Dear NASET News, Welcome to NASET'sWEEK in REVIEW. Here, we provide you with the latest publications from NASET to read and or download, as well as some of the most interesting articles that have happened this week in the field of special education. We hope you enjoy this publication. Feel free to send us articles for this publication or let us know your thoughts about the WEEK in REVIEW at Have a great weekend.
NASET News Team |
NEW THIS WEEK ON NASETNASET Special Educator e-Journal July 2017Table of Contents- One Size Does Not Fit All: Facilitating Parental Involvement in the Special Education System - By Kelly Green
- How the Student's Culture Can Affect the Education and Services Provided to Students with Disabilities: A Review of the Literature - By Jaclyn Sachs
- Disproportionality in Special Education: A Review of the Literature - By Norma Samburgo
- Improving Multicultural Parental Involvement through Cultural Responsiveness and Advocacy - By Lisa-Stephanie Valme
- Not Being Left Behind: Ensuring Equal Access to Education for Students with Disabilities: A Review of the Literature - By Christine Williams
- Section 504 Review and Students with Medical Disabilities | Video
- What You Need to Know: Information and Support for Parents of Children with Kidney Disease
- Buzz from the Hub | Summertime's Ahead
_______________________________________________________________________________ NEW THIS WEEK ON NASETNASET's LD Report
General and Special Education Teachers' Perceptions of the Implementation of Differentiated Instruction in Elementary Classrooms with Learning Disabilities Students. By Hana Z. Alamri
This issue of NASET's LD Report was written by Hana Z. Alamri. The purpose of this study is to investigate special and general education teachers' attitudes and understanding of the implementation of differentiated instruction (DI) with students who have learning disabilities (LD) in elementary school levels. The results showed important information about teachers' understanding and perceptions; most of them understood the significance of DI and implemented it during teaching. In addition, the results reveal that there is a connection between teachers' perceptions and the number of courses taken in DI. Teachers also showed that DI is important for all students and teachers, especially with co-teaching and collaboration teams. Most teachers indicated that the biggest obstacle to successfully implementing DI is that there is a lack of time needed to do the necessary work. This shows that further research should be done in this area to make DI easier for teachers to implement in order for students to receive the full benefits.
An App That Lets You Converse with the Deaf, No Sign Language NecessaryTranscense is a new app that accurately translates conversations in real time so the deaf and hard of hearing can participate in meetings, presentations and conversations. Founders Thibault Duchemin, Pieter Doevendans and Skinner Cheng say one-on-one conversations are easy for the deaf. Either they are speaking with someone who can sign or they can just read lips. However, it's very hard to follow group conversations with several people speaking at once. This makes it hard to catch things and converse during group meals with friends who don't sign or at an office meeting where they might miss something important. This app is personal for two of the three founders. Cheng has been deaf since he was two and Duchemin is a coda, meaning he grew up with deaf family members. Read More |
For Children with Autism, No More Being HushedFor children with autism, Dorothy Siegel does not believe in paraprofessionals, the teaching assistants sometimes assigned to shadow students in class. To show you why, Ms. Siegel, 70, a longtime special education advocate, grabs your arm, pokes you and forcibly turns your head toward the teacher, the way an aide might. "The para is not someone who's there to help a child understand how to interpret the environment so he doesn't get upset," she said recently. "The para is there to keep him out of trouble, so they'll allow him to continue in that classroom." Read More |

The Importance of Time and Space in Brain Development and DiseaseExactly when and where individual neurons develop is as important to our understanding of brain diseases as the underlying genetics, experts have shown. New research from Newcastle University, UK, and published today in the academic journal Trends in Cognitive Science, shows for the first time how morphological changes in the brain help shape its neural networks -- the human connectome. Carrying out a review of brain research carried out over the past 15 years, the study shows that in addition to genetic and environmental drivers, the exact time of development of each neuron and its position in the brain are key to ensuring the right connections are made. Ultimately determining how the brain is wired as an adult, changes in cognition and behavior for developmental diseases such as schizophrenia, autism, and ADHD are linked to changes in the network organization in the brain. Read More |
Why Do Those with Autism Avoid Eye Contact?Individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) often find it difficult to look others in the eyes. This avoidance has typically been interpreted as a sign of social and personal indifference, but reports from people with autism suggests otherwise. Many say that looking others in the eye is uncomfortable or stressful for them -- some will even say that "it burns" -- all of which points to a neurological cause. Now, a team of investigators based at the Athinoula A. Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging at Massachusetts General Hospital has shed light on the brain mechanisms involved in this behavior. They reported their findings in a Scientific Reports paper published online this month. Read More |
Passive Smoking in Childhood Linked to Rheumatoid ArthritisThe results of a study presented at the Annual European Congress of Rheumatology (EULAR) 2017 press conference confirmed the link between active smoking and the risk of developing rheumatoid arthritis (RA). However, interestingly, it also suggested for the first time that in smokers, exposure to tobacco early in life through passive smoking in childhood significantly increased this risk. In a second study, the preliminary results of a meta-analysis showed that smoking is associated with increased progression of structural damage to the spine in patients with ankylosing spondylitis (AS). Another important reason why rheumatologists should encourage their AS patients to quit smoking. Read More |
Putting Lids on KidsHerndon attorney Doug Landau of Abrams Landau Law Firm made a presentation on bike safety at the Herndon Neighborhood Resource Center on Thursday evening, June 8. This was through Landau's Lids on Kids initiative to put bike helmets on children. Landau visits elementary schools in Herndon, Reston, Loudoun, and the surrounding areas, as well as scout troops and events such as Herndon Neighborhood Resource Center's Parents Night. According to Karen Pope, Program Manager for the Resource Center, this was the final Parents Night of the year. The topic was summer safety. During Landau's presentation, he asked the children an important question: Had they met anyone with a brain replacement? Unsurprisingly, none had. This helped put the importance of wearing a helmet into perspective for the young audience. "You get one brain," Landau told the elementary aged children, "so you have to take really good care of it." Read More |
Board Certification in Special Education Available to NASET Members Through an agreement with The American Academy of Special Education Professionals(AASEP), NASET members now have the opportunity to achieve AASEP Board Certification in Special Education - (B.C.S.E.) at a reduced fee. AASEP Board Certification in Special Education - (B.C.S.E.) is a voluntary choice on the part of the candidate. The candidate for Board Certification wishes to demonstrate a commitment to excellence to employers, peers, administrators, other professionals, and parents. From the standpoint of the Academy, board certification will demonstrate the highest professional competency in the area of special education. Board Certification in Special Educationestablishes a much needed standard for professionals, across disciplines, who work with exceptional children.Read More |
First All-Accessible Water Park Opens in TexasThe first universally accessible water park is here. Morgan's Inspiration Island, a new water park designed for parkgoers of all abilities - including people with disabilities - opens this Saturday in San Antonia, Tex. "Like Morgan's Wonderland, Morgan's Inspiration Island is not a special-needs park; it's a park of inclusion," said Gordon Hartman, the philanthropist behind the park, in statement. "Those with physical or cognitive challenges can do just as much as everyone else," spokesperson Bob McCullough told TIME in an e-mail. A seven-story lighthouse, a number of pool areas equipped with water jets, cannons, geysers, "rain curtain" are all spread out around island-themed park. There's also a twisty riverboat ride around a "jungle" and "Rainbow Reef" where you can adjust the water temperature. Read More |
Students with Disabilities in Need of Volunteer AdvocatesStudents with disabilities are in need of volunteers to advocate for their educational rights. Maine is searching for more educational surrogate parents for such students, some of whom may be in state custody. An educational surrogate parent can act independently on behalf of a student with disabilities. The Department of Education matches up children and volunteers. The special education process includes meetings to discuss the child's programming and requests for educational hearings. Read More |
TRIVIA QUESTION OF THE WEEKCongratulations to Melody Owens, Patsy Ray and Olumide Akerele who knew the answer to last week's trivia question.
QUESTION: According to a study funded by the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS), part of the National Institutes of Health, baby teeth from children with this disorder contain more toxic lead and less of the essential nutrients zinc and manganese, compared to teeth from children without this disorder. The findings, published June 1 in the journal Nature Communications, suggest that differences in early-life exposure to metals, or more importantly how a child's body processes them, may affect the risk of this disorder. What is the disorder?
ANSWER: Autism Spectrum Disorder
This week's question: Earlier studies have pegged the risk of motor vehicle crashes with teenagers suffering from attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) behind the wheel, as much higher than what a recent study has revealed. Now it is known that the risk of a motor vehicle crashes with adolescents with ADHD is what percentage higher than all other newly licensed teenagers and young drivers? If you know the answer, email us at by July 3, 2017. We will acknowledge your correct answer in the next edition of the Week in Review
Anchorage's Students with Disabilities Get Out-of-School Suspensions Three Times More Often Than PeersCassandra didn't expect the phone call about her son. She had just picked up the eighth-grade child from the nurse's office at Anchorage's Goldenview Middle School on a Tuesday in March. He didn't feel well. "We bring him home and an hour later we get a call from the office, telling us he's been put on emergency suspension for what he did Monday," Cassandra said. Her son has autism and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, or ADHD. Alaska Dispatch News isn't using the last name of the mother, Cassandra, to avoid identifying her son. The call from the office was notice that the school had handed him a five-day emergency suspension for "aggressively staring" at a teaching assistant in a general education classroom, Cassandra said. Read More |
People with Disabilities Hit Waves During Surfing Event At Jersey ShoreIt happens in 12 cities across the country, but on Sunday, Life Rolls On rolled on to Wildwood Crest in New Jersey for the "They Will Surf Again" event. On the waves, many feel limitless. "One of the beautiful things about being in the water is the freedom," said Heather Markham. Because on land, some are paralyzed by spinal cord injuries or disabilities. "I actually have muscular dystrophy," Markham said. "So I have no push and no ability to walk." Markham forgets that when she's in the water - and it's why she traveled from Louisville, Kentucky to be here. "It's awesome," she said. Read More
Study Explains Hospitalization Odds for Youth with AutismHaving a mood disorder significantly boosts the odds that young people with autism will be hospitalized for psychiatric care, according to a new study. People with autism are often hospitalized when their behavior problems overwhelm their caregivers, the study authors said. "The demand is far greater than the number of clinicians, the number of programs and the number of beds we have," said study leader Giulia Righi. She is an assistant professor of psychiatry and human behavior research at Brown University's Warren Alpert Medical School. Righi's team reviewed records of 473 people with autism, aged 4 to 20. The risk of hospitalization was seven times higher for those with a mood disorder. Read More
Is it OK for Parents to be Supportive to Children's Negative Emotions?New research suggests that whereas mothers who are more supportive of their children's negative emotions rate their children as being more socially skilled, these same children appear less socially adjusted when rated by teachers. Specifically, mothers' supportive reactions predicted fewer socioemotional skills and more problem behaviors, according to children's third-grade teachers. These contrasting patterns suggest a potential downside to mothers' supportiveness of children's negative emotions for third-grade children's social adjustment in school. "It's not clear if the parents are causing these problems by hovering or providing too much support when less support is needed, if the parents are rightfully providing more support because their children are experiencing these social and emotional problems, or if the children are exhibiting very different emotional and social behaviors at home than they are at school," said Dr. Vanessa Castro, co-author of the Social Development study. Read More |
Does Fetal Antidepressant Exposure Increase the Risk of Autism in Children?Depression is one of the most frequent difficulties during pregnancy, affecting approximately 1 in 10 women. Depression is particularly concerning in pregnant women as it is linked to adverse effects on the developing child including poor fetal growth, preterm birth and developmental issues. Depression during pregnancy also puts the mother at an increased risk for postpartum depression and chronic depression. While mild depression can often be treated with nonpharmacological strategies (ie. cognitive-behavioral therapy), the use of antidepressants may be required in some cases. Read More |
Quality of Early Family Relationships Affects Children's Mental HealthThe birth of a child is often a long-awaited and deeply meaningful event for the parents. However, the transition to parenthood also forces the parents to revise their interparental romantic relationship and to answer the new questions arising from parenthood. At the same time as the parents learn how to cope with the new situation, the infant undergoes one of the most intense developmental periods in human life. Previous attachment research has demonstrated the importance of the mother-infant relationship to children's emotional development, but there is still relatively little research on the role of fathers, the marital relationship and the family as a whole. Read More |
Lawsuit Filed by the American Civil Liberties Union in Washington Challenges Discipline Issues for Students with Special NeedsEvery child in Washington is entitled to a public-school education, no matter his or her abilities. Special-education students are no exception, even if they are disruptive, thanks to Washington's education and anti-discrimination laws. However, a lawsuit filed by the American Civil Liberties Union of Washington in Thurston County Superior Court rightly challenges the way these laws are being enforced in Yakima and Pasco and, more worrisome, implies the issues could be widespread. The lawsuit filed against the state Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction tells disturbing stories about five children who were disciplined so much they missed a significant amount of class time. Read More |

*Teacher of Students with Autism - The teacher will develop, implement and monitor the students' Individualized Education Programs in collaboration with parents and other IEP Team members. The teacher will promote a collaborative relationship with school staff and parents that will foster inclusionary practices. To learn more - Click here *Early Childhood Special Education Teacher - The teacher will develop, implement and monitor the students' Individualized Education Programs in collaboration with parents and other IEP Team members. The teacher will promote a collaborative relationship with school staff and parents that will foster inclusionary practices. To learn more - Click here *Special Education Preschool Teacher - Longview School District seeks lead teacher for special education preschool classroom serving three and four year old children with a range of communication, social-emotional, and physical developmental delays, including those with autism spectrum disorder. To learn more - Click here *Inclusive Specialist (Special Education) Teacher - Bright Star Schools is a free, publicly funded and open enrollment non-profit organization with seven public charters in urban Los Angeles. We are seeking a certified Inclusive Specialist (Special Education) Teacher to join our people-first and student-first family! We are also currently offering a $5,000 signing bonus to all new 2017-18 Inclusive Specialist Teachers. To learn more - Click here *Special Education Teacher - Summit Public Schools is hiring Special Education teachers in Redwood City, San Jose, and Richmond, CA, as well as Tacoma, WA. Teaching at Summit is unlike teaching in a traditional environment. Our teachers know the individual strengths and areas for growth of each of their students. To learn more - Click here *K-5 Special Education Teacher - ASU Preparatory Academy offers competitive salary, generous benefits, PTO and paid holidays, tuition waivers, professional development opportunities, and a collaborative environment that drives innovation. ASU Preparatory Academy is an Equal Opportunity Employer committed to a diverse and inclusive workforce. To Learn more - Click here *Autism Home School Teacher - A Unique Opportunity for the Intellectually Curious in Autism Education and Adult Development. We are looking for an experienced and enthusiastic autism education specialist to be the main curriculum development and program director/teacher for our homeschool program. To learn more - Click here *Teaching in New York City - New York City public schools offer competitive starting salaries ranging from $54,000 to $81,694, based on prior teaching experience as well as your undergraduate and graduate education. To learn more - Click Here
*Special Education Specialist - The primary responsibility of the Special Education Specialist is to provide instruction and other related services to Special Education students. The Special Education Specialist will also facilitate diagnostic assessment including administration, scoring and interpretation. To learn more - Click here
If you are an Employer looking for excellent special education staff - Click here for more information |