Dear NASET News, Welcome to NASET'sWEEK in REVIEW. Here, we provide you with the latest publications from NASET to read and or download, as well as some of the most interesting articles that have happened this week in the field of special education. We hope you enjoy this publication. Feel free to send us articles for this publication or let us know your thoughts about the WEEK in REVIEW at Have a great weekend.
NASET News Team |
Assessments for Students with the Most Significant Cognitive Disabilities
This issue of NASET's Q & A Corner will focus on assessment for students with the most significant cognitive disabilities. Both ESSA and the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) require all students with disabilities to be included in all state and districtwide assessments-including assessments required by ESSA-with appropriate accommodations. Students with disabilities must participate in the general assessments for their enrolled grade, with only one exception for students with the most significant cognitive disabilities. For this small group of students, ESSA allows states to adopt alternate academic achievement standards and provide for alternate assessments aligned with the state's challenging academic standards and alternate academic achievement standards. Participation in state assessments is critical if schools are to be held accountable for the progress of students with disabilities. It is important that students with significant disabilities are included in assessments so that their performance is measured and their instruction is targeted for improvement as needed. Read More
Mobile Phone Use While Pregnant Not Linked to Child Neurodevelopment Problems, Study SuggestsMobile phone use during pregnancy is unlikely to have any adverse effects on child neurodevelopment, according to new research published in the open access journal BMC Public Health. These findings provide further evidence that exposure to radio frequency electromagnetic fields associated with maternal use of mobile phones during pregnancy is not linked to neurodevelopment in children. Dr Eleni Papadopoulou, lead author from the Norwegian Institute of Public Health, said: "The concern for harm to the fetus caused by radio frequency electromagnetic fields, such as those emitted by mobile phones, is mainly driven by reports from experimental animal studies with inconsistent results. Even though this is an observational study, our findings do not support the hypothesis of adverse effects on child's language, communication and motor skills due to the use of mobile phone during pregnancy." Read More |
Gene Related to Brain Damage in Pre-Term Infants IdentifiedA gene has been identified by researchers at King's College London that is thought to be associated with the types of brain damage that can be caused by pre-term birth. Premature labor is associated with inflammation in the mother or baby, often due to infection. This can cause damage to the brain that could lead to lifelong conditions such as cerebral palsy, autism or learning or behavioral difficulties in up to 30 per cent of pre-term babies. Published in Nature Communications, a new study investigated the role of microglial cells, which control the immune response in the brain, in responding to this inflammation. Researchers found a gene, known as DLG4, in these cells that is thought to be involved in controlling the inflammatory process. Read More |

Keychain Detector Could Catch Food Allergens Before it's too LateFor kids and adults with food allergies, a restaurant outing can be a fraught experience. Even when care is taken, freshly prepared or packaged meals can accidentally become cross-contaminated with an offending food and trigger a reaction. Now researchers report in the journal ACS Nano the development of a new portable allergen-detection system -- including a keychain analyzer -- that could help prevent trips to the emergency room. Most people with food allergies manage their condition by avoiding the specific nuts, fish, eggs or other products that cause a reaction, which can range from a mild rash to life-threatening anaphylaxis. But avoidance isn't always possible because food can be mislabeled or cross-contaminated. Conventional methods to detect these hidden triggers either require bulky laboratory equipment, or are slow and don't pick up on low concentrations. Ralph Weissleder, Hakho Lee and colleagues wanted to make a more practical, consumer-friendly option. Read More |
Anxiety May Alter Processing of Emotions in People with AutismA brain region that processes emotions, including fear, tends to be smaller in children who have both autism and anxiety than in those who have autism alone, according to a new study. The findings suggest that the difference in volume of this region, called the amygdala, is related to how these individuals process emotions. The amygdala is thought to be involved in autism, but exactly how has been unclear. Some studies have reported that it is larger in children with autism than in controls and perhaps normalizes later in life - but others have shown that it is smaller. The new work suggests that the amygdala's size depends on whether the children also have anxiety. Anxiety is also associated with a small amygdala in typical individuals. Read More
A Robot Designed To Help Kids With Autism Learn Social CuesBlossom doesn't look much like a robot. Of the two current prototypes Guy Hoffman and his team have made, one takes the shape of a bunny, with hand-carved wooden ears; the other looks like an octopus, with yarn tentacles that can curl up and down. They resemble rag dolls more than Roombas, and that's entirely by design. Hoffman, an assistant professor at Cornell University who studies human-robot interaction, partnered with Google to develop the robot to watch YouTube clips alongside children with autism. These children often have trouble understanding how to react emotionally to social situations. Using machine learning, Hoffman and the team at Google are working on designing ways for Blossom to act during different videos to help autistic kids learn key social cues. Read More |
Using Antidepressants During Pregnancy May Affect a Child's Mental HealthThe use of antidepressants has been on the rise for many years. Between 2 and 8% of pregnant women are on antidepressants. Now researchers from the National Centre for Register-based Research at Aarhus BSS show that there is an increased risk involved in using antidepressants during pregnancy. The researchers, headed by Xiaoqin Liu, have applied register-based research to the study of 905,383 children born between 1998 and 2012 with the aim of exploring the possible adverse effects of the mother's use of antidepressants during her pregnancy. They found that out of the 905,383 children in total, 32,400 developed a psychiatric disorder later in life. Some of these children were born to mothers who were on antidepressants during their pregnancy, while other children had not been exposed to medication. Read More |
Board Certification in Special Education Available to NASET Members Through an agreement with The American Academy of Special Education Professionals(AASEP), NASET members now have the opportunity to achieve AASEP Board Certification in Special Education - (B.C.S.E.) at a reduced fee. AASEP Board Certification in Special Education - (B.C.S.E.) is a voluntary choice on the part of the candidate. The candidate for Board Certification wishes to demonstrate a commitment to excellence to employers, peers, administrators, other professionals, and parents. From the standpoint of the Academy, board certification will demonstrate the highest professional competency in the area of special education. Board Certification in Special Education establishes a much needed standard for professionals, across disciplines, who work with exceptional children.Read More |
In Australia, National Autism Diagnosis Guidelines to Make 'Big Difference for Women on the Spectrum'National guidelines to help diagnose people with autism have been drafted for the first time in Australia by a team of experts. The guidelines are the culmination of a year of research, and are designed to overcome the wide variation in diagnosis methods used between states and territories. There are hopes the new assessment criteria could help thousands of people on the autism spectrum, but who are falling through the cracks in the health, education and disability sectors. Professor Andrew Whitehouse, who was part of the team that developed the national guidelines, said they would add much needed consistency across Australia. Read More |
First Students Enter New College Experience Program for Those with Intellectual DisabilitiesThe first three students in the new four-year, non-degree EMPOWER program at the University of Arkansas are proud to blaze a trail for more who will come after them. Nick Lange is a graduate of a private school in the Dallas area. He would like to work in the hotel or other hospitality industry. "We have been honored to show that kids like us can have a college experience," Lange said. "The first time I walked on campus, I knew it was the place I wanted to be." When Lange's parents heard about the new program that offers a four-year, non-degree college experience program for students with intellectual disabilities, they jumped at the chance for their son. EMPOWER stands for Educate, Motivate, Prepare, Opportunity, Workplace Readiness, Employment and Responsibility. Read More |
Congratulations to: Christa Pius, Brooke Soard, William Stolfi, Daniel Rayder, Emily Cayon, Teresa Pitts, Charity Duncan, Holly Lennon, Melissa Davidson, Hema Krishnamurti, Raynelle Lanier, Dan Chamberlin, Diane Campbell-Mitchell, Olumide Akerele, Alexandra Pirard, Stacy Millspaugh, Denise Keeling, Tina Nguyen, Melinda McLeod, Rena Root, Melody Owens, Wanda Routier, Tracey Christilles, Sue Bradley, Kristi Haadem, Cindi Maurice, Christine Hartman, and Sharon Johnson-Hiltz who all knew the answer to last week's trivia question.
QUESTION: Under the federal law, IDEA, all children receiving special education and related services must be provide with a "FAPE". "FAPE" is an abbreviation of what phrase?
From Wheelchairs to Waves: Surfers with Disabilities Hit the SeaAs soon as Margarita Molina-Corona hit the waves, she knew surfing was her sport. "It was absolutely amazing, an incredible feeling of freedom and a rush of excitement," the 25-year-old San Diegan said. "It was awesome to be able to enjoy the waves like everyone else." It just took some creativity and assistance for Molina-Coronia, who uses a wheelchair, to get out on the water. She was one of 100 people with disabilities who participated in an adaptive surfing event at La Jolla Shores Sunday. The event was offered by the Life Rolls On Foundation, founded by Jesse Billauer, a former professional surfer who became paralyzed after he broke his neck in a surfing accident at 17. Read More |
The 'All-Inclusive' Newport Hotel Nightclub Where People with Disabilities Hit the Dance FloorThe youngest of seven siblings, Ms Wardle, 24, had been going out to a nightclub once a month with her older sisters, but they have since left home. Many people with disabilities struggle to go out at night without assistance, or face access barriers if they have a physical limitation or wheelchair. But in what is thought to be a first for WA, a special event hosted by the Newport Hotel in Fremantle aims to give people like Ms Wardle the chance to come together, shake their groove things and let their hair down without any extra stress. Kelly Buckle, founder of a not-for-profit group which provides song, dance and drama classes to people with disabilities, organised the event and said she knew it would be popular. Read More |
Respiratory Tract Infections in Young Children Linked to Asthma and Worse Lung FunctionRespiratory tract infections in young children are linked to an increased risk of asthma and worse lung function in later life, according to new research to be presented at the European Respiratory Society International Congress. An international study of 154,492 European children found that those who had had upper respiratory infections, such as colds, sinusitis, laryngitis, tonsillitis, pharyngitis and otitis, by the age of five years had a 1.5-fold increased risk of developing asthma in later life. Children who had suffered from lower respiratory tract infections, such as bronchitis, bronchiolitis, pneumonia and general chest infections, had a two- to four-fold increased risk of developing asthma in later life and were also more likely to have worse lung function. Read More |
Children with Asthma are Being Prescribed Unnecessary AntibioticsChildren with asthma are more likely to be prescribed antibiotics even though there is no evidence that they need them any more than children without asthma, according to research to be presented at the European Respiratory Society International Congress 2017. Overuse of antibiotics is leading to a rise in drug-resistant infections and unnecessary use in children could leave them more at risk of a future infection that is difficult to treat. The researchers say their results may indicate that asthma symptoms are being mistaken for a respiratory tract infection, or that the antibiotics are being given as a preventative measure, even though guidelines do not support this. Read More |
Oklahoma Badly Needs Special Education TeachersIt's no secret that Oklahoma is facing as major teacher crisis. But, as Oklahoma Watch reports within that larger crisis is another problem. The state suffers from an increasingly dwindling pool of special education teachers. School districts in Oklahoma have had trouble finding and keeping good special education candidates, and some of those districts have been forced to leave open positions unfilled. Shelley Arrott, the Ponca City Public Schools Superintendent, explained that she can't reduce special education class sizes, and she can't pay her teachers more. She added, "But I can appreciate them and make them feel valued, so that's our big push." Read More |
How Should We Handle Boys Who Can't Read?Many people know that girls, on average, are worse at math than boys. But the gender difference is three times greater when it comes to reading. According to international studies, this is where boys struggle. Why? And what can be done about it? For starters, children who struggle most with learning to read could be identified earlier than is currently done. And now, researchers are finding new ways to do this. "Letter-sound knowledge is what best predicts how well students will be able to read later," says Professor Hermundur Sigmundsson at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology's (NTNU) Department of Psychology. He has based his research on major empirical studies and theory. Read More |

Eye movements May Better Explain Deficits in ADHDA technique that measures tiny movements of the eyes may help scientists better understand and perhaps eventually improve assessment of ADHD, according to new research published in Psychological Science, a journal of the Association for Psychological Science. Emerging evidence shows that small involuntary eye movements (saccades and microsaccades) are a promising new tool for shedding light on the hidden workings of mental processes like attention and anticipation, cognitive processes that are often impaired in individuals with ADHD. The new study suggests that carefully tracking eye movements offers a new method for empirically monitoring temporal expectation in people with ADHD. Read More |
Honor Society for Special Education Teachers

* Special Education Teacher - We are seeking inspired and dynamic educators to join our team and provide a top quality education for all of our students. Whether you are starting your teaching career or are looking to launch a new chapter, your passion and experience will be deeply valued and your opportunities for growth and impact will be limitless. To learn more - Click here
* Lead ED Special Education Teacher - The Lead Special Education Teacher for Cornerstone is an integral member of the academics team whose focus is to guide students in their social-emotional and academic development. To learn more - Click here
* Assistant Professor of Education- The Moravian College Education Department invites applications for a tenure-track position in educational psychology with a focus on special education, inclusive education, and/or disability studies in education, beginning the Fall Term 2018. Members of the Moravian College Education Department view and carry out their work in the context of the College's liberal arts ethos. To learn more - Click here
* Special Education Teacher - JCFS is currently seeking a Special Education Teacher to work with individuals and small groups of children (K - 12) with emotional and behavior disorders, which may include aggressive behaviors, in a therapeutic special education classroom. The students attending the Therapeutic Day School have been referred from their home districts to our School to receive an individualized and intensive educational program in our supportive and therapeutic environment. To learn more - Click here
* Full Time Special Education Teacher - Provide multi-grade, standards-based instruction and academic interventions that afford students the opportunity to thrive academically. The Teacher provides a clear, consistent structure for the classroom, ensuring that each student's needs are met within the guidelines of the Individualized Educational Program (IEP) and the Treatment Plan. To learn more - Click here
* Chief Program Officer - Serve as a key member of the Executive Team and partner closely with the Executive Director and CEO to further mission-specific and core competency goals. Interface with the Board of Directors in matters related to program operations. Participate in strategic planning and provide guidance necessary to assist the organization in setting vision, determining direction and implementing strategy. To learn more - Click here
* Private Teacher - This position includes the opportunity to travel and an interest in sports is a plus! The family is willing to hire the right person immediately for a full-time role to perform tutoring until the 2018-19 school year. This is a full-time position with compensation of $90,000 to $110,000 offered, depending on experience, with benefits. Local candidates are preferred. To learn more - Click here
* Special Education Teacher - LEAD Public Schools - Special Education (SPED) teachers are champions for the cause of equality within the school and make sure that their students' needs are being met. Our ideal SPED teacher is passionate about supporting our students with IEPs, loves working with students who need the most support, is flexible, is coachable, and wants to grow as a teacher. To learn more - Click here
* Regional Special Education Teacher - Essential Duties & Responsibilities are to create, review and implement Individualized Education Plans (IEPs) for students, effectively progress monitor student achievement and gather evidence in order to deliver individualized instruction and supports that are aligned to students' goals. Plan and teach at least one section of reading, math, or English Language Development intervention, and/or plan and teach one section of PE (teacher's choice, i.e. yoga, crossfit, weightlifting etc.). To learn more - Click here
* SPED Teacher, Grades K-5 - Our public charter school is looking for a Special Education Teacher to join our team of dedicated educators in Yuma, AZ. Are you passionate about helping all students reach their potential? Do you love working in a bright, active, positive environment? Are you interested in joining a team devoted to helping all children succeed? To learn more - Click here
* Director of Autism Education - Manages the Building Blocks program and staff of professional educators and behavior technicians. The Director of Education is responsible for the ongoing daily operations of the program in accordance with the VDOE and VAISEF. The Director of Education is responsible for setting the strategic direction for the program in accordance with current best practices in the field of autism education. To learn more - Click here
* Special Education Specialist - The primary responsibility of the Special Education Specialist is to provide instruction and other related services to Special Education students. The Special Education Specialist will also facilitate diagnostic assessment including administration, scoring and interpretation. To learn more - Click here
If you are an Employer looking for excellent special education staff - Click here for more information |