Dear NASET News, Welcome to NASET'sWEEK in REVIEW. Here, we provide you with the latest publications from NASET to read and or download, as well as some of the most interesting articles that have happened this week in the field of special education. We hope you enjoy this publication. Feel free to send us articles for this publication or let us know your thoughts about the WEEK in REVIEW at Have a great weekend.
NASET News Team |
NEW THIS WEEK ON NASETParent Teacher Conference Handout July 2016
What are Transportation Services for Students in Special Education?
This issue of NASET's Parent Teacher Conference Handout will discuss if transportation is required for the child to benefit from the special education program, transportation shall be written in the individual educational program and provided at no cost to the parent. A district may not require that a parent provide transportation; however, if both parties agree that the parent will provide the transportation, it shall be noted on the individual educational program and the parent shall be reimbursed by the district. Read More |
NASET's Educating Children with Severe Disabilities Series #40
Curriculum Accommodations for Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders
Introduction No single instructional method for teaching students with autism is successful for all students in all areas of curriculum. Also, students needs change over time, making it necessary for teachers to try other types of accommodation approaches. This issue of the Autism Spectrum Disorder Series contains information about important areas of instruction and curriculum approaches that have proved successful for teachers working with students with autism. Read More
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'Life, Animated' Parents Describe How Animated Characters Helped Son with Autism Connect
Owen Suskind's world came to a halt in 1993. The toddler stopped talking, showing affection and engaging in the world around him. His parents Ron and Cornelia Suskind took him to a doctor and heard a shattering diagnosis: regressive autism. "We just froze," Ron Suskind told "Nightline." "The doctor started to explain, 'OK, this is going to change your life. He may never get his speech back. Many of the kids don't.'" Ron Suskind, an award-winning Wall Street Journal reporter, said that around this time his son "started to vanish." "He couldn't look at you," Ron said. "He walked around like someone with their eyes closed." At age 4, Owen's language became gibberish and his frustration grew, but he found comfort in animated movies. Then one day, there was a breakthrough. Ron said Owen had been watching "The Little Mermaid" and started saying what sounded like, "Jucervus, Jucervus." Read More
Those Baby 'Milestones' May Have Longer-Term Importance
Babies who learn to stand up relatively early may also do a bit better with attention, memory and learning by the time they are preschoolers, a new study suggests. Experts have known that significant delays in reaching movement "milestones" -- such as crawling, standing and walking -- are a sign that a baby may go on to have developmental disabilities. But the new study found a pattern even among babies who hit those milestones within the "normal" time frame. Those who reached certain milestones sooner tended to have higher scores on some developmental measures by the time they were 4 years old. Read More |
Board Certification in Special Education Available to NASET Members Through an agreement with The American Academy of Special Education Professionals(AASEP), NASET members now have the opportunity to achieve AASEP Board Certification in Special Education - (B.C.S.E.) at a reduced fee. AASEP Board Certification in Special Education - (B.C.S.E.) is a voluntary choice on the part of the candidate. The candidate for Board Certification wishes to demonstrate a commitment to excellence to employers, peers, administrators, other professionals, and parents. From the standpoint of the Academy, board certification will demonstrate the highest professional competency in the area of special education. Board Certification in Special Educationestablishes a much needed standard for professionals, across disciplines, who work with exceptional children.Read More |
Hovering Parents May Harm Kids
Children with "intrusive" parents who push too hard for good grades may be more prone to become highly self-critical or anxious and depressed, a new study suggests. "When parents become intrusive in their children's lives, it may signal to the children that what they do is never good enough," said study leader Ryan Hong, an assistant professor in the department of psychology at the National University of Singapore. The five-year study of primary school students in Singapore found that those whose parents acted intrusively, had high expectations of academic performance or overreacted when the child made a mistake were at increased risk of being overly critical of themselves.Read More |
DNA Tests May Spot Brain Infections
Genetic testing may help diagnose or rule out brain infections, researchers report. They said their pilot study showed that using computers to rapidly analyze large amounts of genetic and biological information from brain tissue samples could offer a cost-effective addition to pathology lab testing. The research team from Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore noted that more than 50 percent of inflammatory disorders and infections of the brain go undiagnosed, resulting in patients receiving treatments for individual symptoms that can do more harm than good.Read More |
Doctors Urged To Address Needs of Females with Disabilities
Pediatricians are being encouraged to take a more active role in helping families prepare for and adapt to the changes that come with puberty for girls with disabilities. In a clinicalreport that will be published in the July issue of the journal Pediatrics, the American Academy of Pediatrics says that doctors should be ready to address the unique needs of adolescents with physical and intellectual disabilities surrounding puberty and menstruation.Read More |
Federal Panel Seeks Input on AutismA federal autism advisory panel is looking for public feedback as it prepares to update the government's priorities for addressing the developmental disorder for the first time in years. The Interagency Autism Coordinating Committee is soliciting comments as the group looks to revise its strategic plan. The panel comprised of government officials and members of the autism community is charged with creating and annually updating the federal government's priorities for autism research, services and policy. Read More |
Motivation to Bully is Regulated by Brain Reward Circuits
Individual differences in the motivation to engage in or to avoid aggressive social interaction (bullying) are mediated by the basal forebrain, lateral habenula circuit in the brain, according to a study conducted at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai and published June 30 in the journal, Nature. The Mount Sinai study focuses on identifying the mechanisms by which specific brain reward regions interact to modulate the motivational or rewarding component of aggressive behavior using a mouse model. Read More |

NASET is pleased to provide our members with exclusive access to discounts on products and services. These savings are available to all current NASET members. To find out more about savings from Life Lock, Avis, Budget, Cruises Only, Orlando Vacations and more. Read More |
Study Uses Diverse Sample to Examine Childhood Weight's Link to Age of First Substance UseGirls who were overweight as children are likely to begin using cigarettes, marijuana or alcohol at an earlier age than their healthy-weight peers, according to a new study by researchers in the Indiana University School of Education. But the correlation between weight and substance use shows up only when the data are broken down by the subjects' racial or ethnic group and sex. Previous research that didn't take those categories into account found only a weak relationship between childhood weight and substance use. "Childhood weight status and timing of first substance use in an ethnically diverse sample," published in the journal Drug and Alcohol Dependence, is the first study to examine the relationship between childhood weight and the timing of first substance use while taking into account the sex and race or ethnicity of the subjects. Authors are Jennifer C. Duckworth and Kelly A. Doran, doctoral students in the Department of Counseling and Educational Psychology, and Mary Waldron, associate professor in the department. Read More |
Sign Languages Provide Insight into Universal Linguistic Short-Cuts
Humans have a natural drive to reduce physical effort in nearly every activity, including using language. Instead of saying "goodbye," we often say "bye," getting the same message across with half the syllables. The ways that effort-reduction affect human language have been the subject of extensive research in the field of linguistics, though the overwhelming focus has been on spoken languages. By studying this effect in sign languages, two linguists from Swarthmore College have discovered a new way in which language is shaped by our innate drive to make physical activity easier. In their paper published in the June 2016 issue of the scholarly journal, Language, Nathan Sanders and Donna Jo Napoli report on their discovery of "reactive effort," which is used to keep an incidental body part stable while articulating language. For example, when using a sign language, movement of the arms can produce rotational force (torque) on the torso which would cause it to twist and rock if not counteracted by the reactive effort of using various stabilizing muscles. Read More |
Diabetes Sniffer Dogs? 'Scent' of Hypos Could Aid Development of New TestsA chemical found in our breath could provide a flag to warn of dangerously-low blood sugar levels in patients with type 1 diabetes, according to new research the University of Cambridge. The finding, published today in the journal, Diabetes Care, could explain why some dogs can be trained to spot the warning signs in patients. Claire Pesterfield, a pediatric diabetes specialist nurse at Addenbrooke's Hospital, Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust has type 1 diabetes, which requires insulin injections to manage blood sugar levels. She also has a golden Labrador dog that has been trained by the charity Medical Detection Dogs to detect when her blood sugar levels are falling to potentially dangerous levels. "Low blood sugar is an everyday threat to me and if it falls too low -- which it can do quickly -- it can be very dangerous," says Claire. "Magic is incredible -- he's not just a wonderful companion, but he's my 'nose' to warn me if I'm at risk of a hypo. If he smells a hypo coming, he'll jump up and put his paws on my shoulders to let me know." Read More |
Understanding Risk Factors Involved in Initiation of Adolescent Alcohol Use
Underage drinking is a major public health and social problem in the U.S. The ability to identify at-risk children before they initiate heavy alcohol use has immense clinical and public health implications. A new study has found that demographic factors, cognitive functioning, and brain features during the early-adolescence ages of 12 to 14 years can predict which youth eventually initiate alcohol use during later adolescence around the age of 18. "We were able to predict, with 74 percent accuracy, which 12- to 14-year-old youth eventually went on to engage in alcohol use by late adolescence," said Lindsay Squeglia, assistant professor in the department of psychiatry and behavioral sciences at the Medical University of South Carolina. Read More |
How Can Schools Do Better By Special Education Students?A couple weeks ago on Detroit Today we talked about the achievement gaps suffered in suburban school districts between white and black students. Even the most affluent districts struggle to narrow the achievement gap that students of color face. Brian O' Connor is a Detroit News columnist, as well as a parent of a special education student attending Orchard Lake Middle School in West Bloomfield. He tells Detroit Today that schools are making "no efforts at all," to address achievement gaps among special education students. Marcie Lipsitt, founder of Michigan Alliance for Special Education agrees. "Parents don't know where to go, they don't know where to turn," she says. Lipsitt notes that only 57 percent of children with individualized education programs (IEPs) graduate from high school, "and that doesn't even tell the whole story because the quality of those diplomas is lacking." Read More |
Honor Society for Special Education Teachers
University Study Reveals Link Between ADHD Medication and Substance Use in AdolescenceAccording to a recent University of Michigan study, duration, type of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder medication and age of ADHD onset are strongly correlated to substance use during the adolescent years. Sean McCabe, research professor for the University's Institute for Research on Women and Gender, conducted the study with Kara Dickinson, a former intern at the UM IRWG; Brady West, a research associate professor at the Institute for Social Research; and Dr. Timothy Wilens, who specializes in psychiatry, from Harvard University and Massachusetts General Hospital. Read More |
Why Does Autism Cause Such Anxiety?
Scientists claim to have cracked why people with autism are around five times more likely to develop anxiety disorders. Anxiety is one of the most common reasons why those with the condition seek support from health professionals. Until now, it wasn't clear what triggered it - but a new study claims to have found an answer. Researchers say high levels of anxiety can be explained by autistic people's difficulty in identifying and understanding their own emotions. As a result, they suggest activities such as mindfulness could be particularly effective - and even revolutionize the treatment of anxiety in autism. Read More |
Mom Launches Nonprofit to Serve Daughter and Others with Poorly Understood ConditionDr. Laura Lemle's daughter was diagnosed with NVLD when she was five years old. Dr. Lemle had earned a PhD in clinical psychology decades ago, before getting into the real estate business. Now, applying her entrepreneurial skills to a social problem close to home, she's launched a nonprofit, The NVLD Project, to help kids with NVLD. Dr. Lemle, motivated by a desire to change the world for her daugther's benefit, is moving quickly to build a top-flight advisory board and begin its work of helping those with NVLD and other social and spatial disabilities to lead more complete lives. Up to this point, Dr. Lemle has provided most of the funding for the nonprofit, but the team is still small with just two other people on staff with her. Growing the organization's impact will require growing its revenue. Read More |
Missouri Public School Students to Get Dyslexia Screenings
Gov. Jay Nixon has signed a bill that requires every student in Missouri public schools to be screened for dyslexia. The St. Louis Post-Dispatch reports that Nixon signed the bill last week. Screenings for the learning disorder, which is characterized by difficulty reading, are to start in the 2018-19 school year. The screenings are meant to be informal and brief. The bill also says teachers must receive two hours of training on methods to address dyslexia. A 20-member task force will recommend how classroom accommodations should be delivered. Read More |
'Locked in' Boy Learns to Speak with His Eyes Despite Doctors Diagnosing 'Profound Learning Difficulties'A 'locked in' boy who was written off as unteachable has been taught to 'speak' by his mother by using his EYES - and is now a blogger and author. Jonathan Bryan, ten, was born with severe cerebral palsy after his mom Chantal, 39, was in a car crash while pregnant, leaving him unable to walk and speak. His family were told he had 'profound and multiple learning disabilities ' and teachers did not teach him to read and write. But his determined mother refused to give up and taught him how to use his eyes to pick pre-chosen words. One day he had a "breakthrough" and amazingly began spelling out whole words. Read More |
 LATEST JOB LISTINGS POSTED ON NASET*K-6 Special Education Teacher - We are all about supporting our students in becoming capable, responsible learners as well as good people. The role of Special Education teacher for our kindergarten - sixth grade student body is an integral member of a long lasting, supportive team involving students, parents and staff. To learn more - Click here *Inclusive Specialist Teacher - Bright Star School seeks a Inclusive Specialist Teacher with the belief that every child is deserving an excellent education which prepares him/her for college and life beyond. To learn more - Click here *Teachers of Special Education - The Randolph County School System is seeking Special Education teachers at all levels K-12. The Special Education teachers will work collaboratively with school staff, IEP team members, and parents to monitor student progress towards IEP goals. To learn more - Click here *Early Childhood Special Education Teacher - To support students, regular classroom teachers, special education team and administration in the facilitation of full integration/least restrictive environment and services to students with exceptionalities. To learn more - Click here *Special Education Teachers - 2016/2017 School Year - Desert Choice Schools has multiple positions available in Phoenix, Tempe, Surprise, Buckeye, Casa Grande, Tolleson, Yuma, and Higley. Relocation assistance and Referral Bonus for specific positions. To learn more - Click here *Special Education Teachers - 2016/2017 School Year - Beach Cities Learning, a division of Learn It Systems, is currently hiring Special Education in the Greater Los Angeles area/Inglewood. We specialize in employing qualified professionals to work with behavioral and emotional needs students in small group settings. Our services tailor to meet the needs of each district partner and family. To learn more - Click here *Resource Specialist - Desire and aptitude to work with students from grades 6-12, provides leadership to the student study team in identifying students with special/ exceptional needs, supports SPED Coordinator with PD for all staff members. To learn more - Click here *Instructional Specialist - Mitchell College is searching for a highly collaborative Instructional Specialist for Thames Academy. Thames Academy is a residential program for high school graduates with academic challenges, documented learning disabilities, or other learning differences (AD/HD) who are preparing for the transition to college. Due to the Program's burgeoning enrollment, we are adding several additional positions to support the social and academic endeavours of our students. To learn more - Click here *Special Education Teachers - MUSD is looking for Special Education Teachers to provide students with appropriate learning activities and experiences in the core academic subject area assigned to help them fulfill their potential for intellectual, emotional, physical, and social growth. Enable students to develop competencies and skills to function successfully in society. To learn more - Click here *Special Education Teacher - Primary Responsibilities: Responsible for planning and providing for appropriate learning experiences for students based on the district's AKS curriculum as well as providing an atmosphere and environment conducive to the intellectual, physical, social, and emotional development of individuals. To learn more- Click here *Special Education Teacher (2 Positions) - For Job Description please visit and click on Employment; Job Postings; FastTrack and search for Job Postings #160426001 and 160323004. To learn more - Click here *Special Education Teacher - The International Community School (ICS) is an International Baccalaureate World School that educates refugees, immigrants and local children, and provides a rigorous and holistic education in an intentionally diverse community of mutual learners. To learn more - Click here *Assistant Principal - Provide leadership to ECF Kayne Eras School staff. The Assistant Principal will work as part of a team along with the Director of School Programs and the Principal to promote, enhance, and effectively manage all school related programs and activities. To learn more - Click here |