Dear NASET News, Welcome to NASET'sWEEK in REVIEW. Here, we provide you with the latest publications from NASET to read and or download, as well as some of the most interesting articles that have happened this week in the field of special education. We hope you enjoy this publication. Feel free to send us articles for this publication or let us know your thoughts about the WEEK in REVIEW at Have a great weekend.
NASET News Team |
NEW THIS WEEK ON NASETNASET's Autism Spectrum Disorders Series - Issue #50Using Social Stories to Teach Social Communication Skills to Preschoolers with Autism Spectrum Disorder. By Ganiah I. Ain
This issue of NASET's Autism Spectrum Disorderseries was written by Ganiah I. Gain. The purpose of this manuscript is to underscore the effectiveness of using social stories to teach and develop social communication skills for preschoolers with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). Children with ASD experience challenges in two main areas: social interaction and social communication, and both of these areas can be aided through the use of social narratives. This paper also describes the importance of collaboration among families, teachers, and other professionals in improving social and communication skills to encourage the development and implementation of effective educational strategies and day-to-day activities for children with ASD. Read More |
Parent Teacher Conference HandoutParental Issues that Need Attention for Children with Other Health ImpairmentsAddressing Medical Issues By their very nature, other health impairments involve medical care and medical concerns. The amount of time that must be devoted to doctor visits, medical appointments, hospitalization, and seeing to the child's well-being will depend greatly on the nature and severity of the child's health impairment. For many families, the actual medical care of their child can be a daily, weekly, monthly challenge. How to deal with the medical side of things? This section of our OHI fact sheet is intended to connect you with resources and wisdom within the health care and parent communities both. Read More
A Judge's Ruling Could Expand Special Education Services to Thousands of Iowa StudentsAdministrative Law Judge Christie Scase recently ordered the Iowa Education Department to reimburse an Urbandale couple more than $1,000 for private tutoring they provided after their child was denied special-education programming at school. Court documents didn't name the family. An independent evaluation in 2014 showed their child may have dyslexia, but the family struggled to have her qualify for special education services. Another evaluation by University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics strongly recommended the girl receive an individualized learning plan, but one was never put in place. The plan outlines how a special education student will be accommodated and includes learning goals. Scase wrote in her decision that the department should revisit its policies on determining who qualifies for special education. She said the state shouldn't require students to be severely behind his or her peers before recognizing a disability. Read More |
How to Support People with Intellectual and Developmental DisabilitiesAt age 3, doctors said Ryan Denton would never even walk, run or write his name. He's diagnosed with mild intellectual disability, Apraxia and seizure disorder. When we met him last summer, he had already accomplished more than anyone expected. His mother, Kim, told us, "Ryan definitely has perseverance." She also recognized that Ryan still had potential to push even further. So when TennCare launched a new program called Employment and Community First CHOICES, Ryan was among the first people to sign up. Read More |
Play Ball! Miracle League Allows Children with Disabilities to Play BaseballBraelyn Whitford is a sports aficionado. The nine-year-old gets her fill in any way she can, from attending minor league baseball games to tagging along to watch her mother play softball. "Anything that has to do with a ball, she loves," said Matt Whitford, Braelyn's father. This summer, Braelyn launched a new chapter in her pursuit of sports. She is playing organized baseball for the first time. The Superior girl is one of seven children from northwestern Wisconsin playing in the Miracle League of the Twin Ports. Read More |

In Illinois, Teacher Shortage Hits Special Education HardIt could be a tough school year for children in special education classes if districts can't fill vacancies. In just a few weeks, they'll need social workers, school psychiatrist and teachers. In Macon and Piatt counties, there are more than a dozen empty positions. Because special education requires specific skills, it's difficult to find qualified candidates with proper training. Right now, several universities are offering certification to meet the growing need. For now, districts say they'll have to get creative so they can open school in the fall. Thursday evening, parents of special needs students in Macon and Piatt counties will get a chance to discuss the issues with their district directors. Read More |
Executive Functioning and ADHD: What Parents Should KnowParents of children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder undoubtedly come across a variety of phrases pertaining to the disorder - "executive functioning" among them. However, sifting through the deluge of information can be overwhelming. What exactly does executive functioning mean, and what are some ways parents can help children cope with related challenges? In short, executive functioning has to do with the ability to plan, organize and execute daily tasks, says Dr. Marilyn Griffin, assistant professor of clinical psychiatry and medical director of the Comprehensive ADHD Clinic in the University of Illinois at Chicago College of Medicine. She explains that planning and organizing daily tasks is typically more difficult for a child, adolescent or adult with ADHD who usually already struggles with forgetfulness, losing things or an inability to focus. Therefore, Griffin says that carrying out executive functioning skills can be challenging. Read More |
Special Education Teachers from Philippines Get Needed ResourcesSeventy-two teachers from the Philippines now have the resources they need thanks to some great people in the Las Vegas community. The teachers are here to teach Special Ed for CCSD, but they did not travel to Las Vegas with many of their belongings. St. Jude's Women's Auxiliary, Three Square and the Filipino-American community from Christ the King came together Saturday to provide food, dishes, clothes, backpacks, school supplies, toiletries, and more for these teachers. "We're so thankful for all the help and for all this, we're just so thankful for the community and especially Clark County," teacher from the Philippines Kailene Cacalda said. Read More |
High-Fat Diet in Pregnancy Can Cause Mental Health Problems in OffspringA high-fat diet not only creates health problems for expectant mothers, but new research in an animal model suggests it alters the development of the brain and endocrine system of their offspring and has a long-term impact on offspring behavior. The new study links an unhealthy diet during pregnancy to mental health disorders such as anxiety and depression in children. "Given the high level of dietary fat consumption and maternal obesity in developed nations, these findings have important implications for the mental health of future generations," the researchers report. The research was published in the journal Frontiers in Endocrinology. Read More |
Modified Toy Cars Help Drive Learning for Children with DisabilitiesAacen Huck, 2, sits in the driver's seat of his new red car with a huge smile on his face as University of Mary physical therapy and engineering students measure padding on both sides of him. The six graduate students, who are partnering with engineering students and faculty, are modifying the Lightning McQueen toy car over the next two weeks to allow Aacen, who is unable to walk, to maneuver while learning some skills along the way. The idea stems from a Go Baby Go program that was created by physical therapist Cole Galloway, of the University of Delaware. Read More |
TRIVIA QUESTION OF THE WEEKCongratulations to: Michael Levine, Kerrenina Gutierrez, Jan McLaughlin, Melody Thompson, Holly Lennon, Raynelle B. Lanier, Cindy Fortlage, Olumide Akerele, Melissa Miller, Melody Owens, Barry Amper, Tracey Christilles, Tamara Laine, Patsy Ray, Laura Malena and Cindi Maurice who all knew the answer to last week's trivia question.
QUESTION: What is the name of the learning disability that affects writing abilities and can manifest itself as difficulties with spelling, poor handwriting and trouble putting thoughts on paper?
ANSWER: Dysgraphia
This week's question: Often times, adolescents who are diagnosed with depression experience a loss of interest and pleasure in things they used to enjoy. What is the psychological terms used for "a loss of interest or pleasure in things one used to enjoy?" If you know the answer, email us at by August 14, 2017. We will acknowledge your correct answer in the next edition of the Week in Review
Texas Senate OKs School Vouchers Amid House OppositionThe Texas Senate has preliminarily approved a bill offering taxpayer-funded vouchers that allow some special education students to leave public schools for private alternatives. Supporters say only about 30,000 students would qualify. Those opposed worry that it will open the door to broader voucher plans. The Senate has for years backed vouchers only to have them soundly defeated in the House. There, Democrats and rural Republicans oppose any plans they say hurt traditional public schools. The proposal passed 19-12 is similar to one the Senate attached to a sweeping House school finance bill during Texas' regular legislative session that ended in May. Doing so resulted in both bills stalling. Read More |
Teens with ADHD Have Elevated Crash Risk, But Lower Than Previously Reported, New Study FindsTeen drivers with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) have a 36 percent greater chance of having a motor vehicle crash than other newly licensed teens, but it is lower than previous reports that indicated the risk was as much as four times greater. These are the main findings of a new study released last month by the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP). The researchers called it the first large-scale study to provide a detailed look at crash rates among newly-licensed young drivers with ADHD compared to those without the disorder. "Our results indicate that newly licensed adolescents with ADHD have a greater risk of crashing than other young drivers, but that this is a manageable risk," Allison E. Curry, a senior scientist at the Center for Injury Research and Prevention at CHOP and the study's principal investigator, said in a statement. The results of the research were published online in the journal JAMA Pediatrics in June. Read More |
Choice of Method May Influence Brain Imaging Results in AutismIf one were to summarize the state of brain research on autism in a sentence, it might be: "We have many findings, but little understanding." Neuroimaging research on autism has been enormously productive in the past decades, including tens of thousands of results. But few of the studies have been replicated. We have therefore not been able to piece together a coherent picture of crucial brain features underlying autism. One problem is heterogeneity: Children diagnosed with autism fulfill the behavioral criteria in the latest version of the "Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders," the DSM-5, but do not all have the same biological condition. 'Autism' probably includes many different neurobiological conditions that differ in their causes. Read More |
Board Certification in Special Education Available to NASET Members Through an agreement with The American Academy of Special Education Professionals(AASEP), NASET members now have the opportunity to achieve AASEP Board Certification in Special Education - (B.C.S.E.) at a reduced fee. AASEP Board Certification in Special Education - (B.C.S.E.) is a voluntary choice on the part of the candidate. The candidate for Board Certification wishes to demonstrate a commitment to excellence to employers, peers, administrators, other professionals, and parents. From the standpoint of the Academy, board certification will demonstrate the highest professional competency in the area of special education. Board Certification in Special Educationestablishes a much needed standard for professionals, across disciplines, who work with exceptional children.Read More |
'Intellectual disability' of 6-yr-old enough reason for Immigration Canada to reject citizenship appeal of parentsJon and Karissa Warkentin, originally from Colorado, shifted to a small community of Waterhen in Canada's Manitoba four years ago with a hope of running a business and to settle there. The community of Waterhen in Canada is a home of just 160 odd people. Warkentin couple with their four children shifted to the Manitoba community of Waterhen in 2013. Jon and Karissa's daughter Karalynn, was diagnosed with epilepsy at the age of two, which was followed by a series of seizures. She was also kept in the anti-seizure medication after the diagnosis. More than their daughter's disease, they received a rude shock when their application for the permanent citizenship was rejected by Immigration Canada. The Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada rejected their application citing Karalynn's "medical inadmissibility" which could be a burden upon the publicly-funded education system in the province. Read More |
Brain Activity Test Detects Variability in Cognitive Function Among Children with AutismUCLA researchers have discovered that children with autism have a tell-tale difference on brain tests compared with other children. Specifically, the researchers found that the lower a child's peak alpha frequency -- a number reflecting the frequency of certain brain waves -- the lower their non-verbal IQ was. This is the first study to highlight peak alpha frequency as a promising biomarker to not only differentiate children with autism from typically developing children, but also to detect the variability in cognitive function among children with autism. Read More |
How to Succeed in College with a DisabilityIf you're entering college as a student with a disability, the first thing you should know is that you're not alone. In a study of approximately 11,000 young adults with disabilities, nearly 20 percent were found to have attended a four-year college or university at some point after high school. And, like all students, you should have a sense of pride in what the college experience can do for you: You've demonstrated self-determination in deciding to take classes, meet new friends and have many exciting experiences. What's more, you and your family are making an important contribution to your future. Many studies show that success in college is an indicator of success in the work world. Read More |


*Director of Autism Education - Manages the Building Blocks program and staff of professional educators and behavior technicians. The Director of Education is responsible for the ongoing daily operations of the program in accordance with the VDOE and VAISEF. The Director of Education is responsible for setting the strategic direction for the program in accordance with current best practices in the field of autism education. To learn more - Click here *Special Education Teacher - Provides instructional services to students with learning needs, diagnoses learning skill deficits and delivers prescribed instructional delivery methods as determined by Catapult Learning; consults with school personnel to coordinate efforts in providing services to students; communicates and conferences with parents providing information on student progress, co-teach with other educators. To learn more - Click here *Certified Special Education Teacher - Prepare and help students transition from grade to grade and after graduation, monitor the facilitation of life skills curriculum, actively participate in program academic activities and perform administrative functions as needed.To learn more - Click here *Middle School Special Education Inclusion Teacher - Seeking two Middle School Special Education teachers for the 2017-2018 school year to teach in the seventh-eighth grade inclusion classes. Teachers will follow the students to each class and support special needs students alongside their typically developing peers by modifying instruction and making accommodations. Collaborative planning with the general education teacher is expected.To learn more - Click here *Pennsylvania Certified Teachers- All teachers must have a commitment to inclusive practices and have an ability to involve families in the educational process. Bi-lingual skills are a plus. To learn more - Click here *Learning Specialist - Private girls high school seeks learning specialist to work with students in remediation. Hours mid-morning to afternoon dismissal at 5:15, Monday - Thursday, and Fridays 9-1. To learn more - Click here *Special Ed / ICT / Teacher (3rd or 5th Grade) - Collaborate with colleagues in developing purposeful, rigorous, and engaging daily and long-term plans aligned to standards and in regularly revising these materials. To learn more - Click here *Special Education Teachers- All Areas - Stafford County Public Schools is actively seeking qualified applicants for Special Education Teachers in All Areas. Please visit our website to learn more about our opportunities and benefits. To learn more- Click here
*Special Education Specialist - The primary responsibility of the Special Education Specialist is to provide instruction and other related services to Special Education students. The Special Education Specialist will also facilitate diagnostic assessment including administration, scoring and interpretation. To learn more - Click here
If you are an Employer looking for excellent special education staff - Click here for more information |