Gifted and Talented child gifted talented teaching – National Association of Special Education Teachers

Accommodations and Modifications

  • Gifted readers and reading instruction: Children who have exceptional ability in reading and working with text information are considered gifted readers (Mason & Au, 1990). Gifted readers read voraciously, perform well above their grade levels, possess advanced vocabularies and do well on tests (Vacca, Vacca & Gove, 1991). Read more...
  • Challenging gifted students in the classroom: How do professionals develop an instructional plan that will be challenging, enlightening, and intriguing to students of different abilities, and still maintain a sense of community within the classroom? This is the central question for educators as they begin the quest of bringing sound instruction to gifted students in regular classroom settings.
  • Creative strategies for teaching Language Arts to Gifted Student K-8:Teaching strategies that stimulate higher level and imaginative thinking are important curriculum extensions for gifted students who have already mastered much of the written and oral language skills required at their grade level. This digest presents strategies and activities that, while appropriate for all students, encourage gifted students especially to work at their own pace and level of complexity and extend their talents in a variety of ways.

Adults Who are Gifted and Talented

Advocacy Information

Assessing Individuals who may be gifted and talented

  • Identification and assessment of Bilingual Hispanic Students: Traditionally, gifted and talented programs have been filled with White, middle- or upper-middle-class students. These are students whose home backgrounds have provided them enrichment opportunities and linguistic experiences to enhance their natural abilities in ways that allow them to do outstandingly well on standardized tests.
  • Current use of the Stanford Binet in assessing gifted students: The Gifted Development Center uses the Stanford -Binet Scale of Intelligence, Form L-M as a supplemental test instrument. Although there are more recently normed tests, those who work with the highly and profoundly gifted feel that it is the best test for locating children with intellectual abilities above the 99th percentile.
  • Identification of gifted and talented: This article presents the three-ring conception of giftedness. A detailed process is presented illustrating how students can be effectively screened for gifted and talented programs through the three-ring conception approach.

Audio/Video tapes

  • Signs Your Child is Gifted: Do you know which behaviors may indicate that your child is gifted? Learn what being gifted is and how you can identify children with above average abilities even before they are old enough to read and write.
  • How To Tell if Your Child is Gifted: Charles Sophy (Private Practice in Adult, Child and Adolescent Psychiatry) gives expert video advice on: How do I know if my child is gifted?; What are the special needs of gifted children? and more...
  • How to Raise Gifted Children: Learn how to enrich the lives of your gifted kids and how to deal with different situations that may arise as...

Books and Publications


  • Characteristics: From The National Foundation for Gifted and Creative Children was formed over 30 years ago. The main goal of The Foundation was to get much needed information to the parents of gifted children. Click on "characteristics"
  • Stages of moral development: Kohlberg's approach to levels of moral development is attractive, particularly in the context of the gifted who are often accused of being immature on the grounds that they do not always readily find a set of social peers. The following information to the table of Kohlberg's stages comes from Guiding the Gifted Child by Webb Meckstroth and Tolan.
  • Characteristics of giftedness scale: From a developmental perspective, the characteristics associated with giftedness become apparent early in life. The following list of descriptors has been used successfully for nearly 19 years at the Gifted Development Center to predict performance in the superior and gifted ranges of the Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale (Silverman, Chitwood & Waters, 1986), WISC-III, and other standardized intelligence tests. The Characteristics of Giftedness Scale was designed specifically for parents as part of a phone intake procedure. It was developed as a result of research findings and clinical observations, as well as many years of teaching experience with this population. Read more...
  • Characteristics of the Gifted child: The gifted child can exhibit many unique characteristics, or none at all.  And even those who seemingly exhibit none of these characteristics may feel many of them, hidden just below the surface.  And the effort it takes to continue hiding is often exhausting.

Classifications or Types of

Classroom Management

  • Classroom Management and Discipline for Gifted Kids:Whether teaching a class of gifted students or overseeing a local gifted group for a Friday night outing, these kids can be much more than a handful to manage effectively.
  • Classroom Behavior Management: In gifted and talented programs, classroom behavior management is often difficult because students may be pursuing different projects, discussing ideas with each other, and leaving the classroom for different activities.


  • Highly gifted: Highly gifted children tend to be those who demonstrate asynchronous development. Due to their high cognitive abilities and high intensities they experience and relate to the world in unique ways.


Frequently Asked Questions

History of the Field

  • History of gifted education: One might suspect that gifted programs originated with Plato, who believed in an intellectual elite. In the early part of the 20th century, programs consisted primarily of acceleration when students needed it. Formal gifted programs can be traced back to 1918. In 1924. Many links on this topic.


Parent Information

  • Home schooling: When families consider homeschooling, there are many issues to explore.
  • Parenting gifted preschoolers: REALIZING THAT YOUR preschooler is gifted can catch you unawares, especially if the child is your firstborn.
  • Gifted 101: comprehensive resource for education of gifted children. It's full of great information, with links to the most complete, easiest to use resources on nearly every aspect of gifted education available on the Internet, plus lots of annotations and first hand information provided by parents facing the same challenges that you are facing.
  • Gifted 102: There are levels of giftedness, and you may find it important to learn where your child falls.