Week in Review - March 2, 2018




National Association of Special Education Teachers

March 2, 2018                     Vol 14 Issue #9

Dear NASET News,

Welcome to NASET'sWEEK in REVIEW.  Here, we provide you with the latest publications fromNASET to read and or download, as well as some of the most interesting articles that have happened this week in the field of special education. We hope you enjoy this publication.  Feel free to send us articles for this publication or let us know your thoughts about the WEEK in REVIEW at news@naset.org. Have a great weekend.


NASET News Team

NASET's Special Educator e-Journal
March 2018 Issue
* Special Education Legal Alert. By Perry A. Zirkel

* Disproportionate Representation in Special Education. By Rossana Hahn

* Achievement of Students with Disabilities in Inclusive Classrooms. By Keyhla Mino

* Picture Schedules for Students with Intellectual Disabilities and Autism: A Review of the Literature. By Keyhla Mino

* Buzz from the Hub

* Understanding Supplementary Aids and Services

NASET's Classroom Management Series

Behavior Assessment, Plans, and Positive Supports
This issue of NASET's Classroom Management Series was written by the Center for Parent Information and Resources (CPIR). The topics of coverage are behavior assessment, plans and positive supports. Why is a student exhibiting challenging behavior? Behavioral assessments can help you answer that question. They also are helpful in developing a behavioral intervention plan that reduces problem behavior, including positive behavior supports.  CPIR is pleased to focus on these three elements:  conducting behavioral assessments, developing behavior plans, and providing positive behavior supports.  The resources we've listed in this document aren't exhaustive of all those available, but they will certainly get you started and connect you with lots of other useful information. Read More
Analysis Finds Lower IQ in Children with Chronic Kidney Disease
Children with chronic kidney disease (CKD) may have lower intellectual functioning compared with the general population, with mild deficits across academic skills, executive function, and visual and verbal memory. The findings, which appear in an upcoming issue of the Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology (CJASN), come from an analysis of studies published through 2016. CKD in children clearly affects their physical health, but research also indicates that it can have impacts on neurocognitive function, academic performance, and mental health. This can lead to long-term consequences for children with CKD as they transition into adulthood. Read more

Neuroscientists Discover a Brain Signal that Indicates Whether Speech has Been Understood
Neuroscientists from Trinity College Dublin and the University of Rochester have identified a specific brain signal associated with the conversion of speech into understanding. The signal is present when the listener has understood what they have heard, but it is absent when they either did not understand, or weren't paying attention. The uniqueness of the signal means that it could have a number of potential applications, such as tracking language development in infants, assessing brain function in unresponsive patients, or determining the early onset of dementia in older persons. Read More
Autism Genes Abound in DNA Regions Involved in Learning
The same processes that enable the brain to store new memories may also control many autism genes, a new study suggests. Candidate genes for autism are more than three times as prevalent in the genetic regions that become active after mice learn a new task as would be expected by chance, the researchers found. This connection between learning, memory and autism could explain why many children with autism have intellectual disability. "We are trying to understand the overlap between learning and autism spectrum disorders," says lead researcher Lucia Peixoto, assistant professor of biomedical sciences at Washington State University Spokane. The results appeared 16 January in Science Signaling. Read More
How Administrators Can Mitigate Professional Isolation Among Special Education Teachers
Since the role of a special education teacher differs somewhat from that of their general education peers, many special education teachers feel misunderstood and isolated from their counterparts, Edutopia reports. Special education teachers act as advocates for their students and sometimes feel like they are seen as nuisances to their peers rather than as "real teachers" who are partners in the educational process. Strengthening the connection between special education and general education staff through IEP meetings, mentoring, and shared professional development sessions can minimize isolation, increase inclusivity of students, and benefit both teachers and students alike. Read More
How a Growing Number of States are Hoping to Improve Kids' Brains: Exercise
Middle school students at Kaleidoscope Academy, a district charter school in Appleton, Wisconsin, are constantly moving. Everyone has a physical education class, called "phy-ed" here, at least twice a week. On top of that, there's a daily lunch break that comes with time for kids to get outside and move around. Students can also choose from two additional exercise-focused electives - dance and personal fitness - which for some students can mean a 40-minute exercise period every day. And the action doesn't stop there. Teachers like Lisa Sackman in the sixth-grade wing offer "brain breaks" every 20 minutes. Teacher Travis Olsen has an exercise bike in the back of his seventh-grade science classroom that kids are welcome to use whenever they feel the need. And eighth-grade co-teachers Abby Jolma and Toni Giebel let kids sit on wobbly chairs - short stools with a curved base - yoga balls, or traditional chairs while they learn math and science. Read More
Board Certification in Special Education Available to NASET Members
Through an agreement with The American Academy of Special Education Professionals(AASEP), NASET members now have the opportunity to achieve AASEP Board Certification in Special Education - (B.C.S.E.) at a reduced fee. AASEP Board Certification in Special Education - (B.C.S.E.) is a voluntary choice on the part of the candidate. The candidate for Board Certification wishes to demonstrate a commitment to excellence to employers, peers, administrators, other professionals, and parents. From the standpoint of the Academy, board certification will demonstrate the highest professional competency in the area of special education. Board Certification in Special Educationestablishes a much needed standard for professionals, across disciplines, who work with exceptional children.Read More

Congratulations to: Karyn Greco, Kelley King, Nieves Flores, Brandy Villagomez, Katie Venable, Dennis Bunch, Margaret Brewer-LaPorta, Melody Owens, Aurea Flesher, Olumide Akerele, Patsy Ray, Darlene Desbrow, Teresa Stauffer, Diane Campbell-Mitchell, Joanna Blau, Yvonne Harris, Cindi Maurice, and Wanda Routier, who all knew the answer to last week's trivia question.

In 1961, this President of the United States established the President's Panel on Mental Retardation. By evaluating the needs of individuals with developmental disabilities and developing strategies for public policy reform, the panel expanded the role of the federal government regarding issues surrounding individuals with mental retardation (Note--Today, we use the term "intellectual disabilities"). Who was the President?
ANSWER:  John F. Kennedy
This week's question:  Under the federal law (IDEIA), beginning not later than the first IEP to be in effect when the child turns 16, or younger if determined appropriate by the IEP Team, and updated annually, thereafter, an IEP must include what services?
If you know the answer, email us at contactus@naset.org by March 5, 2018.  We will acknowledge your correct answer in the next edition of the Week in Review

A New Study Eases Fears of a Link between Autism and Prenatal Ultrasounds
Ultrasounds during pregnancy can be lots of fun, offering peeks at the baby-to-be. But ultrasounds aren't just a way to get Facebook fodder. They are medical procedures that involve sound waves, technology that could, in theory, affect a growing fetus. With that concern in mind, some researchers have wondered if the rising rates of autism diagnoses could have anything to do with the increasing number of ultrasound scans that women receive during pregnancy. The answer is no, suggests a study published online February 12 in JAMA Pediatrics. On average, children with autism were exposed to fewer ultrasounds during pregnancy, scientists found. The results should be "very reassuring" to parents, says study coauthor Jodi Abbott, a maternal fetal medicine specialist at Boston Medical Center and Boston University School of Medicine.  Read More
Securing a Child's Future Needs to Start During Parents' Teen Years
The article in the latest edition of Nature argues that tackling health problems including obesity, mental health, poor nutrition and substance abuse in young people before they become parents is essential for the best possible start to life for their future children. Researchers from the Murdoch Children's Research Institute (MCRI) and the University of Melbourne said that taking action once a woman knows she is pregnant is often starting too late. Young women and men often carry lifestyle and health risks from adolescence into pregnancy, they added, even if this happens in their 20s or 30s. Read More
Animal Study Shows How to Retrain the Immune System to Ease Food Allergies
Treating food allergies might be a simple matter of teaching the immune system a new trick, researchers at Duke Health have found. In a study using mice bred to have peanut allergies, the Duke researchers were able to reprogram the animals' immune systems using a nanoparticle delivery of molecules to the lymph nodes that switched off the life-threatening reactions to peanut exposures. "This study in mice proves the concept of this approach, so tests in humans are not that far off," said Soman N. Abraham, Ph.D., professor in Duke's Department of Pathology. Abraham is senior author of a study published this month in the Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology. Read More
Mouse Model of Intellectual Disability Isolates Learning Gene
Adult male mice lacking a gene linked to intellectual disability have trouble completing and remembering mazes, with no changes in social or repetitive behavior, according to new research published in JNeurosci. This animal model provides a new way to study the role of this gene in learning and memory and provides a rodent model of pure intellectual disability. A mutation in the gene CRBN causes a type of intellectual disability in humans that is defined by a low intelligence quotient. Intellectual disability has been studied in the context of complex disorders like autism spectrum disorder, Fragile X and Down syndrome that co-occur with other conditions, which has made it difficult to selectively understand cognitive impairment. Read More
Blood and Urine Tests Developed to Indicate Autism in Children
ASDs are defined as developmental disorders mainly affecting social interaction and they can include a wide spectrum of behavioral problems. These include speech disturbances, repetitive and/or compulsive behavior, hyperactivity, anxiety, and difficulty to adapt to new environments, some with or without cognitive impairment. Since there is a wide range of ASD symptoms diagnosis can be difficult and uncertain, particularly at the early stages of development. The paper "Advanced glycation endproducts, dityrosine, and arginine transporter dysfunction in autism-a source of biomarkers for clinical diagnosis" has been published in Molecular Autism. The team was led by Dr Naila Rabbani, Reader of Experimental Systems Biology at the University of Warwick who said: "Our discovery could lead to earlier diagnosis and intervention." Read More
Is Social Media to Blame for Poor Grades?
Do teenagers who frequent Snapchat, Facebook, Instagram and other social media sites perform worse academically? Scientists from Germany have looked into these worries. "Concerns regarding the allegedly disastrous consequences of social networking sites on school performance are unfounded," says Professor Markus Appel, a psychologist who holds the Chair of Media Communication at Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg (JMU) in Bavaria, Germany. Markus Appel, PhD student Caroline Marker (JMU) and Timo Gnambs from the University of Bamberg have taken a closer look at how the social media use of adolescents correlates with their school grades. "There are several contradictory single studies on this subject and this has made it difficult previously to properly assess all results," Marker says. Some studies report negative impacts of Snapchat & Co., others describe a positive influence and again others do not find any relationship at all. Read More
Newborn Babies Who Suffered Stroke Regain Language Function in Opposite Side of Brain
It's not rare that a baby experiences a stroke around the time it is born. Birth is hard on the brain, as is the change in blood circulation from the mother to the neonate. At least 1 in 4,000 babies are affected shortly before, during, or after birth. But a stroke in a baby -- even a big one -- does not have the same lasting impact as a stroke in an adult. A study led by Georgetown University Medical Center investigators found that a decade or two after a "perinatal" stroke damaged the left "language" side of the brain, affected teenagers and young adults used the right sides of their brain for language. The findings, reported Feb. 17 in a symposium at the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) Annual Meeting in Austin, Tex., demonstrates how "plastic" brain function is in infants, says cognitive neuroscientist Elissa L. Newport, PhD, professor of neurology at Georgetown University School of Medicine, and director of the Center for Brain Plasticity and Recovery at Georgetown University and MedStar National Rehabilitation Network. Read More
Hearing Loss is Common After Infant Heart Surgery
Children who have heart surgery as infants are at risk for hearing loss, coupled with associated risks for language, attention and cognitive problems, by age four. In a single-center group of 348 preschoolers who survived cardiac surgery, researchers found hearing loss in about 21 percent, a rate 20 times higher than is found in the general population. The researchers recommend that children who undergo heart surgery have their hearing evaluated by age 24 to 30 months, to increase their chances of receiving timely medical intervention. The study appeared in the January 2017 issue of the Journal of Pediatrics. "Children born with life-threatening heart defects require a great deal of sophisticated care before and after surgery," said study leader Nancy B. Burnham, RN, MSN, CRNP, a nurse-practitioner in the Division of Cardiothoracic Surgery at Children's Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP). "This study reminds healthcare providers not to overlook hearing evaluations, because early detection and intervention can reduce later problems in neurodevelopment." Read More

What Predicts the Quality of Children's Friendships? Study Shows Cognition, Emotion Together Play
Whether children think their peers' intentions are benign or hostile, and how those children experience and express their own emotions, may influence the quality of their friendships, according to a new study from the University of Illinois. Friendships play an important role in children's psychological and behavioral adjustment, especially during the transition to adolescence. Some friendships may even provide positive support and act as buffers against stress at home. Others may have negative features such as conflict or rivalry. Child development researchers at U of I wanted to look at what predicts the quality of children's friendships. In a recent study published in the journal Child Development, the researchers measured a child's cognitions about negative but ambiguous peer events (attribution biases) and the child's tendency to experience and express strong emotions (emotional intensity). Read More
Back-and-Forth Exchanges Boost Children's Brain Response to Language
A landmark 1995 study found that children from higher-income families hear about 30 million more words during their first three years of life than children from lower-income families. This "30-million-word gap" correlates with significant differences in tests of vocabulary, language development, and reading comprehension. MIT cognitive scientists have now found that conversation between an adult and a child appears to change the child's brain, and that this back-and-forth conversation is actually more critical to language development than the word gap. In a study of children between the ages of 4 and 6, they found that differences in the number of "conversational turns" accounted for a large portion of the differences in brain physiology and language skills that they found among the children. This finding applied to children regardless of parental income or education. Read More
Hearing Loss Linked to Poor Nutrition in Early Childhood, Study Suggests
Young adults who were undernourished as preschool children were approximately twice as likely to suffer from hearing loss as their better- nourished peers, a new study suggests. The study, led by researchers at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, analyzed the relationship between the hearing of more than 2,200 young adults in Nepal and their nutritional levels as children 16 years earlier. The findings suggest that nutritional interventions in South Asia could help prevent hearing loss, a condition which currently affects an estimated 116 million young people in the region. The study was published February 7 in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. Hearing loss is the fourth leading cause of disability worldwide, and an estimated 80 percent of affected individuals live in low- and middle-income countries. Prevalence estimates of hearing impairment among children and young adults in South Asia range from 14 to 28 percent of the population. Read More


* Director of Special Education - The Director of Special Education is responsible for leadership, administration, and supervision of all services and programs associated with the provision of special education in Council Bluffs Schools and for all instructional services provided in community-based programs for which the school district is responsible. To learn more - Click here

* Special Education Teacher - Jewish Child & Family Services (JCFS) provides vital, individualized, results-driven, therapeutic and supportive services for thousands of children, adults and families of all backgrounds each year. JCFS is currently seeking a Special Education Teacher to work with individuals and small groups of children (K - 12) with emotional and behavior disorders in a therapeutic special education classroom. The Therapeutic Day School is located in West Rogers Park, Chicago, IL. To Learn More - Click here

* Special Education Teacher - Year Round Facility School - Provide an optimal classroom environment and learning experience, Establishes and maintains strong classroom management, complete all academic and diagnostic assessments, participate with family and/or guardian and team in the development of IEP and facilitate and monitor activities in accordance with each child's IEP goals. To learn more - Click here

* Certified Special Education Teacher - Susan E. Wagner Day School with 5 locations throughout the Bronx. Administer appropriate educational testing to gather data for the development of IEP. Develop appropriate individualized. Provide therapeutic intervention in the classroom to maintain a therapeutic educational environment.Document academic and behavioral evaluations of students. To learn more - Click here

* Educational Director - Do you enjoy leading a collaborative team, utilizing your leadership and behavioral skills while positively affecting children with significant disabilities? Then consider joining Devereux Advanced Behavioral Health!Being an Educational Director at Devereux has its Advantages. To learn more - Click here

* Special Education Teacher - At Mastery, all means all. Nearly one quarter of our students have individualized education plans (IEPs) to help ensure they get the educational opportunities they need. As a Secondary Special Education Teacher you will work with a team of teachers, case managers, school leaders, and central office support staff to help push the boundaries of what's possible for your students academically, emotionally, and physically while also developing your craft. To learn more - Click here
* Special Education Teacher (secondary) - Linwood Center is currently hiring for Special Education teachers for Grades 9-12. The teacher will guide the educational process and provide specialized instruction at the secondary school level for students with autism and related disabilities in classrooms of four to seven students. S/he will use various techniques to promote learning, including individualized instruction, problem-solving assignments, and small-group work. To learn more - Click here

* High School Special Education Teacher - Tutor individual and small groups of students, reinforcing language and reading concepts. Schedule and conduct IEP meetings, coordinating schedules with parents, general education teacher(s), administrator, and all appropriate special education staff. Communicate with parents regarding individual student progress and conduct. Maintain progress records and record progress toward IEP goals. To learn more - Click here

* Instructional Specialist - The STEPP Program's mission is to provide students with learning disabilities who aspire to achieve a college education and who demonstrate the potential for postsecondary success with access and comprehensive support throughout the university experience. By partnering with these students, their families, and a variety of educational communities, the STEPP Program fosters a network of opportunities and resources to empower and support students from admission to graduation from East Carolina University. To learn more - Click here

* EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR - Criterion Child Enrichment is conducting a search for an Executive Director. Founded in 1985 as a not-for-profit organization, Criterion has served families for over 30 years and is a leading provider of early childhood education and early intervention services. Each year the agency serves over 7000 families through a program network that extends throughout the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. To learn more - Click here

* Program Director ~ Annandale Campus - Applications are being accepted for this key leadership position within PHILLIPS Programs. The PHILLIPS School ~ Annandale Program Director, reporting to the President & CEO, will be responsible for all aspects of operation of a 200 pupil campus for students with emotional & behavior problems, learning disabilities and other school challenges. The Program Director also oversees a staff of 150. To learn more - Click here

* Special Education Teacher - Various - $50,000/school year (185 days), summers off with year round pay and year round appreciation. Special Education Teachers needed in Arizona (Phoenix and surrounding cities). Needs are in the self-contained and resource settings serving students with emotional disabilities (ED), Autism (A), Severe/Profound (S/P), and Intellectual Disabilities (ID). STARS is the largest school contract agency in AZ. STARS is owned and operated by Occupational Therapists. You will be an employee and receive full benefits. To learn more - Click here

* Special Education Teacher - The Adolescent Care Unit (ACU) at Tséhootsooí Medical Center on the Navajo Nation seeks a Special Education Teacher to work with 8 to 10 teens aged 13-17 with mild emotional or behavior issues in a subacute 60-day inpatient program. ACU combines western therapy with Native American traditional cultural methods to foster health and Hozho or harmony, and is located in northeastern AZ. To learn more - Click here

If you are an Employer looking for excellent special education staff - Click here for more information
Food For Thought..........
Great things are done by a series of small things brought together
Vincent Van Gogh

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