine contributes to the evidence base regarding the use of population charts for detection of fetal growth disorders and how best to determine risk of complications. In the article, Stamatina Iliodromiti from the University of Glasgow, UK, and colleagues found birth weight less than 25th or greater than 85th centile to be associated with greater risk of adverse outcomes compared with birth weight within these cutoffs, suggesting an expansion of the definition of 'fetus at risk' beyond the less than 10th or greater than 90th centile range that is commonly used to trigger surveillance of fetal well-being and/or delivery. In this study, the researchers used routinely collected data from 979,912 term singleton pregnancies over a 19-year period in Scotland and externally validated the findings in an independent UK cohort including 10,515 pregnancies. Read More |
Autism May Begin Early in Brain Development
Autism is not a single condition, but a spectrum of disorders that affect the brain's ability to perceive and process information. Recent research suggests that too many connections in the brain could be at least partially responsible for the symptoms of autism, from communication deficits to unusual talents. New research from the University of Maryland suggests that this overload of connections begins early in mammalian development, when key neurons in the brain region known as the cerebral cortex begin to form their first circuits. By pinpointing where and when autism-related neural defects first emerge in mice, the study results could lead to a stronger understanding of autism in humans -- including possible early intervention strategies. The researchers outline their findings in a research paper published January 31, 2017 in the journal Cell Reports. Read More |
School Bullying Linked to Lower Academic Achievement, Research Finds
A study that tracked hundreds of children from kindergarten through high school found that chronic or increasing levels of bullying were related to lower academic achievement, a dislike of school and low confidence by students in their own academic abilities, according to new research published by the American Psychological Association. While pop culture often depicts more frequent bullying in high school, the study found that bullying was more severe and frequent in elementary school and tended to taper off for most students as they got older. However, 24 percent of the children in the study suffered chronic bullying throughout their school years, which was consistently related to lower academic achievement and less engagement in school, said lead researcher Gary Ladd, PhD, a psychology professor at Arizona State University. Read More |
Las Vegas Struggles for Solutions to Special Education Teacher Shortage
Ashlen Atkinson comes from a family of special education teachers. That's why it seemed natural for Atkinson, a first-year special education teacher at West Prep Academy in Las Vegas, to pursue the same career. "As a kid, I enjoyed being the tutor in the classroom," she said. "I would tutor the other students that might've been having difficulties with the material." Atkinson, a Las Vegas native and freshly-minted college graduate, wants to give back to her community by working with students. She felt particularly pulled to teaching those with special needs. "I feel like those are the students that are most often neglected," she said. "I feel like it's necessary that they have someone working with them that's passionate about their learning." Read More |

Psychiatric Disorders Common in Adolescent Survivors of Congenital Heart Disease
Psychiatric disorders are common in adolescents with single-ventricle congenital heart disease (CHD) who have undergone the Fontan procedure, researchers report. "As opposed to previous studies which have used self-report measures, we uniquely used structured clinical interviews, the gold standard of clinical diagnosis, to determine the presence of psychiatric disorders," explained Dr. David R. DeMaso from Boston Children's Hospital. "In taking this approach, we found both current and lifetime increases in attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and anxiety disorders in adolescents facing this critical congenital heart disease. The ADHD diagnosis was expected; however, the anxiety disorder finding was surprising," he told Reuters Health by email. Read More |
Out of Focus: Student Athletes with ADHD are Left Untreated
MaKenna McGill was never great at paying attention in class, or at least, she never would've listed "focused" as one of her outstanding characteristics. But it wasn't until McGill, now a 20-year-old junior and softball centerfielder at the University of Montana, moved away from her twin brother and small classes to friends and lecture halls in 2014 that she realized the extent of her inattentiveness. On top of her inability to focus and take notes during lectures, McGill couldn't seem to get organized. Her room was a mess, as was her backpack and it was wearing on her ability to plan ahead and study outside of class, simply because she couldn't find her assignments, or worse, didn't know they existed. So when McGill's siblings were diagnosed with attention deficit disorder, a subset of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, in 2015, she took it upon herself to get tested while visiting home in Oklahoma. Sure enough, she tested positive, and was prescribed a low dose of Adderall, an amphetamine-based stimulant used in treating ADHD and narcolepsy. Read More |

*Special Education Teacher - The Special Education Teacher for the middle school 6:1:2 program promotes and develops successful learning for: students who demonstrate severe interfering behaviors; students on the autism spectrum; or other behavioral disabilities. To learn more - Click here *Special Education Coordinator (K-12) - The Special Education Coordinator is passionate about supporting the students who are at-risk for academic underperformance due to emotional and/or physical challenges so that they can succeed in the school's rigorous academic program. The Special Education Coordinator holds primary responsibility for providing academic, emotional, and physical services for students who require additional support to thrive within the school's core academic program. To learn more - Click here *Special Education Teacher - We offer a competitive compensation package, including a salary significantly above the district scale and comprehensive health benefits. Aside from extensive professional development, all our teachers are equipped with a laptop computer, email, high-speed internet access, library budget, and all necessary instructional supplies. To learn more - Click here *Special Education Teacher - Alliance is seeking teachers who are passionate about education excellence, committed to transforming the lives of children in communities where they are needed most, and want to join a team "where Exceptional is the Rule". As the largest nonprofit charter school network in Los Angeles, Alliance is closing the achievement gap at scale in the second largest city in the country. To learn more - Click here *Special Education Teacher - JCFS is looking for a Special Education Teacher for our Therapeutic Day School located in West Rogers Park. The Teacher creates and delivers student centered, individualized and small group academic instruction within a therapeutic, highly structured classroom. To learn more - Click here *Special Education Teacher - Our public school students need your expertise, passion and leadership. We are looking for highly motivated and skilled talent to join our team at District of Columbia. Public Schools (DCPS). We seek individuals who are passionate about transforming the DC school system and making a significant difference in the lives of public school students, parents, principals, teachers, and central office employees. To learn more - Click here *Special Services Manager - Puget Sound ESD is seeking a Special Services Manager to support the provision of pre-employment transition services to students with disabilities across the region. This is an exciting opportunity to support school district staff as they increase the post-secondary successes of students with disabilities through job exploration........To learn more - Click here * Children's Quality Reviewer - Conduct external quality review activities for Children's Long Term Support Waiver. Access multiple electronic health record systems and read member/participant records to evaluate compliance with certain federal and state requirements. To learn more - Click here *Certified Special Education Teacher - Since 1949, our client has been serving children with multiple and complex disabilities that public and private schools aren't able to accommodate. By providing a safe and nurturing environment and expert staff, children are learning and growing everyday. To learn more - Click here *Arizona: Special Education Teacher - $46,000/school year (180 days). Summers off with year round pay. Special Education Teachers needed in Arizona (Phoenix and surrounding cities). Needs are in the self-contained and resource settings serving students with emotional disabilities (ED), Autism (A), Severe/Profound (S/P), and Intellectual Disabilities (ID). To learn more - Click here *Special Education Teacher - Provide special education services in small community/ies in northwest Alaska. Work with team, complete required paperwork, follow IEPs, assist with assessments. To learn more - Click here *Special Education Teacher - The Hoffman Academy is a special education, private, academic school for students identified with social and emotional disorders. The school is aligned with, and located on the grounds of, Hoffman Homes for Youth- a psychiatric residential treatment facility outside Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. The Hoffman Academy educates approximately 100 students. To learn more - Click here *Special Education Specialist - The primary responsibility of the Special Education Specialist is to provide instruction and other related services to Special Education students. The Special Education Specialist will also facilitate diagnostic assessment including administration, scoring and interpretation. To learn more - Click here
If you are an Employer looking for excellent special education staff - Click here for more information |