Week in Review - February 3, 2023
February 3, 2023 | Vol 19 Issue #5
Hi NASET Member!
Welcome to NASET's WEEK in REVIEW. It's our second week with our new look & layout for 2023. We have gotten a few comments, and we thank you for your responses! If there are any more comments please let us know what you think - news@naset.org
Here are the latest articles for this week. We hope you have a great weekend!
NASET’s Practical Teacher
Combining Phonics and Whole Language for Reading Instruction
By Matthew Glavach, Ph.D.
There is more to phonics than whole language enthusiasts are willing to accept - There is more to whole language than phonics proponents are willing to accept.
The science of reading is trending in the direction of phonics which is focused on sound-symbol development important to decoding words. This approach to reading includes studying consistent word patterns. Pattern recognition is compatible with current brain science related to reading. It includes practice with isolated word patterns, especially rhyming patterns such as “fun, run, and sun “and sentence structures such "Tad has a tan hat. Whole language puts emphasis on rich oral language experiences (e.g. rhymes, puns, chants etc.), and on the act of reading with its focus on great children’s literature.
Top Stories of the Week
How States are Trying to Solve the Special Educator Shortage Crisis
Autism Research at the Crossroads
5 ADHD Roadblocks That Undermine Academic Achievement — and How to Help
How Building Bonds in the Classroom Can Motivate Better Teaching
Five Touchstones for Parents Teaching Kids to Read — Starting at Birth
Under the Right Conditions, Can Remote Learning Be an Asset?
Congratulations to
Mariola Papa, Lynne Shields, Margaret Mernah, Tracey Christilles, Karen H. Holmes, Marquia Young, Patsy Ray, Sara Murray, Katrina Snider, Joann Judge, Rebekah Budziszewski, Caroline Capasso, and Lauro Esquilona III who all knew the answer to last week's trivia question:
First innovated in China during the 12th century, these types of eye-wear were not used for vision or for protection. Instead, they were used to obscure the eyes of judges in court so no one could determine their expressions. What were they?
This week's trivia question: Always remembering that correlation does not mean “causation", exposure to this commonly used pain reliever in the womb may increase a child’s risk for attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder and autism spectrum disorder, suggests a study funded by the National Institutes of Health and the Agency for Health Care Research and Quality. Children exposed to higher levels of it in the womb were at almost four times the risk of developing autism and it was linked to almost three times the risk of attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) when they were tested at around nine-years-old. The results come from a study of 996 births in Boston, MA. What is this commonly used pain reliever?
If you know the answer to this week's trivia questions, email it to us at contactus@naset.org by FEBRUARY 6, 2023. If you are correct, you will be acknowledged in next week's NASET's Week in Review
New High School Diploma for Indiana Students with Significant Cognitive Disabilities
Missing Mechanism Helps Solve Fragile X Protein Mystery
Support for Universal Pre-K Grows as More States Jump on Board
How to Keep Students Writing in the Age of AI Tools
Hands-On Learning in Early Childhood Development?
Are Relationships the Key to Solving America’s School Absenteeism Crisis?
Gone to the Dogs? Schools Use Therapy Animals to Boost Mental Health, Academics
Well-Meaning Habits that Frustrate People with Disabilities
4 Tips for Finding Budget to Support Student Mental Health
Promising Gene Therapy Delivers Treatment Directly to Brain
* Special Education Teacher - Resource- Potential to extend and potential for temp to perm. Use assessments and data to inform instructional practices. Utilize IEP information to adapt instruction to reach the needs of students. To learn more- Click here
* Early Intervention Special Education Teacher - Early Intervention teachers provide early intervention strategies and supports in the areas of assessment, instruction, and consultation to staff and families of children age birth to three in natural environments as a primary service provider. Early Intervention teachers serve as a liaison with medical and community service providers on behalf of children with disabilities and their families. To learn more- Click here
* Teacher of the Deaf/Special Educator - Early Intervention - The Early Intervention preschool classroom teacher is a Teacher of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing, though candidates with Early Childhood Special Education certification will be considered, who works with students ages three to five in a classroom setting and is responsible for planning and leading all aspects of the daily learning environment. To learn more - Click here
* [2022-2023] Reading Interventionist - This position will serve as a school resource for staff and parents with regards to special education services and regulations. The Reading Interventionist will work closely with the Student Support Team (SST) to assist in observing, documenting, and referring students with suspected special education impairments. The candidate should be able to monitor students; continuous progress through data collection and observation and provide information/support and training to teachers and parents around their child's needs. The Intervention Specialist should have a good understanding of state and federal regulations and local policies regarding children with special needs. The Intervention Specialist should be flexible, self-motivated, and a team player. To learn more- Click here
* Fellow in Special Education: Specialism in Autism Studies - The Department of Special Education is seeking to fill a full-time, faculty fellow position to begin August 2023. The successful candidate will be responsible for teaching special education and autism courses at the undergraduate and graduate level. The fellow will be assigned to teach five courses per year. In addition to teaching responsibilities, the faculty fellow will be required to engage in scholarship, service to the department and University, professional participation and student advising. To learn more- Click here
* SPED Teacher at AIM II Transfer High School (Bronx) - TNew Visions seeks the most talented and dedicated educators to bring their skills, experience, and energy to a collaborative and innovative learning environment where teachers are empowered to meet each student's unique learning needs and open the doors to new and rich opportunities. Our teachers are dynamic and innovative pedagogues who are committed to urban students and the issues they face every day. To learn more- Click here
There are no shortcuts to any place worth going.
Beverly Sills
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