National Association of Special Education Teachers February 10, 2017 Vol 13 Issue #6
Dear NASET News, Welcome to NASET'sWEEK in REVIEW. Here, we provide you with the latest publications from NASET to read and or download, as well as some of the most interesting articles that have happened this week in the field of special education. We hope you enjoy this publication. Feel free to send us articles for this publication or let us know your thoughts about the WEEK in REVIEW at Have a great weekend.
NASET News Team |
NEW THIS WEEK ON NASETThe Practical Teacher
A Collaborative Approach to Managing Challenging Behaviors of Students with Disabillities: A Review of Literature By Amy Wright
This issue of NASET's Practical Teacher was written by Amy Wright. Managing challenging behaviors of students with special needs is not only a concern within the confines of the educational setting, but it is also an issue that can significantly impact effective collaborations between school personnel and the families of the students. Identifying challenging behaviors at an early age, developing effective intervention strategies to manage these behaviors, in addition to fostering cohesive collaboration between teachers and parents; are all important in addressing this issue. Studies have shown that effective parent-teacher collaboration is the most crucial element when analyzing the overall outcome of behavior interventions. Read More
Fecal Transplants May Yield Lasting Benefits in Autism
In a study of children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD), fecal microbiota transplant (FMT) led to significant and lasting improvements in both gastrointestinal (GI) symptoms and ASD-related symptoms, researchers report. "We were hoping for some improvement in GI symptoms but were surprised to see 80% improvement," Ann Gregory, one of the study's lead authors and a microbiology graduate student at the Ohio State University in Columbus, told Medscape Medical News. "Further, we were hoping for some improvement in autism symptoms and were pleased to see about a 25% improvement in only 10 weeks that remained after treatment stopped," she added. Read More |
Kids with ADHD Account for More than 6 Million Physician Office Visits a YearKids with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder account for more than 6 million physician office visits a year in the United States, say U.S. health officials. An average 6.1 million trips to a doctor, pediatrician or psychiatrist by children aged 4 to 17 in 2013 involved treatment for diagnosed ADHD, according to a report from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The number represents 6 percent of all kids' visits to the doctor in 2013, said senior author Jill Ashman. She is a statistician with CDC's National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS). The percentage has increased from a decade earlier, when 4 percent of physician visits were related to ADHD treatment, she said. Read More |

The 9 Things People with Learning Disabilities Want You to Know
How often do you see two famous people with learning disabilities (LDs) in the same movie? Well, probably more often than you think. Since many people with LDs are creative and unconventional, it's common for them to become movie stars, entrepreneurs, or athletes. Orlando Bloom and Keira Knightley, for example, who both appeared in Pirates of the CaribbeanDead Man's Chest, both have learning disabilities. But the road to success is rarely easy, and an LD adds another dimension that can be a struggle. Keira Knightley describes her journey through school saying: "I was called stupid a lot by many lovely kids at school and that makes you pretty determined to learn to read and write and figure out ways around it, so I did." Orlando Bloom has used his own experience to advocate for children with dyslexia: "If you have kids who are struggling with dyslexia, the greatest gift you can give them is the sense that nothing is unattainable. With dyslexia comes a very great gift, which is the way that your mind can think creatively." Read More |

Childhood Autism Diagnosis 'In Vogue' in Germany
German doctors are diagnosing too many children and young people with autism, a new study by a team of child psychiatrists and researchers has found. Mining seven years of data from state health insurer AOK, a team led by child psychiatrist Christian Bachmann and Falk Hoffmann, a health services researcher at the Carl-von-Ossietzky-University in Oldenburg, found that only a third of autism diagnoses of under-24s in 2007 had the same diagnosis in 2012. In many of the other cases, in which the diagnosis had been dropped in the intervening years, people may therefore have been prescribed inappropriate treatment or medication. The researchers believe many of these children may simply have a low IQ or learning difficulties, rather than autism. Read More |
Exercise Can Help Adults Better Cope with ADHD Symptoms
Exercise, even a small amount, can help alleviate symptoms of ADHD in adults, according to a recent study by University of Georgia researchers. The study, released in the journal Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, found a single bout of exercise has psychological benefits for adults with these elevated ADHD symptoms. About 6 percent of American adults report symptoms consistent with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, or ADHD, which lead to anxiety, depression, low energy and motivation, poor performance at work or school and also increased traffic accidents. Read More |
New Approach May Treat Autism by Dialing up GenesInjecting snippets of RNA into the brain could gently boost the expression of certain genes, according to a mouse study. The finding could help safely treat some forms of autism. Many mutations associated with autism affect only one copy of a gene, leaving the other intact. In these cases, researchers could use RNA snippets to boost the expression of the undamaged copy. In the new work, described 20 December in Scientific Reports, researchers increased the expression of the FOXG1 gene in mice. Missing one copy of FOXG1 leads a developmental condition that resembles Rett syndrome, which is characterized by motor deficits, language delay and autism features. Too much FOXG1, on the other hand, could lead to a form of epilepsycalled West syndrome. Read More |
Board Certification in Special Education Available to NASET Members Through an agreement with The American Academy of Special Education Professionals(AASEP), NASET members now have the opportunity to achieve AASEP Board Certification in Special Education - (B.C.S.E.) at a reduced fee. AASEP Board Certification in Special Education - (B.C.S.E.) is a voluntary choice on the part of the candidate. The candidate for Board Certification wishes to demonstrate a commitment to excellence to employers, peers, administrators, other professionals, and parents. From the standpoint of the Academy, board certification will demonstrate the highest professional competency in the area of special education. Board Certification in Special Educationestablishes a much needed standard for professionals, across disciplines, who work with exceptional children.Read More |
Premature Babies Don't Use Sensory-Prediction Brain Process That May be Key to Development
Babies born prematurely don't use their expectations about the world to shape their brains as babies born at full term do, important evidence that this neural process is important to development. The findings offer clues to the mystery of why otherwise healthy babies born prematurely face higher risk of developmental delays as they grow, according to researchers at Princeton University, the University of Rochester Medical Center and the University of Rochester. The study appears Jan. 26 in the journal Current Biology. In 6-month-old babies born at-term, the portions of the brain responsible for visual processing respond not just to what the baby sees but also to what the baby expects to see. That's a sign babies are learning from their experiences, said Lauren Emberson, an assistant professor of psychology at Princeton. But babies born prematurely don't demonstrate that type of brain response to expectations, known as top-down processing. Read More |
Stereotypes About 'Brilliance' Affect Girls' Interests as Early as Age 6, New Study Finds
By the age of 6, girls become less likely than boys to associate brilliance with their own gender and are more likely to avoid activities said to require brilliance, shows a new study conducted by researchers at New York University, the University of Illinois, and Princeton University. The findings appear in the journal Science. The research, led by Lin Bian, a doctoral student at the University of Illinois, and NYU psychology professor Andrei Cimpian, demonstrates how early gender stereotypes take hold and points to the potential of their life-long impact. Sarah-Jane Leslie, professor of philosophy at Princeton University, also contributed to the research. Read More |
Congratulations to: Pamela Downing-Hosten, Patsy Ray, Olumide Akerele, Sharon Johnson-Hiltz and Tracey Christilles who all knew the answer to last week's trivia question:
QUESTION: According to the latest research in the field, approximately how many children worldwide are born each year with fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS)?
ANSWER: Approximately 119,000

Getting Schoolchildren Active in Class to Build Lifelong Healthy Habits
Could getting schoolchildren to be more active in class encourage them to sit less and improve their learning experience? A new study hopes to find out. Researchers at Loughborough University and the University of Leicester, Nottingham, and Victoria University (Australia) are working with Year 5 teachers and their pupils in seven Leicestershire schools on the CLASS PAL (Physically Active Learning) project to help them incorporate 'physically active learning' into their daily lessons. Teachers are being encouraged to integrate movement into the teaching of normal lessons, which could not only enhance children's engagement and enjoyment of learning, but also help make the school day less sedentary. Read More |
Lehigh University's intensive one-week institute provides a practical analysis of legislation, regulations, and court decisions relating to the education of students with disabilities. The symposium is designed for special education coordinators and teachers, principals, psychologists, parent advocates, charter school personnel, attorneys (on both sides), hearing officers, state education agency personnel, and other individuals interested in a thorough exploration of the special education legal landscape.
The program offers two parallel tracks, one for basic that offers in-depth foundation knowledge about the IDEA and Section 504: eligibility, FAPE, LRE, student discipline, and remedies. The other track is for advanced participants, offering brand new "hot topics," such as child find nuances, pending Supreme Court cases, the behavioral legal alphabet soup, current parental participation parameters, and settlement strategies.
Included in the symposium is a separable two-day (June 22-23) training for school district Section 504 coordinators, including the latest litigated Section 504 disputes, an in-depth comparison of the IDEA and Section 504, and a "nuts and bolts" how-to session about how to appropriately and effectively implement Section 504.
The Symposium is offered with the options of graduate or continuing education credit for week-long participants. Shorter, including daily, registrations are also available. For full information, go to For any questions, email or call Shannon Weber or Donna Johnson at or (610) 758-5557. |
Brain Shape Linked to Personality Differences
New research reveals the shape of our brain can provide surprising clues about how we behave and our risk of developing mental health disorders. Florida State University College of Medicine Associate Professor Antonio Terracciano joined a team of researchers from the United States, United Kingdom and Italy to examine the connection between personality traits and brain structure. Their study, published in the journal Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, looked at differences in the anatomy of the cortex (the outer layer of the brain) as indexed by three measures -- the thickness, area, and amount of folding in the cortex -- and how these measures related to the five major personality traits. Read More |
Delaying Marijuana Smoking to Age 17 Cuts Risks to Teens' Brains, New Study Suggests
The more teenagers delay smoking marijuana until they're older, the better it is for their brains, but there may be little ill effect if they start after age 17, says a new Université de Montréal study. Adolescents who smoke pot as early as 14 do worse by 20 on some cognitive tests and drop out of school at a higher rate than non-smokers, confirms the study, published Dec. 29 in Development and Psychopathology, a Cambridge University Press journal. "Overall, these results suggest that, in addition to academic failure, fundamental life skills necessary for problem-solving and daily adaptation [...] may be affected by early cannabis exposure," the study says. |
How to Help Students Crush Math Anxiety
Last month I gave my students a survey, asking them various questions related to extracurricular activities, learning preferences - things about their lives in and out of school. My purpose was to get to know them better and to find more common ground so that I could be a more effective teacher. Two questions on the surveywere: What is your least favorite class or activity in school and why?andWhich subject is most challenging to you? Is the challenge positive or negative? My students' answers surprised me and had me looking for answers. Read More |
Disability Advocates Threaten to Sue Texas Over Special Education Cap
Disability advocates on Monday threatened to sue the Texas Education Agency unless the state permanently ends its special education enrollment benchmark within the next month. The advocates said immediate action was necessary because of the "devastating harm" caused by the benchmark. The state already has suspended and pledged to eventually eliminate the decade-old benchmark, which punished school districts for giving special education services to more than 8.5 percent of students. But the state has angered advocates by not saying when it will permanently end the policy. "The time for action to protect and support Texas's children with disabilities is now," the advocates from the Coalition of Texans with Disabilities and Disability Rights Texas wrote in a letter to the Texas Education Agency and Commissioner Mike Morath. Read More |
State Fails to Support Disability Services, Report Finds
A federal court monitor is criticizing Illinois for failing to ensure that people with developmental disabilities receive adequate support within their communities for a second year in a row. The monitor's annual report, issued last week, says a lack of state funding to raise caregiver wages has created unprecedented shortages of workers who assist developmentally disabled residents when they move out of institutions and into apartments or group homes. The services include everything from eating and hygiene to learning life skills. The report expanded on a similar finding last year. But the Illinois Department of Human Services said in a statement that it disagrees with the conclusion. The agency insists the state continues to meet requirements laid out in a federal decree issued in 2011 after civil rights groups sued Illinois for failing to comply with a 1999 Supreme Court ruling that unjustified institutionalization constitutes discrimination. Read More |
Could the 'Mediterranean' Diet Help Prevent ADHD?
Kids who follow a Mediterranean diet -- high in fruits, vegetables and "good" fats -- may be less likely to have attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), a small study suggests. Research on 120 children in Spain found that those with "low adherence" to the traditional Mediterranean diet were seven times more likely to have ADHD. In general, kids with ADHD ate fewer fruits, vegetables and fatty fish -- and more junk food and fast food, according to the study findings. However, the findings point only to a correlation and not a cause-and-effect link between the Mediterranean diet and ADHD, said experts who were not involved in the study. Read More |
Chronic Bullying Can Show Up in Report Cards
Chronic bullying can take a toll on kids' grades. That's the suggestion of researchers said they found that young children who are bullied for years, or teens who face increased bullying in high school, lack confidence in their academic abilities, get lower grades and dislike school more than their peers. "It's extremely disturbing how many children felt bullied at school," said lead researcher Gary Ladd, a psychology professor at Arizona State University. "For teachers and parents, it's important to know that victimization tends to decline as kids get older, but some children never stop suffering from bullying during their school years," he added. Read More |
Honor Society for Special Education Teachers

*Special Education Teacher - The Special Education Teacher for the middle school 6:1:2 program promotes and develops successful learning for: students who demonstrate severe interfering behaviors; students on the autism spectrum; or other behavioral disabilities. To learn more - Click here *Special Education Coordinator (K-12) - The Special Education Coordinator is passionate about supporting the students who are at-risk for academic underperformance due to emotional and/or physical challenges so that they can succeed in the school's rigorous academic program. The Special Education Coordinator holds primary responsibility for providing academic, emotional, and physical services for students who require additional support to thrive within the school's core academic program. To learn more - Click here *Special Education Teacher - We offer a competitive compensation package, including a salary significantly above the district scale and comprehensive health benefits. Aside from extensive professional development, all our teachers are equipped with a laptop computer, email, high-speed internet access, library budget, and all necessary instructional supplies. To learn more - Click here *Special Education Teacher - Alliance is seeking teachers who are passionate about education excellence, committed to transforming the lives of children in communities where they are needed most, and want to join a team "where Exceptional is the Rule". As the largest nonprofit charter school network in Los Angeles, Alliance is closing the achievement gap at scale in the second largest city in the country. To learn more - Click here *Special Education Teacher - JCFS is looking for a Special Education Teacher for our Therapeutic Day School located in West Rogers Park. The Teacher creates and delivers student centered, individualized and small group academic instruction within a therapeutic, highly structured classroom. To learn more - Click here *Special Education Teacher - Our public school students need your expertise, passion and leadership. We are looking for highly motivated and skilled talent to join our team at District of Columbia. Public Schools (DCPS). We seek individuals who are passionate about transforming the DC school system and making a significant difference in the lives of public school students, parents, principals, teachers, and central office employees. To learn more - Click here *Special Services Manager - Puget Sound ESD is seeking a Special Services Manager to support the provision of pre-employment transition services to students with disabilities across the region. This is an exciting opportunity to support school district staff as they increase the post-secondary successes of students with disabilities through job exploration........To learn more - Click here * Children's Quality Reviewer - Conduct external quality review activities for Children's Long Term Support Waiver. Access multiple electronic health record systems and read member/participant records to evaluate compliance with certain federal and state requirements. To learn more - Click here *Certified Special Education Teacher - Since 1949, our client has been serving children with multiple and complex disabilities that public and private schools aren't able to accommodate. By providing a safe and nurturing environment and expert staff, children are learning and growing everyday. To learn more - Click here *Project Program Specialist - The Project Program Specialist will focus primarily on two projects: (1) the Center for Community Engagement's (CCE) implementation of Positive Behavioral Interventions, Supports (PBIS) and (2) Project LAUNCH, a program designed to help prevention efforts in mental health among children 0 to 8 and their families. To learn more - Click here *Arizona: Special Education Teacher - $46,000/school year (180 days). Summers off with year round pay. Special Education Teachers needed in Arizona (Phoenix and surrounding cities). Needs are in the self-contained and resource settings serving students with emotional disabilities (ED), Autism (A), Severe/Profound (S/P), and Intellectual Disabilities (ID). To learn more - Click here *ESS Coordinator / Special Education Teachers - Great Hearts Academies is committed to serving the students within our special education population in a manner that reflects and affirms their dignity and rightful participation within the larger student body. To learn more - Click here *Special Education Teacher - Provide special education services in small community/ies in northwest Alaska. Work with team, complete required paperwork, follow IEPs, assist with assessments. To learn more - Click here *Special Education Teacher - The Hoffman Academy is a special education, private, academic school for students identified with social and emotional disorders. The school is aligned with, and located on the grounds of, Hoffman Homes for Youth- a psychiatric residential treatment facility outside Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. The Hoffman Academy educates approximately 100 students. To learn more - Click here *Special Education Specialist - The primary responsibility of the Special Education Specialist is to provide instruction and other related services to Special Education students. The Special Education Specialist will also facilitate diagnostic assessment including administration, scoring and interpretation. To learn more - Click here
If you are an Employer looking for excellent special education staff - Click here for more information |