Dear NASET News, Welcome to NASET'sWEEK in REVIEW. Here, we provide you with the latest publications from NASET to read and or download, as well as some of the most interesting articles that have happened this week in the field of special education. We hope you enjoy this publication. Feel free to send us articles for this publication or let us know your thoughts about the WEEK in REVIEW at Have a great weekend.
NASET News Team |
NEW THIS WEEK ON NASETNASET's Classroom Management Series
Using Classroom Design to Reduce Challenging Behaviors in the Elementary Classroom. By Maria J. Lohmann, Kathleen A. Boothe, & Natalie M. Nenovich
This issue of NASET's Classroom Management series was written by Marla J. Lohmann, Kathleen A. Boothe, & Natalie M. Nenovich. Elementary school teachers see challenging behaviors every day and may be overwhelmed by the behaviors in their classrooms. To assist with these challenging behaviors, special education teachers are often asked to serve in a consulting role for teachers who are planning classroom behavior management systems for their own classrooms. In this article the authors present Tier 1, classroom-wide strategies. Each of these strategies is effective for addressing classroom behavior challenges and, when used together, the likelihood of success is increased. Read More
Pregnant Moms Who Take Folic Acid Cut Autism Risk from PesticidesChildren whose mothers took folic acid supplements early in their pregnancies were less likely to develop autism, even when the pregnant moms were exposed to pesticides linked to the neurodevelopmental disorder, a new study found. Mothers who were exposed to household or agricultural pesticides just before and during their pregnancies but who took high-dose folic acid cut in half the risk of their children developing autism when compared to women who received low doses of the vitamin, lead author Rebecca Schmidt said in a phone interview. "If there's a chance you might get pregnant, take your folic acid and try to avoid unnecessary pesticides," said Schmidt, an epidemiologist and professor at the Medical Investigations of Neurodevelopment Disorders (MIND) Institute at the University of California, Davis. Read More |
Playing Football Before Age 12 Could Have Long-Term Health EffectsPlaying American football before the age of 12 may have long-term consequences for players' mood and behavior, according to a study involving 214 professional and amateur football players, published in the open access journal Translational Psychiatry. Researchers at Boston University School of Medicine, USA found that football players who started playing before age 12 had more than twice the odds for clinical impairment in executive function (including analyzing, planning, and organizing tasks), regulating their behavior, and apathy, compared to players who started playing at age 12 or later. They also had more than three times the odds for depression. The effects appear to apply to players of all ages and levels of education, no matter how long they had played for (duration) and whether they were professional or amateur players (level of play). Read More |

Exposure to Pet and Pest Allergens During Infancy Linked to Reduced Asthma RiskChildren exposed to high indoor levels of pet or pest allergens during infancy have a lower risk of developing asthma by 7 years of age, new research supported by the National Institutes of Health reveals. The findings, published September 19 in the Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, may provide clues for the design of strategies to prevent asthma from developing. While previous studies have established that reducing allergen exposure in the home helps control established asthma, the new findings suggest that exposure to certain allergens early in life, before asthma develops, may have a preventive effect. The observations come from the ongoing Urban Environment and Childhood Asthma (URECA -- pronounced "Eureka") study, which is funded by NIH's National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) through its Inner-City Asthma Consortium. Read More |
Students' Self-Concepts of Ability in Math, Reading Predict Later Math, Reading AttainmentEducational and developmental psychologists have tried to understand how skills and motivation are linked to academic achievement. While research supports ties between individuals' concepts of their abilities and their achievement, we lack a complete picture of how these relations develop from childhood to adolescence. A new longitudinal study looked at how youths' self-concepts are linked to their actual academic achievement in math and reading from middle childhood to adolescence. The study found that students' self-concepts of their abilities in these two academic domains play an important role in motivating their achievements over time and across levels of achievement. Read More |
The Police Need to Understand AutismDiane Craglow was caring for a 14-year-old autistic boy named Connor Leibel in Buckeye, Ariz., one day in July. They took a walk to one of his favorite places, a park in an upscale community called Verrado. She was not hesitant to leave Connor alone for a few minutes while she booked a piano lesson for his sister nearby, because he usually feels safe and comfortable in places that are familiar to him, and he learns to be more independent that way. When Ms. Craglow returned, she couldn't believe what she saw: a police officer looming over the now-handcuffed boy, pinning him to the ground against a tree. Connor was screaming, and the police officer, David Grossman, seemed extremely agitated. As Ms. Craglow tried to piece together what had happened, more officers arrived, spilling out of eight patrol cars in response to Officer Grossman's frantic call for backup. Soon it became clear to Ms. Craglow that the policeman was unaware that Connor has autism, and had interpreted the boy's rigid, unfamiliar movements - which included raising a piece of yarn to his nose to sniff it repeatedly - as a sign of drug intoxication. Read More |
In Hawaii Special Education Services Eyed for ImprovementThe Hawaii Department of Education's new superintendent on Monday said delivery of special education services is among the areas eyed for improvement this year. But the crowd at the meet-and-greet was mixed as to their confidence in the department's ability to deliver. Superintendent Christina Kishimoto, who took the reins in August, spoke about her plans for those programs and others to parents and faculty at Kealakehe High School. Part of Kishimoto's plan to improve special education includes a task force that is kicking off this week charged with looking at how special education services are delivered, what the core program will look like and what funding, staffing or other resources will be needed to enact it. "So that we're very purposeful in the design of our special education services," Kishimoto said. Read More |
Smoking Risks for Female Adolescents with ADHD in ChildhoodChildren with more severe symptoms of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) are more likely to smoke cigarettes by age 17 and to start smoking at an earlier age, researchers reported in AJP in Advance. According to the report, nicotine is the substance most consistently linked with ADHD. This is a persistent problem and raises the question of the nature of the link between smoking and ADHD. There is also the issue of smoking and female adolescents, because the majority of prospective clinical samples of children with ADHD in studies that investigate substance use include mostly or exclusively males. Read More |
TRIVIA QUESTION OF THE WEEKCongratulations to Tracey Christilles, Patsy Ray, Teresa Stauffer, Raynelle Lanier, Melody Owens, Olumide Akerele, Cindi Maurice and Catherine Cardenas who all knew the answer to last week's trivia question:
In 2017, the U.S. Supreme Court's decision raised the standard for school systems that had set only the most limited goals for the children with disabilities. The Court reasoned that "a student offered an educational program providing merely more than de minimis progress from year to year can hardly be said to have been offered an education at all." What is the name of this most recent U.S. Supreme Court case?
ANSWER: Endrew F. v. Douglas County School District
This week's question: FILL IN THE BLANK: According to Aristotle, it is the mark of an ______ to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it. If you know the answer, email us at by October 10, 2017. We will acknowledge your correct answer in the next edition of the Week in Review
Most Alternative Therapies for Treating Autism Show Inconclusive BenefitsDr. Shafali Jeste knows well the desperation of a parent seeking a cure for their child with autism spectrum disorder. As a clinician who both researches the causes of the disorder and treats children with autism, Jeste, UCLA associate professor of psychiatry, neurology and pediatrics and a lead investigator in the UCLA Center for Autism Research and Treatment, understands why many parents will try anything that sounds reasonable. A change to a gluten- and casein-free diet to reduce symptoms. Mega-vitamins for the same. Medical marijuana to calm. Melatonin to sleep. Omega-3 fatty acids for hyperactivity. Delaying or refusing vaccinations. All done, usually, in addition to the standard medications that are prescribed to children on the spectrum, including Ritalin, Adderall or Risperdal. Read More |
Preterm Children Have More Medical Sleep Problems but Fall Asleep More IndependentlyA new study suggests that while healthy preterm children have more medical sleep problems than full-term children, they are more likely to fall asleep independently. Results show that preterm children displayed more medical sleep problems such as nocturnal movement, restlessness during the night and breathing problems, compared with those born at full term. However, a lower degree of behavioral sleep problems were present in preterm children. "Preterm children needed less support to fall asleep and fell asleep more often alone in their own bed compared to those born at full term," said principal investigator Dr. Barbara Caravale, a researcher in the Department of Developmental and Social Psychology at Sapienza University in Rome, Italy. "However, preterm children showed more frequent sleep difficulties, such as restlessness and breathing problems during the night." Read More
One in Four Girls is Depressed at Age 14New research shows a quarter of girls (24%) and one in 10 boys (9%) are depressed at age 14. Researchers from the University of Liverpool and University College London analysed information on more than 10,000 children born in 2000-01 who are taking part in the Millennium Cohort Study. At ages 3, 5, 7, 11 and 14, parents reported on their children's mental health. Then, when they reached 14, the children were themselves asked questions about their depressive symptoms. Based on the 14-year-olds reporting of their emotional problems, 24 per cent of girls and 9 per cent of boys suffer from depression. Read More |
One in Four Girls is Depressed at Age 14New research shows a quarter of girls (24%) and one in 10 boys (9%) are depressed at age 14. Researchers from the University of Liverpool and University College London analysed information on more than 10,000 children born in 2000-01 who are taking part in the Millennium Cohort Study. At ages 3, 5, 7, 11 and 14, parents reported on their children's mental health. Then, when they reached 14, the children were themselves asked questions about their depressive symptoms. Based on the 14-year-olds reporting of their emotional problems, 24 per cent of girls and 9 per cent of boys suffer from depression. Read More |
Premature Births Cost Health Plans $6 Billion AnnuallyA new study estimates employer-sponsored health plans spent at least $6 billion extra on infants born prematurely in 2013 and a substantial portion of that sum was spent on infants with major birth defects. Birth defects affect 1 in 33 babies and are a leading cause of infant mortality in the United States. More than 5,500 infants die each year because of birth defects. The babies who live with birth defects are at increased risk for developing many lifelong physical, cognitive and social challenges that also affect their families. The study, by researchers at the University of Utah and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), illustrates the substantial burden on insurers of premature births as well as the challenges in assessing the potential financial benefit of new interventions to prevent early births. Read More |
Child Abuse Affects Brain WiringFor the first time, researchers have been able to see changes in the neural structures in specific areas of the brains of people who suffered severe abuse as children. Difficulties associated with severe childhood abuse include increased risks of psychiatric disorders such as depression, as well as high levels of impulsivity, aggressivity, anxiety, more frequent substance abuse, and suicide. For the optimal function and organization of the brain, electrical signals used by neurons may need to travel over long distances to communicate with cells in other regions. The longer axons of this kind are generally covered by a fatty coating called myelin. Myelin sheaths protect the axons and help them to conduct electrical signals more efficiently. Myelin builds up progressively (in a process known as myelination) mainly during childhood, and then continue to mature until early adulthood. Read More |
One in 5 Teens Report Having had a Concussion in their LifetimeA new University of Michigan study confirms what many hospital emergency rooms nationwide are seeing: Teens playing contact sports suffer from concussions. In fact, one out of five teens reported at least one concussion diagnosis during their lifetime, and 5.5 percent have had more than one concussion, the study indicated. The study, published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), comes at a time as interest in concussions among pro athletes -- especially those in the National Football League -- has increased in the last decade. Little, however, is known about the prevalence of concussions among teens in the United States, said Phil Veliz, a researcher at the Institute for Research on Women and Gender. Read More |
Disability and Social Inclusion in Latin AmericaDisability and poverty often go hand in hand, and both are important barriers to education throughout Latin America - 70% of people with disabilities in the region say they experience such barriers. In Chile more than 94% of young people and adults over 24 years old had never received health care and rehabilitation for their disability. There are 1.6 million people with disabilities of working age over 15 years old in Chile and 90% of them are unemployed, according to independent studies. Training increases people's chances of finding a job and being employed in better working conditions. This is the main reason why an educator can change the picture. These barriers represent a challenge that society must face, since education is key to the social inclusion of all people. Even though the state of disability inclusion throughout Latin America is discouraging, there are many ways to help building this culture of inclusion through education. You can learn more about inclusive education in Latin America at If you are looking for an opportunity to develop your professional skills and you are fluent in Spanish, America Solidaria is an international nonprofit that has been mobilizing young professionals for 15 years to overcome poverty and inequality. They offer an international development fellowship to serve for a year in disability inclusion in a Latin American country, including Chile, to which you can apply here. Read More |

Preschool Teachers Need Better Training in SciencePreschool instructors appear to lack the knowledge, skills and confidence to effectively teach their young students science -- a problem that is likely contributing to America's poor global performance in this crucially important subject. A first-of-its-kind study by Michigan State University researchers found that early childhood educators' self-reported ability and enjoyment was high for literacy, but much lower for science and math. Further, while 99 percent of preschool teachers engaged in literacy instruction three to four times a week, that figure fell to 75 percent in math and only 42 percent in science. Read More |
Study Raises Expectations for Improved Language Skills in the Deaf and Hard-of-HearingUniversal screening of newborns for hearing loss before they leave the hospital is not enough to improve language skills of children who are deaf and hard of hearing, according to a new study. Research scientists at Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center say that at least 40 percent of children with a hearing loss have the capacity for higher language levels -- beyond what test scores indicate. "We have focused efforts for children who are deaf or hard of hearing on obtaining a language level that is often considered in the normal or average range on standardized assessments," says Jareen Meinzen-Derr, PhD, an epidemiologist at Cincinnati Children's and lead author of a new study. "But their language skills are not good enough if we account for their cognitive abilities." Read More |
Honor Society for Special Education Teachers

* Special Education - Bard High School Early College - Bard High School Early College (BHSEC) Queens, a ten-minute subway ride from central Manhattan, is founded on a partnership between Bard College and the New York City Department of Education. We invite applications for a full-time special education faculty position in mathematics and/or science beginning immediately. BHSEC, a national model in the field of public school reform, enables talented and highly motivated students to move in four years from the ninth grade through the first two years of college, earning an associate of arts (A.A.) degree from Bard College as well as a New York State Regents high school diploma. To learn more - Click here
* Developmental Therapist - Provide developmental instruction to children birth to three years old with developmental delays or disabilities in the home, child care center, hospital or any other environment that is natural to the child. Provide coaching to caregivers to help them implement strategies to increase the child's learning opportunities and participation in daily life. Evaluate developmental levels of children, participate in IFSP and IEP meetings. To learn more - Click here
* Early Childhood Special Educator- Sterling/Magnum Medical seeks an Early Childhood Special Educator to work at Naples, Italy and Lakenheath, UK - 2 positions available. The program provides services to children of American military families stationed overseas who are at risk for, or diagnosed with, developmental delays. To learn more - Click here
* Special Education Teacher - Supplemental Health Care is seeking a qualified and dedicated Special Education Teacher for high school age or middle school students for a school in Chicago. The position requires a dedicated educator with a passion for education and students. To learn more - Click here
* Director of Special Education - National Heritage Academies (NHA), one of the nation's leading charter school management organizations, currently operates 84 schools across nine states serving over 58,000 students in Kindergarten through 8th grade. Founded in 1995 and based in Grand Rapids, Michigan, NHA is a for-profit organization with nearly 5,000 employees. National Heritage Academies is seeking an experienced and knowledgeable Director of Special Education to lead a department in meeting the needs of NHA's student population nationwide. To learn more - Click here
* ESE Preschool Teacher - We have an opening in our Preschool for an ESE Preschool Teacher to provide high quality, comprehensive and developmentally-appropriate instruction and child care to meet the individual needs of children and their families. Ideal candidates will have some experience teaching preschool students with disabilities, possess exceptional interpersonal and communication skills and have a passion for teaching young children. To learn more - Click here
* Special Education Teacher - We are seeking inspired and dynamic educators to join our team and provide a top quality education for all of our students. Whether you are starting your teaching career or are looking to launch a new chapter, your passion and experience will be deeply valued and your opportunities for growth and impact will be limitless. To learn more - Click here
* Lead ED Special Education Teacher - The Lead Special Education Teacher for Cornerstone is an integral member of the academics team whose focus is to guide students in their social-emotional and academic development. To learn more - Click here
* Assistant Professor of Education- The Moravian College Education Department invites applications for a tenure-track position in educational psychology with a focus on special education, inclusive education, and/or disability studies in education, beginning the Fall Term 2018. Members of the Moravian College Education Department view and carry out their work in the context of the College's liberal arts ethos. To learn more - Click here
* Special Education Specialist - The primary responsibility of the Special Education Specialist is to provide instruction and other related services to Special Education students. The Special Education Specialist will also facilitate diagnostic assessment including administration, scoring and interpretation. To learn more - Click here
If you are an Employer looking for excellent special education staff - Click here for more information |