Dear NASET News, Welcome to NASET'sWEEK in REVIEW. Here, we provide you with the latest publications from NASET to read and or download, as well as some of the most interesting articles that have happened this week in the field of special education. We hope you enjoy this publication. Feel free to send us articles for this publication or let us know your thoughts about the WEEK in REVIEW Have a great weekend.
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How To Set Control Boundaries Several Times a Day
Purpose The purpose of this tool is to establish behavioral boundaries with your students in a realistic manner several times a day. Read More |
HOW TO SeriesHow To Provide Students with a Level System Approach to Shape Behavior
Purpose The purpose of this issue is to teach your students to choose positive behaviors that will lead to classroom privileges. Read More
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Troubled Childhood May Boost Bipolar Risk: StudyAdults who suffered childhood abuse may be at increased risk for bipolar disorder, researchers report. "The link between experiencing a troubled childhood and subsequently being diagnosed with this serious condition is extremely strong," study co-author Filippo Varese of the University of Manchester in England said in a university news release. People with bipolar disorder experience emotional extremes -- lows and highs -- which harm their quality of life and increase suicide risk. Varese and his colleagues analyzed 19 studies published between 1980 and 2014. They defined childhood adversity as experiencing neglect, abuse, bullying or the loss of a parent before the age of 19. Read More |
FDA Urged to Ban Shock Devices Used on Those with Special NeedsA group of U.S. senators is pushing the Food and Drug Administration to finalize a ban on devices used to administer electric shocks to those with developmental disabilities in an effort to modify their behavior. Six senators wrote to FDA Commissioner Robert Califf late last month asking the agency to cement a proposal that would prohibit electrical stimulation devices used for self-injurious or aggressive behavior. "Put simply, it is outrageous that this practice is allowed in the United States for this vulnerable population and it should be stopped immediately. As such, we urge you to finalize the proposed rule as quickly as possible," reads the letter signed by U.S. Sens. Chris Murphy, D-Conn., Tammy Baldwin, D-Wis., Richard Blumenthal, D-Conn., Cory Booker, D-N.J., Bob Casey, D-Pa., and Al Franken, D-Minn. Read More |
Obesity More Common Among Teens with Autism: StudyTeens with an autism spectrum disorder (ASD) may be more likely to be obese and stay obese throughout their teen years compared to other teenagers, a new study suggests. The researchers noted that childhood obesity could have long-term health consequences for those with ASDs. They said more study is needed to understand age-related changes that could help prevent and treat obesity among teens with the disorder. "Children with developmental disabilities face unique challenges and are not always served by health interventions aimed at those without disorders such as ASD," said study author Aviva Must. Must is chair of public health and community medicine at Tufts University School of Medicine in Boston. Read More |
Employer Makes Bold Gamble on InclusionThe morning sky was still dark when a bus carrying two dozen adults with disabilities pulled up before a small factory. Many of the passengers looked half asleep as they stumbled into the hazy drizzle clutching lunch sacks and mini-coolers. But that did not prevent John Week, a container of coffee steaming in his hand, from darting from one person to the next, pumping fists and shouting words of support. "Hey grumpy bear! How ya doin'?" he said, embracing a man in a wheelchair. Moments later, the workers were wide-awake and laughing as Week led them through a round of stretching exercises. "Let's roll!" he yelled, as workers rushed to the factory floor. Read More |
Even 6th Graders Commit Cyber Dating Abuse: StudyCyber dating abuse can be a problem even among sixth graders, a new study finds. A survey of 424 Texas students in grade 6 found that 15 percent admitted they had committed at least one type of cyber abuse toward a dating partner. The most common forms of abuse were using a dating partner's social networking account without permission and making a dating partner afraid of not responding to calls or messages, according to the researchers. Students most likely to commit cyber dating abuse were those who had a previous history of bullying and those who thought it was normal for boys to be violent against girls. "We still don't know if cyber dating abuse is really a distinct form of dating violence or if it's just dating violence being perpetrated through a new avenue. The literature has shown that there's a lot of overlap," said study author Melissa Peskin.Read More |
More Low-Income Kids Need Dental Sealants: CDCTreatments that seal a child's back teeth can prevent most cavities, but many kids -- particularly those living in poverty -- don't get them, U.S. health officials said Tuesday. Dental sealants are liquid plastic coatings painted on chewing surfaces of teeth. When dried, they quickly harden to form a shield on the teeth, which can last for years. Sealants can cut cavities by 80 percent for up to two years, and by 50 percent for up to four years, a new report from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention shows. "Unfortunately, most kids don't have them -- 40 percent of kids have dental sealants, but 60 percent don't," CDC Director Dr. Tom Frieden said during a Tuesday media briefing. "Kids without dental sealants have almost three times more cavities that those who do have sealants." Read More |
Netflix Series to Focus on Teen with ASDA coming-of-age story about a teenager on the autism spectrum and his family is coming to Netflix. The streaming service said this week that it has given the green light to a new series called "Atypical." The show focuses on Sam, an 18-year-old with autism who is seeking love and independence. The teen's journey forces his parents and sister to also face change in their lives as they struggle with what it means to be normal, Netflix said. Read More |
Congratulations to: Ruby Brock, Christine Ramp-Oliver, Tracey Christilles, Denise Keeling, Olumide Akerele, Patsy Ray, Crystal Walker Hubbard, Pamela Downing-Hosten and Patricia Jacobi who all knew the answer to last week's trivia question.
QUESTION: What state has been ranked #1 for five years in a row in providing the best Medicaid service systems for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities?
ANSWER: Arizona
This week's question: According to a new analysis ranking the nation's most populated cities based on how desirable they are for people with disabilities, what is the most desirable city/state for people with disabilities? If you know the answer, email us at by October 31, 2016. We will acknowledge your correct answer in the next edition of the Week in Review
How to Help a Child Who's CyberbulliedAbout 25 percent of American children and teens experience cyberbullying, but there are ways parents can help their children, a criminology and bullying expert says. Cyberbullying is intentional harassment, humiliation or any other form of abuse through use of computers, cellphones or other electronic devices. When a child is bullied online, parents must make sure the youngster feels safe, said Sameer Hinduja, a professor at Florida Atlantic University's School of Criminology and Criminal Justice in Boca Raton. Talk with and listen to your child to learn exactly what happened. Don't panic, but also don't minimize the situation or make excuses for the cyberbullying, Hinduja said in a university news release. Collect as much evidence as possible. That might mean printing out or creating screenshots of conversations, messages, pictures and any other items that show your child is being cyberbullied. Keep a record of all incidents, as well as details such as severity of harm, third-party involvement or witnesses, and the backstory, Hinduja advised. Read More |
Protein in Breast Milk May Reduce Hospital Infections in PreemiesA protein in breast milk helps protect premature babies from hospital-acquired infections, according to a new study. "The majority of diseases affecting newborn preemies are hospital-acquired infections such as meningitis, pneumonia and urinary tract infections," said study lead author Dr. Michael Sherman. He is a retired professor of child health at the University of Missouri School of Medicine in Columbia, Mo. "Not only did we find that lactoferrin, a protein found in breast milk, could reduce hospital infections among preemies, but we also measured the safety of feeding the protein to newborns," he said in a university news release. Read More |
Foster Kids Face Higher Risk of Health Problems: StudyChildren in foster care face increased risks of physical and mental health issues, from asthma to ADHD to depression, a new study finds. Considering the adversity foster children face, the study results aren't surprising, the researchers added. But this is the first study to compare their rates of health issues to those of U.S. children as a whole, including kids from low-income or single-parent families. The study confirms that children in foster care are particularly vulnerable, said lead researcher Kristin Turney, an associate professor of sociology at the University of California, Irvine. Overall, her team found, foster kids faced two to three times higher risks of physical health issues such as asthma, obesity and hearing and vision problems. Read More |
Fewer Birth Defects for Older Moms Who Have Fertility TreatmentsOlder women who get pregnant through assisted reproduction may be less likely to have babies with birth defects than those who conceive naturally, a new Australian study suggests. The findings challenge the widely held belief that assisted reproduction increases the risk of birth defects in all women, according to the researchers at the University of Adelaide. "There's something quite remarkable occurring with women over the age of 40 who use assisted reproduction," study lead author Michael Davies said in a university news release. He is a professor and epidemiologist at the university's Robinson Research Institute. The researchers looked at information from births in South Australia between 1986 and 2002. The study included more than 301,000 naturally conceived births, 2,200 in vitro fertilization (IVF) births and nearly 1,400 births from intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI). Read More |
Graduation Rate Climbs for Students with DisabilitiesStudents with disabilities are seeing gains as the nation's high school graduation rate hits an all-time high, federal officials say. The U.S. Department of Education said Monday that the graduation rate for individuals with disabilities rose to 64.6 percent for the 2014-2015 school year. That's up from 63.1 percent the year prior and represents the fourth year in a row of growth. What's more, since the 2010-2011 school year, the graduation rate for those with disabilities has increased 5.6 percent, federal officials said. The upward trend mirrors what's happening across the educational landscape with the graduation rate for all high schoolers shattering yet another record by reaching 83.2 percent. Read More |
CBS Launches Casting Diversity InitiativeCBS is launching a major casting initiative designed to discover new performers from across the country and increase the pool of diverse talent for its current dramas and upcoming dramatic pilots. The announcement comes a little more than two months after the network came under fire for a fall lineup that included six new series all featuring white male leads. CBS has repeatedly been criticized for its lack of progress on the multiculturalism front - few of its programs in the last decade have featured a minority in a leading role, and it is the only broadcast network not to have a series built around a family of color. Read More |

Scientists Find New Genetic Roots of SchizophreniaUsing a recently developed technology for analyzing DNA, scientists have found dozens of genes and two major biological pathways that are likely involved in the development of the disorder but had not been uncovered in previous genetic studies of schizophrenia. The work provides important new information about how schizophrenia originates and points the way to more detailed studies -- and possibly better treatments in the future. Schizophrenia is a chronic, disabling mental illness whose symptoms can include hallucinations, delusions and cognitive problems. The illness afflicts about 1 percent of the human population. Read More |
Single Gene Linked to Some Cases of Autism Spectrum DisorderScientists have linked mutations in a single gene to autism in people who have a rare tumor syndrome typically diagnosed in childhood. The findings, in patients with neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF1), may lead to a better understanding of the genetic roots of autism in the wider population. The findings are published Oct. 19 in the journal JAMA Psychiatry. Studying 531 patients at six clinical centers in the United States, Belgium, the United Kingdom and Australia, the researchers found that mutations in the NF1 gene that cause the disease also contributed to autistic behaviors in almost half of the patients. Read More |
Folinic Acid Could Help Children with Autism Communicate BetterPrescription doses of folinic acid, which is a reduced form of a B vitamin known as folate, could help improve the language and communication skills of children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). These are the preliminary findings from a placebo-controlled trial in which children were randomized to receive either high-dose folinic acid or a placebo, says lead author Richard Frye of Arkansas Children's Research Institute in the US. The study, which is published in Springer Nature's journal Molecular Psychiatry, also identified a specific blood marker that can be used to predict which patients have the best chance to respond to the treatment. Up to two percent of American children are said to experience symptoms that place them on the autism spectrum. Many of these children have difficulty communicating and interacting with others, especially within a social setting. Researchers do not yet fully understand all the reasons behind the development of ASD and, importantly, there are currently no approved treatments that address the core symptoms of this disorder. Read More |
In Crafting New Treatments for Hemophilia, a 'Less is More' ApproachHematology researchers have found that blocking the role of a common protein may offer unexpected benefits for patients with the inherited bleeding disorder hemophilia A. The finding offers potential for developing both gene therapy and more effective protein replacement treatments for hemophilia A, the most common form of hemophilia. In hemophilia, patients are unable to properly control bleeding. The new research, done in cells and animals, contradicts prevailing assumptions about the biological effect of a protein called furin, an important enzyme found in most cells. The scientists report that, in contrast to its action in hemophilia B, the other common form of hemophilia -- in which furin improves blood clotting -- furin exerts the opposite effect in hemophilia A, where it impairs clotting. Read More |
Nutritional Supplement Could Prevent Thousands of Early Preterm BirthsSophisticated analyses of two clinical trials -- one in the U.S. and the other in the Australia -- suggest that thousands of early preterm births -- those at or before 34 weeks' gestation -- could be prevented if pregnant women took daily docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) supplements. The randomized controlled trials in which pregnant women took daily DHA supplements independently found statistically significant reductions in early preterm birth. The statistical model examined low-, moderate- and high-risk births from mothers supplemented with DHA during pregnancy as compared to placebo controls. The researchers estimated that more than 106,000 high-risk early preterm births could be avoided in the U.S. and about 1,100 could be prevented in Australia each year if pregnant women took daily supplements of the omega fatty acid. Read More |
Texas May Be Denying Tens of Thousands of Children Special EducationWhen Rosley Espinoza's daughter was very young, in preschool, she started acting differently. She seemed distracted and would get in trouble at school. "Lack of interest, teachers' notes coming home with behavior notes," Espinoza says, speaking in Spanish. She says she asked school officials to evaluate her daughter, Citlali, for special education, but they didn't. Every year, Espinoza says, Citlali's behavior got worse. Last year, in second grade, "she stopped paying attention in class ... [she was] harassing other children. On some occasions she would scream, yell." Read More |

*Special Education Specialist - The primary responsibility of the Special Education Specialist is to provide instruction and other related services to Special Education students. The Special Education Specialist will also facilitate diagnostic assessment including administration, scoring and interpretation. To learn more - Click here *Special Education Teacher - The Durham Center for Education, a division of The Institute of Professional Practice is seeking a Special Education Teacher to join our team of enthusiastic and dedicated professionals. Reporting to the school's Director, you will join a team of educators, dedicated to "getting to the heart of every child." To learn more - Click here * Special Education Coordinator - Uncommon Schools (Uncommon) is a nonprofit organization that starts and manages outstanding urban charter public schools that close the achievement gap and prepare students in high poverty, high need areas to graduate from college. Uncommon seeks Special Education Coordinator is passionate about supporting the students who are at-risk for academic underperformance due to emotional and/or physical challenges so that they can succeed in the school's rigorous academic program. To learn more - Click here * Special Education Teacher - We are looking for highly dedicated educators who will bring an unwavering commitment to helping children succeed. KIPP DC's teachers are responsible for delivering effective, high-quality, rigorous instruction in their content areas, producing unmatched academic results and student growth. To learn more - Click here *Special Education Teacher - Under general supervision of the House Manager, the incumbent is responsible for teaching and supervising a class of special needs students utilizing various techniques to promote learning. Duties include planning, organizing, implementing, monitoring, and evaluating class activities, developing Individualized Education Plans (IEP) and working with assigned staff, therapists and students to achieve the IEP goals and objectives. To learn more - Click here *Assistant/Associate Prof. Special Ed/Psychology - The successful applicant will assist in the development of coursework in Applied Behavior Analysis for Board Certified Assistant Behavioral Analyst (BCaBA) and Board Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA) preparation. To learn more - Click here *Special Education Teacher - is sought by Barstow Unified School District in Barstow CA. At present there is a single job opening for a full time position for 7 hours a day 185 days per year. Applications will be accepted until the position is filled. To learn more - Click here *Special Education Teachers - The special education teacher will develop, implement and monitor the students' Individualized Education Programs in collaboration with parents and other IEP Team members. The teacher will promote a collaborative relationship with school staff and parents that will foster inclusionary practices. To learn more - Click here
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